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<title>Eleventh Enochian Key (Satanic)</title>
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Eleventh Key </center></font>
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<P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
The Eleventh Key in English
<P>The mighty seat groaned aloud
<BR>And there were seven thunders
<BR>And the eagle spake
<BR>And cried with a loud voice:
<BR>Come away from the house of death!
<BR>And they gathered themselves together
<BR>And became those of whom it is measured;
<BR>The everlasting ones,
<BR>Who ride the whirlwinds.
<BR>Come Away! For I have prepared
<BR>A place for you.
<BR>Move therefore and show yourselves!
<BR>Open the mysteries of your Creation!
<BR>Be friendly unto me!
<BR>For I am the servant of the same!
<BR>The true worshipper of Satan/Lucifer
<BR>In glory and power exalted
<BR>Of the Kingdom of the South
<P>&nbsp;<P>The Eleventh Key in Enochian
<P>Oxiayal holdo od zirom
<BR>Q coraxo od vabzir camliax
<BR>Od bahal: Niiso salman teloch!
<BR>Od par aldon od noan
<BR>Casarman holq;
<BR>Gohed saga do zildar zong.
<BR>Niiso! Bagle abramg pi noncp.
<BR>Zacare ca od zamran!
<BR>Odo cicle qaa! Zorge!
<BR>Zir noco! Hoath Satan
<BR>Bvfd lonsh londoh babage
<P>&nbsp;<P>Eleventh Key Enochian Pronunciation
<P>ohk-see-AH-ee-ahl &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; HOH-luh-doh
<BR>OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ZEE-rohm &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; KUH
<BR>koh-RAHK-soh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; OHD
<BR>VAH-buh-zee-ruh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kah-muh-LEE-ahks
<BR>OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; bah-HAHL: &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; nee-EESS-oh
<BR>ZAH-luh-mahn &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; tay-LOH-kuh!
<BR>OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; PAH-ruh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; AH-luh-dohn
<BR>OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; NOH-ahn &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kuh-SAH-ruh-mahn
<BR>HOH-luh-kuh; &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; GOH-hud &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ZAH-gah,
<BR>DOH &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ZEE-luh-dahr &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ZOHNJZH.
<BR>nee-EESS-oh! &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; BAH-guh-lay
<BR>ah-buh-RAH-muhjzh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; PEE
<BR>NAH-nuh-kuh-puh. &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; zah-KAH-ray
<BR>KAH &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ZAH-muh-rahn!
<BR>OH-doh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; KEE-kuh-lay &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; KAH-ah!
<BR>ZOR-ruh-jzhay! &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ZEE-ruh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; NOH-koh!
<BR>hoh-AH-tuh-huh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; SAY-TAN
<BR>BUH-vuh-fuhd &nbsp;<EFBFBD> &nbsp; LOH-nuh-suh
<BR>LOH-nuh-doh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; bah-BAH-jzhay
<P>&nbsp;<P>&#169; Copyright 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries; <BR>Library of Congress Number: 12-16457
<P><BR><P><A HREF="HOME.html"><img
src="homepage.gif" border="0"></a>
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