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<title>English - Enochian T - Z</title>
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>English - Enochian T - Z</center></font>
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<P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
<P><font size="5">T</font>
talk= brita
talked= brita
tartar= lulo
tell them= mapsama
temple= siaion
terror= ciaofi
than the barren stone= orri
than the earth= caosgin
than the manifold winds= ozongon
that= fafen, na, ar
that govern= artabas
that increase= arcoazior
that range= dsonf
that understand= dsom
that you may praise him= restil
that the glory of her= busdirtilb/bvsdirtilb
the= a
thee= isli
their abiding= cafafam
their feet= lvsda
their hands= ozol
their heads= dazi
their names= omaoas
and their powers= odlonshin
from their mouths= bvtmoni/butmoni
in their beauty= tvrbs
in their eyes= ooanoan
of their mysteries= cicles
with their ministers=cnoqvodi
gave them= dlugar/dlvgar
giving unto them= dlvgar
in them= par
let them be defaced= tonug/tonvg
let them become= noasmi
let them differ= dilzmo
let them forget= bams
let them serve you= aboapri
there= da
there were= zirom
how many are there= irgilchisda
let there be= christeos
therefore= ca
these= unal/vnal
these are= unalchis/vnalchis
they= par, z
they are= zchis
they are apparailed= zonac
they are become= inoas
they frown not= ucim/vcim
all things= tofglo
the second beginning of things= croodzi
third flame= diaspert
and the third= odd
are as the third= chistad
the third angle= dviv
the third heaven= piripson
this= oi
thorn/s= nanba
those= priaz, priazi
thou= ils
art thou= ils
be thou= bolp
O thou= ils
thee= yls, ta
thy= il, q
thought/s= angelard
thousand= matb, eors
three= d
throne= oxiayal
through= malprg
thrusting= malprg
thunder= avavago, const, coraxo
the thunders of judgement and wrath= coraxo
the thunders of increase= avavago
thus= noan
thy beginning= croodzi
thy loins= daxil
in thy= aqlo
time= capimao, cocasb, cocasg
of time= cocasb
the time= acocasb
the contents of time= qcocasb
the number of time= gapimaon
time after time= capimali, capmiali
times= cocasg
for two times= olani
to= de
to are not= ichiseg
to the center= ovoars
to dispose= lrasd
to govern= caba
to him that= ds
to the intent that= fafen
to our comfort= bliors
to the providence= iarri
to the righteous= samvelg
to stir up= lring
to the stooping dragons= abaivonin
to the terror= ciaofi
to vanne the Earth= arcaosgi
to water= zlida
to whom= casarm
to the wicked= babalon
to you= nonca
be to the Earth= caosgon
not to be measured= maoffas
together= commah
torment= mir,
a torment= pizin
tower/s= umadea, vmadea
train= fafen
treasure= limlal
trinity= na
triumph (to triumph)= homtoh
triumpeth= toh
the true worshipper= hoath
the true ages= homil
truss/ed (to truss)= commah
truth= vaoan, vooan
and truth= vooan, odvooan
the secrets of truth= laiad
twelve= os
twenty-fourth= ol
twice= olani
two (seperated)= pala
two (together)= pola
for two times= olani
with two edged swords= napta
<P><font size="5">U</font>
of undefiled knowledge= iadanamad
<BR>under= oroch, orocha
under whom= casarmi
under whose= casarman
under you= oroch
underneath= orocha
understand= faaip, om
that understand= dsom
understanding= gmicalzoma, oma
her understanding= omtilb
with a power understanding= gmicalzoma
unspeakable= adphaht
until= cacrg
unto= pambt, pugo
unto the creator= qadah
unto every one of you= vomsarg
unto his servants= cnoqod
unto me= pambt
unto this remembrance= papnor
unto us= tia
unto whom= casarm
as unto= pvgo
be friendly unto me= zorge
giving unto them= dlugar/dlvgar
hearken unto= solpeth
like unto the harvest= aziagiar
bind up= allar
gather up= aldon
gird up= aldon
laid up= maafi
lift up= goholor
rose up= torzvlp
to stir up= zixlai, lring
you lifted up= farzm
upon= mir, mirc
upon the Earth= caosg
amongst us= aaiom
apply yourselves unto us= imvamar
conclude us= iaial
make us= ozazma
visit us= ef
visit us in peace= fetharsi
unto us= tia
<P><font size="5">V</font>
van= ar
vanne= arcaosgi
variety= damploz
veil= zodimibe
vessels= zizop
from the highest vessels= izizop
vestures= zimz
vex= dodpal, dodrmni, dods
vexation= dodsih
vexed= dodrmni
vexing= dods
vial= efafafe, ofafafe
viols= efafafe
your viols= ofafafe
vinegar, mother of= lulo
virgin/s= paradiz
visit= ef, f, t
visit the Earth= fgaosga
visit us= ef
visit us in peace= fetharsi
visit with comfort= fbliard
voice (the)= bialo
cried with a loud voice= bahal
my voice= bien
your voices= bia, zvrza
your voices of wonder= sald
vomit= oxex
<P><font size="5">W</font>
<BR>walk= insi
<BR>warden= lixipsp
<BR>was= zirop
<BR>water (to water)= zlida
<BR>water (noun)= zodinu
<BR>waters= sobam
<BR>wax= ugeg, ugegi, odvgeg
waxeth= vgegi, ugegi
we= ge, gohia
<BR>weave= oado
<BR>wedding= paracleda
<BR>weed out= fifalz
<BR>weeping= raclir
<BR>were= zirom
<BR>west= sobol, soboln
<BR>wherefore= dasar
<BR>wherein= quiin, qviin, vo
<BR>which= ds
<BR>which also= dst
<BR>which are= dschis
<BR>which dwell= dspraf
<BR>which have= dsbrin
<BR>which I have prepared= dsabramg
<BR>which is= dsi
<BR>which reign= dsonf
<BR>which remain= dspaaox
<BR>and which= ds
<BR>while= capimao
<BR>and another while= odcacocasb
<BR>one while= lcapimao
<BR>who= ds
<BR>whole= saga
<BR>whom= casarma, el, sobam
<BR>in whom= casarmg
<BR>of whom= casarman
<BR>on whom= asobama
<BR>under whom= casarmi
<BR>unto whom= casarm
<BR>whose= soba
<BR>whose beginning= baltoh
<BR>whose courses= sobolzar
<BR>whose eyes= sabaooaona
<BR>whose god= sobaiad
<BR>whose long continuance= solamian
<BR>whose numbers= cormfa
<BR>whose works= sobhaath
<BR>in whose= sobra
<BR>on whose hands= azien
<BR>under whose= casarman
<BR>why= bagle
<BR>for why= bagle
<BR>wicked= babalon
<BR>widow= rior
<BR>will (your will be done)= gemeganza
<BR>will of god= aldaraia, soyga
<BR>wind= ozongon, zong
<BR>of the winds= zong
<BR>than the manifold winds= ozongon
<BR>window= como, comobliort
<BR>wine= roxtan
<BR> wing= upaah
<BR>winnow= ar
<BR>wisdom= ananael
<BR>with= a, c
<BR>with admiration= grsam
<BR>with age= homin
<BR>with another= asimp
<BR>with continual burning lamps=
<BR>with darkness= ors
<BR>with diamond= achildao
<BR>with dryness= orscor
<BR>with feet= lvsdan, lusdan
<BR>with the fire= prge
<BR>with her creatures= toltorgi
<BR>with a hundred= ior
<BR>with the heavens= piripsax
<BR>with ornaments so bright= luciftian
<BR>with a power understanding= gmicalzoma
<BR>with poison= faboan
<BR>with their ministers= cnoqvodi
<BR>with those= priazi
<BR>with two edged swords= napta
<BR>cried with a loud voice= bahal
<BR>looking with gladness= dorphal
<BR>visit with comfort= fbliard
<BR>within the depths of my jaws= piadph
<BR>within her= tiolb
<BR>woe= ohio
<BR>wonder= sald
<BR>work (to work)= vaul, vaun
<BR>work wonders= vavlzirn
<BR>the work of man= conisbra
<BR>you might work= vavn
<BR>workman/workmen= canal
<BR>works= sobhaath
<BR>works of man= conisbra
<BR>wormwood= tatan
<BR>worship= boaluahe
<BR>worshipper= hoath
<BR>the true worshipper= hoath
<BR>wrath= unph, vonph, vonpho
<BR>the wrath= vonph
<BR>is wrath= ivonph
<BR>is wrath and anger= ivonpovnph
<BR>of wrath= vonpho
<P><font size="5">Y</font>
ye= niis
<BR>yea= noib
<BR>you= g, gi, nonci
<BR>to you= nonca, noncf, noncp
<BR>your= g
<BR>yourselves= amiran
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