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<title>Fifth Enochian Key (Satanic)</title>
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Fifth Key </center></font>
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<P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
The Fifth Key in English
<P>The mighty sounds have entered into
<BR>The fourth angle and are become
<BR>As deliverers of Lord Satan's Providence,
<BR>Bringing forth strength and understanding dwelling
<BR>In the firmaments as continual comforters;
<BR>Unto whom I fastened pillars
<BR>Of gladness 666, and gave them
<BR>Vessels to water the earth
<BR>With all her creatures;
<BR>And they are the sons and
<BR>Daughters of Satan. Of the first
<BR>And the second and the beginning
<BR>Of their own seats which are garnished
<BR>With continual burning lamps whose numbers
<BR>Are as the beginning, the ends
<BR>And the contents of time.
<BR>Therefore! Come ye and appear to your creation!
<BR>Visit us in peace and comfort
<BR>Conclude us receivers of your mysteries, for why?
<BR>We worship Satan/Lucifer in all his glory,
<P>&nbsp;<P>The Fifth Key in Enochian
<P>Sapah zimii sdiv od noas obelisong
<BR>De Satan's yarry, iolcam vgear od
<BR>Gmicalzoma praf calz tablior;
<BR>Casarm amipzi naz arth mian,
<BR>Od dlvgar zizop zlida caosgi
<BR>Toltorgi od z chis nor od
<BR>Pasbs de Satan. Talo od taviv
<BR>Od croodzi de thild ds chis
<BR>Gnonp peoal cormfa chis croodzi vls
<BR>Od q cocasb ca! Niis od zacar
<BR>Qaas! Fetharsi od bliora ozazma ednas
<BR>Cicles bagle? Ge boalvah Satan bvsd,
<P>&nbsp;<P>The Fifth Key Enochian Pronunciation
<p>ZAH-pah &nbsp;<EFBFBD> &nbsp; zee-MEE-EE
<BR> zuh-DEEV &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; NOH-AHSS
<BR>oh-bay-lee-ZOH-nuh-jzhuh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; DAY
<BR>SAY-TAN'S &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; YAH-ruh-ruh-ee,
<BR>ee-OH-luh-kahm &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; vuh-GAY-ahr &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; OHD
<BR>guh-MEE-kah-luh-ZOH-mah &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; puh-RAHFF
<BR> KAH-luhts &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; TAH-buh-lee-ohr;
<BR>kuh-SAH-ruhm &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ah-MEE-puh-zee
<BR>NAHTS &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ah-RUH-tuh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; MEE-ahn,
<BR>OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; duh-luh-vuh-JZHAHR
<BR>ZEET-sohp &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; zuh-LEE-dah
<BR>kah-OHS-su-jzhee &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; toh-luh-TOH-ruh-jzhee;
<BR>OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ZEE &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kuh-HEES &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; NOH-ray
<BR>OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; PAHSS-uh-bus &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; DAY &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; SAY-TAN. <BR>TAH-loh &nbsp;<EFBFBD> &nbsp; OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; tah-VEEV &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; OHD
<BR>kuh-ROH-ohd-zee &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; DAY &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; tu-HEE-luhd
<BR>DAHSS &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kuh-HEES &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; guh-NOH-nuhp
<BR>pay-OH-ahl &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; KOH-ruh-muh-fah
<BR>kuh-HEES &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
<BR>VUH-LUHS &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; KUH
<BR>KAH! &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; nee-EESS &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; OHD
<BR>ZAH-kahr &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; KAH-AHSS!
<BR>OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; buh-lee-OH-rah &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah <BR>AY-duh-nahss &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; KEE-kuh-lays &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; BAH-guh-lay?
<BR>JZHAY &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; boh-AH-luh-vah &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; SAY-TAN
<BR>BUH-vuh-zuhd, &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; GOH-hud!
<P>&nbsp;<P>&#169; Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries; <BR>Library of Congress Number: 12-16457
<P><BR><P><A HREF="HOME.html"><img
src="homepage.gif" border="0"></a>
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