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<title>For Vepar by James Page</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Poems and Eulogies to Satan">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Satan, Satanism, Spirituality, Spiritual, Meditation, Chakras, Magic, Magick, Soul, Human Soul, Aliens, Ascention, Kundalini, Yoga, Yogic, Breath, Meditating, Postures, Chakra System, Energy, Energy work, Ascention, Demonolatry, Demonology, Demonic, Ancient Gods, Paganism, Pagan, Alchemy, Learn Alchemy, Alchemical Work, Magnum Opus, Occult, Occultism, Who is Satan, Sell, Buy, Reality, Lies, False, True, Theistic Satanism, Colors, Meditations, Hypnosis">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font size=6>For Vepar by James Page</center></font>
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<P><BR><P><I>Her voice a bell
<BR>Her walk a dance
<BR>Her sweet scent makes ravenous the sated
<BR>Her eyes a well
<BR>Her touch, sweet lance
<BR>I'm her wolf, my breath is bated
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<P><BR><P><A HREF="Poems.html">Back to Poems, Prayers and Eulogies to Satan from Members</a>
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