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<title>Fourth Enochian Key (Satanic)</title>
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Fourth Key </center></font>
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<P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
The Fourth Key in English
<P>I have set my feet in the south
<BR>And have looked about me saying:
<BR>Are not the thunders of increase
<BR>Numbered 666,
<BR>Which reign in the second angle?
<BR>I have placed whom none hath
<BR>Yet numbered but two: in whom
<BR>The second beginning of things are
<BR>And wax strong, which also successively,
<BR>Adding the numbers of time
<BR>And their powers stand
<BR>As in the beginning nine!
<BR>Arise! ye sons of pleasure!
<BR>And visit the earth!
<BR>For I am Satan who is and liveth forever!
<BR>In Satan<61>s name, move! Show yourselves
<BR>As pleasant deliverers,
<BR>That you may praise him
<BR>Amongst the sons of men!
<P>&nbsp;<P>The Fourth Key in Enochian
<P>Othil lusdi babage od dorpha gohol:
<BR>G-chis ge avavago cormp mian,
<BR>Cormp mian, oali sobam ag
<BR>Cormpo crp vi-iv: casarmg viv croodzi
<BR>Chis od vgeg, ds t capimali
<BR>Coazior gapimaon od lonshin biah
<BR>Ta croodzi em! Torzu!
<BR>Nore de qvasahi od ef caosga!
<BR>Lap zir Satan ds i od
<BR>Apila gohed! I Satan's dooaip,
<BR>Zacare! Zamran obelisong
<BR>Nonci rest tox aaf nore molap!
<P>&nbsp;<P>The Fourth Key Enochian Pronunciation
<P>oh-tuh-HEEL &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; LUH-zuh-dee
<BR>bah-BAH-jzhay &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; OHD
<BR>DOH-ruh-puh-hah &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; goh-HOH-luh:
<BR>guh-kuh-HEESS &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; GAY
<BR>KOH-ruh-muhp &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; MEE-ahn,
<BR>DAHSS &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ZOH-nuhf
<BR>VEE-vuh-deev? &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; oh-AH-lee
<BR>ZOH-bahm &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; AHGH
<BR>KOH-ruh-muh-poh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kuh-RUHP
<BR>VEE-EEV: &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kuh-SAH-ruh-muhjzh
<BR>VEEV &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
<BR>kuh-HEES OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; vuh-GAYJZH,
<BR>DAHSS &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; TAH &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kah-pee-MAH-lee,
<BR>koh-AH-zee-ohr &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; gah-pee-MAH-ohn
<BR>OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; oh-nuh-suh-HEEN
<BR>BEE-ah TAH &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
<BR>AIM! &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; TOH-ruht-soo! &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; NOH-ray
<BR>DAY &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kuh-VAH-sah-hee!
<BR>OHD &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; AYF &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; kah-OHS-suh-gah!
<BR>LAHP &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ZEE-ruh &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; SAY-TAN
<BR>DAHSS &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; EE &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; OHD
<BR>ah-PEE-lah &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; GOH-hud!
<BR>EE &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; SAY-TAN'S &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; doh-OH-ay-eep,
<BR>zah-KAH-ray! &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ZAH-muh-rahn
<BR>NOH-nuh-see &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; RAY-suht
<BR>TOHKS &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; ah-AHF &nbsp; <20> &nbsp; NOH-ray
<P>&nbsp;<P>&#169; Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries; <BR>Library of Congress Number: 12-16457
<P><BR><P><A HREF="HOME.html"><img
src="homepage.gif" border="0"></a>
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