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Enemy Gods, Enemy Attacks and Blood Sacrifice</p>
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Ever since Satan created humanity and set to give humans the
gift of the gods (spiritual power and immortality), there have
been massive attacks and infiltration on our sacred existence
and on this Earth to stop this.</div>
<br />
Satan and the gods created humanity to be extensions of their
divine and extraterrestrial family but the enemy gods did not
want this for us. They wanted to enslave and use us as cattle,
just as they are doing today with this system, Christianity,
Islam, etc. Humans have a powerful energy source (the soul and
life force.) Souls are a source of energy.</div>
<br />
<br />
With more and more information being found and coming to
surface, it is very clear and obvious that Satan is the creator
of humanity, and our Daemon gods are the gods that taught and
guided humanity. The enemy has tricked us into believing in that
disgusting false God, Jehovah, YHVH, Allah, etc. These are all
names of a group of evil beings who are pretending to be our
creators.<br />
<br />
Everything is Backwards. The one called Satan is the true god of
humanity. He was labeled as evil to keep us away from him.<br />
<br />
<br />
This enemy attack and infiltration has been going on since the
beginning to all cultures but I will focus on how this relates
to the Black race in Africa.&nbsp;</div>
<br />
<br />
On the subject of blood sacrifice, in Africa tribes have been
sacrificing other&nbsp; tribes and animals for rituals to satisfy
their "gods" and for favors. This blood sacrifice is to supply
energy and the power of the life force to the enemy gods. I
already mentioned that the life force and soul energy of humans
and living things can be used. The Enemy gods have tricked
Blacks in Africa to give them blood sacrifices for centuries.
This is seen today in Voodoo, for example. Blood sacrifice is
also BIG in Christianity. Just read the Bible and you will see
what I mean.</div>
<br />
<br />
If you study the ancient Mayans and Aztecs. you will see that
they had the same problem. Their culture was attacked&nbsp; by the
enemy reptilian gods that also tricked them into taking blood
sacrifices. This has been documented in history as these tribes
were known to perform human sacrifice. In addition, if you study
these tribes, you will see that they always painted, drew and or
described these gods as Reptilian looking. Scales on the skin,
lizard like eyes, etc. An African Zulu Elder depicted the gods
that he sees as Reptilian in nature.<br />
<br />
All one has to do is look up something like<a href="../"><span class="auto-style3">
"Zulu Reptilian" </span></a>&nbsp;in an internet search engine
and you can see how Reptilians have been involved in Africa. Our
gods are not reptilians. Where ever Reptilians go, ritual blood
sacrifice happens.<br />
<br />
<br />
All of this violence and negativity is NOT of Satan. Satan and
the Daemon gods do not demand or want blood sacrifices nor do
they want us to be slaves.
The enemy could not destroy and take all spiritual power so they
got in and infiltrated instead.</div>
<br />
<br />
When one comes to Satan and Spiritual Satanism today, many doors
open and we are then exposed to their positive energies. All of
us. However, as one begins their journey into Satanism, you will
come to see that the enemy is still working to keep us away from
Satan and the truth. Getting negative thoughts concerning Satan
and the Gods, fear, psychic attacks and feeling depressed are
among the things that has happened to us. This is all of the
enemy. Even "Angelic beings" start to attack you...which shows
that they do not want us coming to the truth. This is the real
deal and you will see that as you progress.<br />
<br />
<br />
Despite all of the attempted attacks by the Enemy to keep us way
from Satan, we will always be protected by him and you end up
stronger than before. I remember the first enemy attack I
experienced- it was very surreal but I am now to the level where
enemy attacks no longer phase me. They do not work anymore.</div>
<br />
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I am at the point where nothing or no one will ever convince me
that spiritual Satanism is not the true path. Spiritual Satanism
is life changing and something you prove to yourself.</span><br class="auto-style2" />
<br />
Hail Satan</div>
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Blacks for Satan; All rights reserved.</p>
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