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Witchcraft and Magick in Africa<br />
<span class="auto-style2">by Kyrique</span></p>
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<p dir="ltr"><span class="auto-style6">Witchcraft and energy work has
always been apart of Black ancient paganism before Christianity and
Islam. </p>
<p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</span><span class="auto-style9"><span class="auto-style8">As
we all know every race has a history of paganism/satanism. In satanism
there is witchcraft and the knowledge on how to use it. Unfortunately
due to Christianity&nbsp; and Islam it's been attacked. For example in
Sukuma, the Kongo and Yoruba, witchcraft was very strong.</span></p>
<p class="auto-style8" dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="auto-style11" dir="ltr">In Sukuma "Bulogi" means witchery.
Those who practice Bulogi are called Balogi or witches. Witchcraft isn't
just among the bulogi but also 'batemi' cheifs and 'bufumu' healers. It
is said Balogi can make themselves invisible and transform themselves
into animals. Similar to how the Egyptian Pharoah had multiple Kah's
because of being close to the gods and being very spiritually advanced.
It isn't physical it's spiritual. Balogi, like satanic covens, meet each
other in nocturnal covens. In places where they are alone they get naked
and sing and dance. Just like certain covens danced around a bonfire&nbsp;
and played instruments to raise energy.</p>
<span class="auto-style9">
<p class="auto-style8" dir="ltr">&nbsp;</span><span class="auto-style6">In
the Kongo witchery was prevalent. Witchcraft there is called Kindoki.
Just like how we can perform white magic and black magic. The kindoki
can be used for positive and negative purposes. There are chiefs and
healers called banganga and witches/sorcerers called bandoki who use
kindoki. Bandoki have night knowledge or 4 eyes just like astral sight.
They can move around in the spiritual world. It is said Bandoki can
transform themselves into animals, leave their bodies and fly away. This
<a href="../">
<span class="auto-style12">astral projection. </span></a></p>
<p class="auto-style8" dir="ltr">In Yoruba witch is 'aje' and a sorcerer
is called 'oso'. I note that is 'aje' is also similar to 'ashe' which is
also an african word that means life force or power. </p>
<p class="auto-style8" dir="ltr">&nbsp;Belief in witchery is almost universal
in Yoruba. They call black magic 'epe'. Witches obtain their spiritual
power from Orishas (chakras ). They also have covens called 'ajo' mainly
composed of elder women in league with each other. Sorcery called 'osho
can be used for good or bad. A sorcerer may be called 'oloogun'.</p>
</span><span class="auto-style9">
<p class="auto-style8" dir="ltr">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p class="auto-style11" dir="ltr">Christian missionaries and Islamic
invaders were highly critical of Yoruba heathenism. They weakened the
adherence to indigenous African religions. Xian and Muslim leaders
sometimes fought against indigenous African beliefs and practices. To a
certain degree pagan African religions managed to survive in altered
forms. Among the Kongo pagans have been combating against Xianity for
more than 500 years.&nbsp; It has been a never ending ar with the
<span class="auto-style9">
<p class="auto-style8" dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="auto-style8" dir="ltr"></span><span class="auto-style6">May
the Black Satanists of today preserve their race and their Satanic
<p class="auto-style8">
<span class="auto-style6">
<p class="auto-style8">
<p class="auto-style7">
<p class="auto-style7">
<span class="auto-style11">Source:</span></p>
<p class="auto-style6">
<span class="auto-style8" style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px;">
African Indigenous Religions and&nbsp;</span><br class="auto-style8" style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px;" />
<span class="auto-style8" style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px;">
Disease Causation</span></p>
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