<h1><imgsrc="icons2.png"style="margin-bottom: -5px;padding-right: 7px;"/>Chatty Beta <spanstyle="font-size:0.7em"><ahref="index.html">to main page</a></span></h1>
<p>You can try out a beta preview version of the next Chatty version. This is a snapshot from the middle of development and may not be as stable and definitely won't be finished, which means:</p>
<li>Some features may still change</li>
<li>The help won't be finshed/may not be there for some features</li>
<li>There may still be more bugs or small inconsistencies</li>
<li>New beta versions (e.g. <code>b4 -> b5</code>) are not announced in program, so check the <ahref="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases">releases page</a> for updates (following on <ahref="https://twitter.com/ChattyClient">Twitter</a> also works well)</li>
<p>As with every new version, if you have invested a lot of time into adjusting settings (like maybe added 50 different usericons), you may want to make a manual backup of the settings (enter <code>/dir</code> in Chatty to display the folder where they are saved, <ahref="help/help-guide_folders.html">more information</a> on the files Chatty uses). This shouldn't be necessary, but it's always prudent to know where your settings are saved and to keep a backup.</p>
<p>If you decide to use the old regular version again, be aware that any changes to settings that were introduced with the beta version will be lost.</p>
If you like Chatty and would like to support me:<br/><ahref="http://flattr.com/thing/4399636/Chatty"target="_blank"><imgsrc="http://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png"alt="Flattr this"title="Flattr this"border="0"/></a>