v0.9.5 files

This commit is contained in:
tduva 2019-02-14 14:18:03 +01:00
parent a03895d66e
commit 9561c3e2f8
7 changed files with 279 additions and 101 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
<div id="backlink"><a href="help.html">To main help page</a></div>
<h1><a name="top">Admin Dialog</a></h1>
<a href="#status">Change game/title</a> |
<a href="#access">Access</a> |
<a href="#status">Change stream title/game/tags</a> |
<a href="#commercials">Run commercials</a>
@ -14,32 +15,39 @@
right-clicking on the channel to open the context menu and choose
<code>Channel Admin</code>.</em></p>
<p>In the Admin Dialog you can edit your title/game and run commercials, if
you have allowed Chatty access (you need <code>Editor Access</code>/
<code>Commercial access</code> respectively, see <a href="help.html#access">allow more access</a>).</p>
<p>The Admin Dialog is always opened for the currently active channel,
unless there is no channel open (which is the case just after you started Chatty),
in which case it will open for your own channel (you login with).</p>
<h2><a name="status">Change game/title</a></h2>
<p>The Status-Tab lets you view and change the title and game of your channel.
The information is loaded when you open the dialog and when you press the
<code>reload</code>-Button. If others may have changed the info in the meantime,
you may want to reload before trying to change it.</p>
<h2><a name="access">Access</a></h2>
<p>The Admin Dialog requires the following access:</p>
<li><strong>Editor access</strong>: To change the stream title/game</li>
<li><strong>Edit broadcast</strong>: To change stream tags</li>
<li><strong>Run commercials</strong>: To run commercials</li>
<h3>Select a game</h3>
<p>If some access is missing, please go to <code>Main - Login..</code> in
the main menu and check for the access you need.</p>
<h2><a name="status">Change stream title/game/tags</a></h2>
<p>The Status-Tab lets you view and (if you have access) change some stream
<h3>Set the title</h3>
<p>Simply enter the stream title you want to use in the input field.</p>
<h3>Select a game/category</h3>
<p>Use <code>Select game</code> to open a dialog where you can search for
a game and also add games to the favorites.</p>
a game (and other categories like Creative) and also add games to
<h3>Select communities</h3>
<p>Communities in Twitch are an additional category you can select for your
stream. If you want to use a Community, you need to select an already
existing one. As with games, you can add favorite Communities. Make sure
to adhere to the rules when selecting a Community for your stream.</p>
<h3>Select tags</h3>
<p>Tags are an additional categorization for streams. You can select up to
five tags and also add tags to favorites.</p>
<p>Status Presets allow you to store the current title, game and communities
<p>Status Presets allow you to store the current title, game and tags
for later use. A status is automatically added every time you press the
<code>Update</code> button (can be disabled in the History settings),
but will be removed after some time of not being used. You can also add
@ -47,9 +55,12 @@
button, which means it is never automatically removed from the Status
<p>Press the <code>Presets</code> button to open the Presets, where you can
select a status (double-click to immediately use it) and filter by
current game or favorites.</p>
<p>In the Presets dialog there are different ways to use an entry:</p>
<li>Double-click an entry to use full status</li>
<li>Select an entry and choose one of the buttons to use full status or just title</li>
<li>Right-click an entry to open the context menu with various options</li>
<p>The <code>Last Activity</code> column shows when this status was last
set using the <code>Update</code> button (or when it was added to the

View File

@ -54,6 +54,10 @@
<dd>Auto-opens the Livestreamer Dialog when you open a stream out of a
context menu.</dd>
<dt>Auto close dialog when starting player</dt>
<dd>Auto-closes the Livestreamer Dialog when the text <code>Starting player</code>
comes up in the log.</dd>
<dt>Context menu qualities</dt>
<dd>You can customize which quality options appear in the context menu.
The options you enter here are directly given as a parameter to

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@ -6,52 +6,107 @@
<div id="backlink"><a href="help.html">Back to main help page</a></div>
<h1><a name="top">Memory Usage</a></h1>
<a href="#restrict">Restrict Memory Usage</a> |
<a href="#error">OutOfMemoryError</a>
<p>The programs memory is managed by Java, which means Java allocates a
certain amount of memory which is then filled up with data of the program
and once Java decides so, it cleans up data that is not used anymore
(Garbage Collection). This leads to the actual memory usage going up and
down constantly, while the allocated memory mostly stays the same. So
even if only 50 MB are filled with data by the program <em>at the time</em>, Java may
still have 200 MB reserved to optimize Gargabe Collection. Thus, the memory usage in e.g. the Task Manager
may not reflect what the program actually <em>requires</em>, just how
much Java uses.</p>
<p>This page gives some information about memory usage and performance and
how to affect memory usage.</p>
<li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#restrict">Increase or reduce allocated memory</a></li>
<li><a href="#error">Running out of memory</a></li>
<p>Use the <code>/appinfo</code> command in Chatty to get some information
about the current memory usage.</p>
<h2><a name="intro">Introduction</a></h2>
<p>There are a few reasons Chatty may use a considerable greater amount of
memory compared to other IRC clients:</p>
<p>A typical memory usage pattern, which can change over time as the program
is running while Java optimizes Gargabe Collection:<br />
<img src="jconsole.jpg" alt="Typical memory usage pattern" /></p>
<li>Java prefers to allocate more memory than absolutely needed, so it
can reduce the work going into Garbage Collection, which reduces CPU
<li>Java management and ressources it has to have loaded add some
overhead that other programs may not have.</li>
<li>Chatty stores a lot of information for all it's features to work,
such as emoticons, badges, stream info, user data - some of which
can increase over time as the program is running.</li>
<li>Memory and CPU usage may increase depending on how many channels you
are in and their activity, as more data is created and deleted in
busy chats, requiring either more memory or (if Java is not allowed
to allocate more) more Garbage Collection work to be performed.</li>
<h2><a name="restrict">Restrict Memory Usage</a></h2>
<p>You can <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1493913/how-to-set-the-maximum-memory-usage-for-jvm">restrict</a> how much memory Java is allowed to use by specifying
commandline parameters for Java. <a href="help-guide_create_shortcut.html">Create a shortcut</a>
and add the appropriate parameter after the <code>javaw.exe</code> but
before the <code>-jar</code> parameter.</p>
<p>You can use the <code>/appinfo</code> command in Chatty to get some
information about current memory usage. Note that these values can be
somewhat different from what is shown in e.g. Task Manager.</p>
<p>For example to restrict memory to 400 MB: <code>javaw -Xmx400M -jar "D:\Chatty\Chatty.jar"</code>.
You should test out yourself how low you can go, although more than 150 MB
is usually recommended. Note that Java will show a higher usage than
this in the Task Manager, since this pretty much only restricts how much
the program can store, Java will need some more for it's own management
and data.</p>
<p>For the <a href="help-standalone.html">Windows Standalone</a> version you can add this value to the file
<code>Chatty.cfg</code> located in the <code>app</code> subfolder of
the Chatty folder (it should already be there by default, so you can
simply adjust it if necessary).</p>
<h2><a name="restrict">Increase or reduce allocated memory</a></h2>
<p>When you start a Java program there is some default maximum amount of
memory it is allowed to use, which can vary on a case-by-case basis.</p>
<h2><a name="error">OutOfMemoryError</a></h2>
<p>If you get an OutOfMemoryError then Java ran out of memory. This can
either be because it simply can't allocate enough memory (at least 100 MB is recommended)
or there is a bug that prevents it from cleaning up memory that is not
actually used anymore. These kinds of bugs are pretty difficult to track
down though, especially if they only occur somewhat randomly.</p>
<li>If the default size is too small you can experience performance
issues (or even errors) and you may want to allow Java to allocate
more memory.</li>
<li>If you're not experiencing performance issues you can decrease
memory usage, although be careful to not set it too low.</li>
<p>You can tell Java the maximum amount heap memory it can use by using the
launch option <code>-Xmx400M</code>. In this example it allows a maximum
heap of 400MB, which is recommended for good performance. You should
normally never set it below 200MB or you may experience issues.</p>
<h3>JAR Version</h3>
<p><a href="help-guide_create_shortcut.html">Create a shortcut</a> (you may
already have created one with the installer). When editing the shortcut
change the target and add the launch option after Java but before the
<code>-jar</code> part (you may have to add the <code>javaw</code> and
<code>-jar</code> parts). It should end up looking similiar to:</p>
<p><code>javaw <strong>-Xmx400M</strong> -jar "D:\Chatty\Chatty.jar"</code></p>
<h3>Standalone Version</h3>
<p>The Chatty.exe of the <a href="help-standalone.html">Windows Standalone</a>
version will look for launch options in the file <code>Chatty.cfg</code>
in the <code>app</code> folder, so you can add the <code>-Xmx400M</code>
there, after <code>[JVMOptions]</code> (should already be there by
default, so you can just change the number).</p>
<h2><a name="error">Running out of memory</a></h2>
<p>If Java cannot clean up enough memory to make space for new data to be
stored, an OutOfMemory exception will occur.</p>
<li>This can be a sign that you should increase the amount of memory
Java is allowed to use. For example if the maximum heap is 50MB
there simply won't be enough space to even start Chatty, if it is
100MB it may still start but you'll likely run into issues a bit
later. Use <code>/appinfo</code> to find out current and max usage.</li>
<li>The longer Chatty is running at a time and the more active channels
you have joined, the more data it will accumulate that are necessary
for features such as displaying Stream Info History or messages that
users have sent in the User Dialog. If you run into issues after
leaving Chatty running for several days, then a simple restart may
be helpful.</li>
<li>There may be a bug, either in Chatty or some Java library,
preventing memory from being cleaned up properly, resulting in a
memory leak.</li>
<p>Short of analyzing a heap dump, basicially a full copy of the programs
memory, it is hard to tell what exactly takes up the memory. Such
analysis is often performed duing development and testing, but if an
issue can not be reproduced then finding the exact cause can be
<h2>Reducing memory usage</h2>
<p>The following settings can be adjusted to reduce memory usage:</p>
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Moderation - Clear message history of inactive users</dt>
<dd>Long running instances will accumulate more and more messages stored
for display in the User Dialog. Setting this to a lower value can
reduce memory usage.</dd>

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
<h1><a name="top">Release Information</a></h1>
<a href="#0.9.5">0.9.5</a> |
<a href="#0.9.4">0.9.4</a> |
<a href="#0.9.3">0.9.3</a> |
<a href="#0.9.2">0.9.2</a> |
@ -54,7 +55,66 @@
full list of changes.</p>
<a name="0.9.4">Version 0.9.4</a> <a name="latest">(This one!)</a> (2019-01-08)
<a name="0.9.5">Version 0.9.5</a> <a name="latest">(This one!)</a> (2019-02-14)
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to top]</a>
<p>Twitch released the Stream Tags API for third-party developers, so Chatty
now supports setting Stream Tags in the Admin Dialog, including the
ability to add Favorites and set them via Presets.</p>
<p>There have also been improvements on base memory usage and memory usage
for long running instances, which may improve overall performance as
### Chat
- Added symbol `!` for VIPs and sort in userlist
- Improved support for some new chat messages
- Changed Cheeremote default setting to animated
- Limited inputbox to 500 characters (Twitch Chat cuts off messages longer than
500 characters, so this probably makes sense in most cases)
- Disabled gift sub combining since it didn't work well enough
### Moderation
- Append approved/denied behind AutoMod messages
- Don't hide indirect ModLog actions (e.g. "add blocked terms" when denying
AutoMod message)
- Treat AutoMod messages like regular messages concerning bans (so e.g. they get
deleted when the user is timed out)
- Shorten and filter linebreaks from AutoMod messages (normal chat messages
cannot contain linebreaks, but AutoMod messages apparently do sometimes)
- Added setting to remove User Dialog messages of inactive users to reduce
memory usage (defaults to 12 hours, changeable in Moderation Settings)
### Other
- Added Stream Tags support to Admin Dialog
- Added setting to automatically close Livestreamer/Streamlink Dialog when
player is started
- Replace Emoji codes in Custom Commands as well
- Added setting to Stream Highlights to select which user types can trigger chat
command (e.g. Moderators and VIPs)
- Added setting to always show tray icon
- Changed tray icon action to switch between show/minimize to tray
- Added setting to automatically hide Live Streams window when minimizing Main
- Added splash screen window icon
- Changed image file cache duration in an attempt to improve startup time
- Improved memory usage
- Improved debug output
- Updated help
### Bugfixes
- Added handling for possible regex error
- Added limit to some input fields to prevent hanging when inadvertently pasting
very long text
- Removed confusing Program Group page from installer
- Fixed AutoMod message timestamp custom color
- Fixed loading FFZ Emotes for namechanged channels
- Fixed User Dialog ban info being overwritten sometimes
<a name="0.9.4">Version 0.9.4</a> (2019-01-08)
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to top]</a>

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@ -633,6 +633,8 @@
<a name="Moderation">Moderation</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>Moderator-only Information</h3>
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Show Moderator Actions in chat</dt>
<dd>Show commands that moderators execute directly in chat. You can also
@ -667,6 +669,13 @@
can also view those messages even if this setting is disabled.</dd>
<h3>User Dialog</h3>
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Clear message history of users inactive for</dt>
<dd>Remove the messages visible in the User Dialog for each user if a
new message hasn't been added for a while. This is mostly for saving
memory when Chatty is running continuously for a long time.</dd>
<a name="Names">Names</a>
@ -784,6 +793,11 @@
like "<code>Test </code>" (which <code>reg:Test</code> would
<em>Note:</em> There appears to be an error in the Java Regex implementation
which can cause some patterns to cause errors sometimes (possibly
related to backreferences, also see <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/q/16008974">this</a>).
When editing a Highlight/Ignore entry you will be warned when a
pattern could be problematic.
@ -1203,10 +1217,11 @@
at the same position when you reopen them during the same
session (so they are put on the default location when you open
them the first time after starting Chatty).</li>
<li><strong>Restore dialogs from last session</strong>: Puts
dialogs at the same position they were at when you closed Chatty
last session and also keeps the position during the session.</li>
<li><strong>Reopen dialogs from last session</strong>: Reopens
<li><strong>Keep location / size from last session</strong>:
Puts dialogs at the same position/size they were at when you
closed Chatty last session and also keeps the position during
the session.</li>
<li><strong>Reopen from last session</strong>: Reopens
any dialogs that were open when you closed Chatty last session
and also puts them at the same position they were before.</li>
@ -1215,12 +1230,26 @@
restores the position on start only if a large portion of the top of
the dialog/window is visible on screen. This is to prevent dialogs
from being lost off-screen by accident.</li>
<li><strong>Attach dialogs position to main window</strong>: If enabled,
<li><strong>Move dialogs when moving main window</strong>: If enabled,
moves the dialogs like Channel Info or Admin Dialog along with the
main window, so they always keep the same relative position. You can
still move the dialogs by themselves of course.</li>
<h3>Minimizing / Tray</h3>
<li><strong>Minimize to tray</strong>: When minimizing the main Chatty
window, it will be minimized to tray.</li>
<li><strong>Close to tray</strong>: Closing the main Chatty window will
not actually exit the program, but instead minimize it to tray. You can
actually close the program via <code>Main - Exit</code> or the tray icon
context menu.</li>
<li><strong>Always show tray icon</strong>: Always show the tray icon,
even when not minimized to tray.</li>
<li><strong>Hide Live Streams window on minimize</strong>: When you
minimize the main window, automatically hide the Live Streams window.</li>
<li><strong>Open URL Prompt</strong>: Enable this to be asked
@ -1230,20 +1259,17 @@
scrollbar in the chat window (there should never be a horizontal one),
even if no scrolling is necessary. This can be useful for using window
capture for streaming, because you can always keep the same subregion.</li>
<li><strong>Minimize to tray</strong>: When minimizing the main Chatty
window, it will be minimized to tray.</li>
<li><strong>Close to tray</strong>: Closing the main Chatty window will
not actually exit the program, but instead minimize it to tray. You can
actually close the program via <code>Main - Exit</code> or the tray icon
context menu.</li>
<li><strong>Default Userlist Width</strong>: The default width of the
userlist in pixels.</li>
<li><strong>Min. Width</strong>: The minimum width of the userlist in
<li><strong>Enable userlist by default</strong>: Show the userlist by
default. When you disable this the userlist will be entirely hidden
from the start. You can always use a shortcut (<kbd>Shift+F10</kbd>
by default) to toggle the userlist per channel.</li>
<li><strong>Default Userlist Width</strong>: The default width of the
userlist in pixels.</li>
<li><strong>Min. Width</strong>: The minimum width of the userlist in
<li><strong>Enable input field by default</strong>: Show the chat input
field by default. You can also configure a hotkey in the Hotkey
settings to toggle the input field.</li>
@ -1769,7 +1795,7 @@
<li>The Channel History adds channel that you join to a list</li>
<li>The Status Presets adds title/game/community that you set through
<li>The Status Presets adds title/game/tags that you set through
the Admin Dialog to a list</li>
@ -1784,13 +1810,35 @@
which writes the current uptime/optional note to a textfile.</p>
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Mod Command Channel</dt>
<dd>Allows moderators in the given channel to run the command.</dd>
<dd>For example if your channel/stream is called <code>zoton2</code> you would enter <code>zoton2</code>.</dd>
<dt>Command Channel</dt>
<dd>Allows users in the given channel to run the command.</dd>
<dd>For example if your channel/stream is called <code>zoton2</code> you
would enter <code>zoton2</code>.</dd>
<dt>Mod Command</dt>
<dd>The command the mods have to use to add a Stream Highlight.</dd>
<dd>With the default <code>!highlight</code> mods would enter <code>!highlight [optional message]</code>.</dd>
<dt>Command Name</dt>
<dd>The command used to add a Stream Highlight.</dd>
<dd>With the default <code>!highlight</code> mods would enter
<code>!highlight [optional message]</code>.</dd>
<dt>Command Access</dt>
<dd>Which users have access to the command. It is highly recommended to
restrict this to trusted users only, such as Moderators.</dd>
<dd>There are a few presets available which should fit most needs (they
all include the broadcaster as well). This setting is using the
<a href="#Highlight_Meta_Matching">Highlighting</a> <code>status:</code>
prefix to match only on some types of users. The preset names/values
<li>Moderators: <code>status:bm</code></li>
<li>Moderators/VIPs: <code>status:bmv</code></li>
<li>Moderators/VIPs/Subscribers: <code>status:bmvs</code></li>
<dd>If you want to set a custom value, you can use the command
<code>/set streamHighlightMatch &lt;value&gt;</code>. You can use
anything the <a href="#Highlight_Meta_Matching">Highlighting</a>
syntax provides (for example Addressbook categories), not just the
<code>status:</code> prefix.</dd>

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<h1><a name="top">Chatty (Version: 0.9.4)</a></h1>
<h1><a name="top">Chatty (Version: 0.9.5)</a></h1>
<td valign="top">
@ -321,12 +321,12 @@
when they start streaming.</dd>
<dt><code>Editor access</code></dt>
<dd>Allows you to change the title/game of your stream and streams you
are an editor in via the <a href="help-admin.html">Admin Dialog</a>.</dd>
<dd>Allows you to change the stream title/game on your channel and
channels you are an editor for (<a href="help-admin.html">Admin Dialog</a>).</dd>
<dt><code>Edit broadcast</code></dt>
<dd>Allows you to create Stream Markers on your streams and streams that
you are an editor for.</dd>
<dd>Allows you to create Stream Markers/set Stream Tags on your channel
and channels that you are an editor for.</dd>
<dt><code>Run commercials</code></dt>
<dd>Allows you to run comercials on your stream
@ -1383,8 +1383,8 @@ MiniK http://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/25/1.0 set:793 id:3287</pre
you can open with the <code>/openDir</code> and show with the
<code>/dir</code> command).</p>
<h3>Allow your moderators to add highlights</h3>
<p>You can also let your moderators add Stream Highlights
<h3>Chat Command</h3>
<p>You can also let users in chat (e.g. Mods/VIPs) add Stream Highlights
(<code>!highlight [comment]</code>), which you can configure under
<code>Main - Settings - Stream Highlights</code>.</p>

View File

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ function loaded() {
{ ceiling: null, text: "$years years ago" }
document.getElementById("ago").innerHTML = "Version 0.9.4 released "+humanized_time_span("2019/01/08", Date(), custom_date_formats)+"";
document.getElementById("ago").innerHTML = "Version 0.9.5 released "+humanized_time_span("2019/02/14", Date(), custom_date_formats)+"";
@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ function getDownloads(tag) {
<li>Set your stream title &amp; game (with custom Presets) and run commercials</li>
<li>Write current stream uptime to a file, via configurable hotkey or Mod Command, to assist in making Stream Highlights</li>
<li>Set your stream title, game &amp; tags (with custom Presets) and run commercials</li>
<li>Write current stream uptime to a file and create Stream Marker, via configurable hotkey or Mod Command, to assist in making Stream Highlights</li>
<li>List your 100 most recent followers/subscribers</li>
<li>Viewerhistory graph of your current streaming session</li>
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ function getDownloads(tag) {
<h2 id="download">Download</h2>
<p>Choose one of the following downloads of <strong>Chatty Version 0.9.4</strong><span id="dlCount" style="margin-bottom:7px;"></span>. For older versions or betas go to <a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases">GitHub</a>.</p>
<p>Choose one of the following downloads of <strong>Chatty Version 0.9.5</strong><span id="dlCount" style="margin-bottom:7px;"></span>. For older versions or betas go to <a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases">GitHub</a>.</p>
<p>If this is your first time using Chatty check out the <a href="help/help-getting-started.html"><strong>Getting Started Guide</strong></a>.</p>
@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ function getDownloads(tag) {
<dt><a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.4/Chatty_0.9.4_win_standalone_setup.exe"><strong>Download Windows Standalone (Installer)</strong></a> <span class="recommended"><sup>Recommended</sup></span></dt>
<dt><a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.5/Chatty_0.9.5_win_standalone_setup.exe"><strong>Download Windows Standalone (Installer)</strong></a> <span class="recommended"><sup>Recommended</sup></span></dt>
<dd>Install into a folder of your choice and start <code>Chatty.exe</code> (or optionally created shortcuts).</dd>
<dt><a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.4/Chatty_0.9.4_win_standalone.zip">Download Windows Standalone (.zip)</a></dt>
<dt><a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.5/Chatty_0.9.5_win_standalone.zip">Download Windows Standalone (.zip)</a></dt>
<dd>Extract the .zip into a folder of your choice and start <code>Chatty.exe</code>.</dd>
@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ function getDownloads(tag) {
<dt><a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.4/Chatty_0.9.4_win_setup.exe">Download JAR-Version (Installer)</a></dt>
<dt><a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.5/Chatty_0.9.5_win_setup.exe">Download JAR-Version (Installer)</a></dt>
<dd>Can select global hotkey support during installation.</dd>
<dd>Install into a folder of your choice and start <code>Chatty.jar</code> (or optionally created shortcuts).</dd>
<dt><a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.4/Chatty_0.9.4.zip">Download JAR-Version (.zip)</a></dt>
<dd>Also available with global hotkey support for <a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.4/Chatty_0.9.4_hotkey_32bit.zip">32bit-Java</a> / <a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.4/Chatty_0.9.4_hotkey_64bit.zip">64bit-Java</a></dd>
<dt><a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.5/Chatty_0.9.5.zip">Download JAR-Version (.zip)</a></dt>
<dd>Also available with global hotkey support for <a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.5/Chatty_0.9.5_hotkey_32bit.zip">32bit-Java</a> / <a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.5/Chatty_0.9.5_hotkey_64bit.zip">64bit-Java</a></dd>
<dd>Extract the .zip into a folder of your choice and start <code>Chatty.jar</code>.</dd>
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ function getDownloads(tag) {
<p>For OS other than Windows (e.g. Linux or MacOS) you will need to download the <a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.4/Chatty_0.9.4.zip">JAR-Version (.zip)</a> and must have Java 8 or later installed on your system. Extract the .zip into a folder of your choice and start <code>Chatty.jar</code>.</p>
<p>For OS other than Windows (e.g. Linux or MacOS) you will need to download the <a href="https://github.com/chatty/chatty/releases/download/v0.9.5/Chatty_0.9.5.zip">JAR-Version (.zip)</a> and must have Java 8 or later installed on your system. Extract the .zip into a folder of your choice and start <code>Chatty.jar</code>.</p>
<h2 id="feedback">Contact</h2>
<p>If you have any feedback or questions feel free to contact me. You can <a href="https://discord.gg/WTuqGeJ">join the Chatty Discord</a> <sup>preferred</sup>, write me an <a href="mailto:chattyclient@gmail.com">E-Mail</a> or use <a href="https://twitter.com/chattyclient">Twitter</a>.</p>