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Translate Chatty to main page

Parts of Chatty can be translated into different languages, and you can help!

Getting started

Join the localization project and tell me the account name you used so I can approve it. The best way is via #localization on Discord, but you can also send a mail. If the language you want to work on hasn't been added yet, tell me.

Remember that you can also join languages that have already been completely translated, since future Chatty updates will likely also require more or updated translations. This is especially true now, since still not all GUI parts have been added for localization yet.

Note that not everything can be translated yet, and the help pages probably won't be at all, since it would be too much work to keep updated. My goal for now is to make the basic functions of the program more comfortable to use for people who don't speak English as their first language.

Translation Guidelines

Questions / Discussion


Something like {0} in a string is replaced with a certain value, for example in Join #{0} the {0} is replaced with the stream name (e.g. resulting in Join #joshimuz).

Replacements use the MessageFormat class, you can read that documentation if you're interested, although mostly it's enough to just stick close to the template. One important thing is that any single quotes need to be escaped with a single quote (e.g. Can''t join ''{0}'').

The more advanced choice pattern is commonly used for plurals: Join {0,choice,1#|1<{0} }{0,choice,1#channel|1<channels}. In this example there are two separate choice patterns ({0,choice,<choices>}), both using the first parameter (0), which contains the number of channels:

After Translation

Translations are commited to the repository by myself, since the files have to be converted into the format I want (e.g. proper structure and order of items). The process is mostly automated. It also adds the names of contributors to each language at the top of the file (if you want to be excluded from that or want to appear with a different name, let me know).


Changes of the original English strings have to be done via GitHub (the normal way via Pull Requests).