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Chatty Beta to main page

You can try out a beta preview version of the next Chatty version. This is a snapshot from the middle of development and may not be as stable and definitely won't be finished, which means:

What this is for:

How to use

Download the latest beta version (Chatty_<beta version>.jar) and put it in the same folder as your regular Chatty.jar, then start it the same way. You need to have the regular version of Chatty from the main website first. If you were using a Chatty version already, you're set.

As with every new version, if you have invested a lot of time into adjusting settings (like maybe added 50 different usericons), you may want to make a manual backup of the settings (enter /dir in Chatty to display the folder where they are saved, more information on the files Chatty uses). This shouldn't be necessary, but it's always prudent to know where your settings are saved and to keep a backup.

The beta version will always be the version with global hotkey support. If you are normally using the version without global hotkey support, there will be an error message about it when you start Chatty that says you can ignore it if you don't actually make use of global hotkeys.

If you decide to use the old regular version again, be aware that any changes to settings that were introduced with the beta version will be lost.

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