Release Information

0.8.2 | 0.8.1 | 0.8 | 0.7.3 | 0.7.2 | 0.7.1 | 0.7 | 0.6.7 | 0.6.6 | 0.6.5 | 0.6.4 | 0.6.3 | 0.6.2 | 0.6.1 | 0.6 | 0.5.1 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.3

This page shows important information about new versions as well as the full list of changes.

Version 0.8.2 (This one!) (2016-03-10) [back to top]

During March Twitch migrated Twitch Chat to new servers (Amazon AWS), which you probably noticed due to some issues for some third-party tools. This however also brought some improvements.

Twitch Chat now supports SSL on ports 6697 and 443 and Chatty will automatically add these to the default ports if your port setting is still on the previous default (otherwise you might have to add it yourself). The migration also got rid of Event Chat which previously meant some big channels were on separate severs and not easily accesible from Chatty or Mobile Chat. Now all channels should be on the same servers.

Full Changelog

- Added some account info to User Info Dialog (click on "More..")
- Added auto-unhost feature (to unhost when your stream goes live, disabled by
- Added single-instance mode, with the ability to join channels in the already
  running instance
- Improved Emote Dialog info a bit
- Added `force_verify=true` parameter to Authorize URL (makes Twitch always ask
  if you want to Authorize, makes sure you are logged in to the right account)
- Added new Twitch Player URL in context menu
- Added /emoteonly and /emoteonlyoff commands (in case they get enabled again)
- Added "emotesets" parameter to /refresh command
- Changed API URL (which is the source of emoteset information)
- Added some support for selecting the correct chat server
- Added auto-responses to whispers for ignored/non-whitelisted users (disabled
  by default)
- Added feature to automatically add Addressbook categories on Subscriber
  notifications (experimental)
- Added feature to automatically copy messages into clipboard
- Moved debug logs to down directory
- Increased max reconnection attempts to 30
- Added error message for setting invalid stream status in Admin Dialog
- Added in-app announcements (Help - Announcements), for more reliable
  communication of relevant news about Chatty (if new announcement is available
  a window will pop up on start and a notification will be shown in the main
  menu bar)
- Added /proc command to start native processes out of Chatty
- ShortenDisplayOfExcessivelyLongEmoteCodesLookingOutTheirWindow
- Updated help

- Added more font sizes to GUI
- Added input font setting to GUI
- Added setting to prevent highlights from specific users (e.g. your own bots)
- Added setting to toggle closing of Emote Dialog on double-click on Emote
- Added setting to remember Status History table sorting order
- Added setting to toggle Usercolor correction
- Added setting to display more detailed uptime in titlebar (enabled by default)
- Changed default for showing animated emotes to off
- Changed default for Min. Userlist Width to 0
- Changed defaults for server/port (actual values changed when updating to this
  version, if setting values are on the previous default)
- Changed default for Highlight Mod Command to !highlight, ignore case for both
  the channel and command setting
- Made setting names case-insensitive (when using setting commands)
- Changed the process of saving settings in an attempt to make it more reliable
- Added menu entry to save settings manually

- Fixed Admin Dialog sizing causing display issues
- Fixed spam protection message being displayed on the wrong channel
- Fixed new Twitch Emotes code being one character short
- Fixed autojoin not working sometimes
- Fixed framerate of GIFs, which may break some GIFs that worked before, but
  prevents high CPU usage (displaying animated GIFs in Java is hard)
- Check if Java supports opening URLs on the current platform and run native
  command if necessary

Version 0.8.1 (2015-08-10) [back to top]

Highlights / Important Information

Full Changelog

#### New features
- Added experimental Whisper support (this will probably not be developed much
  until Twitch moves Whispers to the new system, read help on how to enable)
- Improved TAB Completion: Added predictive sorting for names which gives users
  who recently talked/highlighted you a higher priority, added setting to
  toggle completion to common prefix (disabled by default)
- Added dedicated ignore user lists (separate for chat and whispers)

#### Chat Window
- Added Pause Chat when moving mouse over chat feature (enable in the settings)
- Changed Ctrl to be used to pause chat, use AltGr for selecting when clicking
  on a username in chat
- Don't scroll down when scrolled up even when scroll down timeout has passed
  while holding Ctrl
- Added one-click moderation when holding Ctrl (configure in the Chat settings)

#### Tabs
- Added manual resorting of tabs by drag and drop
- Added more menu entries to close tabs to Tab Context Menu
- Rejoin channels in the order the tabs were, when rejoining channels from last
  session on start (depends on the Tab Order setting of course)
- Switch to tab when right-clicking on it (which wasn't the case everywhere)
- Optional mouse wheel scrolling through tabs (enable in the settings)

#### Emoticons
- Added FFZ Feature Friday again and improved support for it in Emotes Dialog
- Improved Emote Context Menu (open for Twitch emotes id,
  added channel submenu for more emotes where it makes sense)
- Added setting to toggle animated emotes (BTTV GIF emotes)
- Allow global FFZ/BTTV emotes to be added to the favorites as well
- Don't show 150% size in Emotes Dialog Detail View when emote is too wide
- Sort Channel Subscriber Emotes alphabetically

#### Chat/Stream Info Display
- Improved display for long slowmode times in the titlebar
- Implemented new ROOMSTATE command, allowing for accurate display of
  submode/slowmode/r9k in titlebar
- Added stream uptime to the titlebar, added settings to customize what is shown
  in the titlebar a bit more (`View - Options - Titlebar`)
- Added stream uptime to Live Streams Dialog

#### Settings / Configuration
- Added timestamp option to "Log to file" settings (previously only changeable
  with setting commands)
- Highlight/Ignore: Allow non-standard channels in `chan:`/`!chan:` prefixes
- Added setting for minimum userlist width
- Switched default ports to `6667,443` due to port 80 not being available
  anymore for standard IRC
- Increased default chat buffer size
- Updated Settings Dialog
- Added `$globalmod` and `$anymod` status identifiers for Usericons/Usercolors
- Added `$first` option for Custom Usericon restriction to show them in front of
  the regular Usericons
- Added setting for filtering of combining characters to change between off,
  lenient and strict replacing (filter can circumvent performance issues)

#### Commands / Menus
- Added Copy Stream Name to Channel Context Menu (Miscellaneous submenu)
- Added hotkey action to close all/all shown notifications
- Added /openBackupDir command
- Added entries to the `Extra` menu to record/open Stream Highlights
- Added "Open" Channel Context Menu entry in Miscellaneous submenu
  (which tries to open the leaderboards page for the current game)

#### Other Changes
- Added "Open in online help" button in Help window
- Show indication of action message (/me) in User Info Dialog chat history and
  log files (star in front of the message)
- Apply bans/timeouts to Stream Chat
- Changed website URL to GitHub
- Improved debug output a bit, renamed current session debug log file
- Keep showing "Update Available" notification after restart
- Removed condition to use maximum reconnection delay when host could not be
- Updated help

#### Bugfixes
- Fixed error in slowmode message parsing
- Changed Ignore option `config:info` to only apply to info messages, not
  regular chat messages
- Fixed tab not showing new message if message was highlighted with
  `config:!notify` option
- Fixed message parsing from inadvertently ignoring some (rare) messages
- Fixed raw message parsing
- Fixed replacing of all linebreak characters when sending message
- Fixed wrong channel being cleared when "Clear chat when cleared by a
  moderator" setting is enabled
- Fixed hotkey bug when opening/closing hotkey settings with global hotkeys
- Fixed off-by-one error for reconnection attempts
- Fixed sounds on Linux (hopefully)

Version 0.8 (2015-06-09) [back to top]


Full Changelog

Core Changes:
- Connection: Implemented IRCv3 tags/commands/membership support
- Userlist: IRCv3 now supports optional joins/parts (correct userlist), which is
  enabled by default in Chatty (doesn't mean joins/parts have to be shown)
- Added experimental support for secured connections

- Changed Emoticon parsing to use spaces as delimiter instead of word boundaries
  (to match changes made to Twitch Chat)
- Scaling: Added settings to scale emotes in chat and the Emotes Dialog
- BTTV: Implemented BTTV Custom Channel Emotes, switched to new BTTV API
- IRCv3: Implemented new Twitch Emotes API, including using IRCv3 tags
- Emote Dialog: Added overview of all global emotes (Twitch and Other)
- Detail View: Added Detail View that can be opened for an emote with different
  scaling and a table of information about the emote
- Context Menu: Added more entries and information
- Added emote image caching, making loading of emotes a bit faster and hopefully
  more reliable if the server can't be reached at the time of loading
- Added feature to add custom emotes (locally), also allowing you to replace
  other emotes
- FFZ: Switched to new API (and showing more info about the emotes)

TAB Completion:
- Changed to work with @ in front (or any other non-word characters around it)
- Added info popup to show completion information (how many items are found,
  which item you are at while cycling through results)
- Added completion for emotes (Shift-TAB)
- Added completion for setting names (TAB when using after setting command)
- Added completion for some commands (TAB after /)
- Added support for custom completion items that you can add in the settings or
  via the /customCompletion command

- Added fitting context menu to stream chat dialog
- Added setting to START inserting text a the top in Stream Chat
  (but not insert text at the top in general), added streamChatResizable setting
- Added commands /clearStreamChat, /testStreamChat, /setStreamChatSize,

Other Enhancements:
- Added bot badge (bot names from BTTV/FFZ APIs and local setting)
- Added ability to record current stream time via commands to assist in creating
  stream highlights
- Added setting to clear chat when channel is cleared by a moderator
- Hosting: Added info in the title which channel is being hosted, added warning
  in chat when a channel is still being hosted when the stream is going live
- Streamlined reconnection messages a bit
- Output message if channel attempting to join doesn't exist on Twitch
- Added correctly capitalized names from IRCv3 display-name tag, removed
  commands to change capitalization of names locally
- Added experimental showing of slowmode/submode status in the titlebar (only
  shows correctly if mode toggled while you are already in the channel, until
  chat sends that info on join as well)
- Added feature to locally set custom names for any user which show up in chat
  and the userlist
- Highlighting: Added more prefix options
- Ignore: Added prefix option to ignore info messages
- Added Miscellaneous-menu to User Context menu and added entry Copy Name
  (meaning copy to clipboard)
- Added Miscellaneous-menu to Channel Context menu and added entry to join
  currently hosted channel
- Added /copy command which copies the given text to the clipboard
- Added /color command which redirects to the Twitch Chat /color command
- Added /livestreamer command to open streams/dialog via command
- Added /appinfo command
- Added /r9k and /r9koff commands
- Added workaround for Twitch API sometimes returning stream information with
  missing channel object (no title available), assuming previous title
- Updated help

- Files: Moved cache files to be saved in the /cache folder
- Reduced Twitch API debug log spam a bit
- Increased join delay a bit
- Updated Settings Dialog layout to adjust to the dialog size better
- Changed Twitch API version calls to use v3 by default
- Changed Usericon image files starting with "http" to be interpreted as URL
- Disabled auto request of mods list for the time being, since mod status for
  messages should always work and mod status in the userlist should probably
  work if the userlist works in the first place
- Decreased Live Streams dialog scroll speed a bit

- Highlighting: Added highlightIgnored setting whether to try to highlight
  messages that have already been ignored (disabled by default)
- Changed capitalizedNames (first letter only) setting to default to on (only
  affects fresh settings)
- Debugging: Added setting to log raw IRC traffic to file (disabled by default)
- Added mainResizable setting to be able to turn off resizing of the main window
- Added setting to ignore Stream Status Notifications for Stream Offline
- Added some more support for different setting types to setting commands
- Changed setting commands to support numeric lists
- Changed Settings Dialog to only tell you to reconnect if you don't have to
  also restart Chatty (required by a setting change)

- Fixed bug where channel would constantly be reopened when it failed to join
  (especially happening on non-existing channels)
- Fixed bug where reonnection timer would sometimes not be cancelled
- Fixed synchronization that could lock up the GUI when performing API requests
- Fixed username case-sensitivity issues for commands
- Fixed error in stream status writer when stream doesn't have a game set
- StreamChat: Fixed bug where stream chat wouldn't scroll down properly
- Addressbook: Fixed remove commands issues with case-sensitivity
- Run correct commercial length in Admin Dialog when using a hotkey
- Fixed close channel hotkey to close active channel rather chan active tab
- Possibly fixed some info messages from Twitch Chat not showing up
- Changed "Mr. Freeman" to "Dr. Freeman"
- Fixed rare error in tables (like Follower Dialog)
- Fixed and enabled workaround for some combining characters causing performance
  issues (replacing more than two combining characters in a row with ****)

Version 0.7.3 (2015-01-19) [back to top]


Important Information

Full Changelog

New features:
- Added customizable hotkeys feature allowing you to add/remove/change hotkeys
  in the settings (Global Hotkeys Windows only)
- Added Stream Chat dialog (only regular messages, optional message timeout to
  make them disappear after some time, mainly for testing right now)
- Added support for global mods
- Added $chan parameter to Custom Commands
- Log to file: Added setting to customize timestamp (via setting commands)

- Changed inputbox font to prevent bug where fallback fonts wouldn't work
  properly in JTextPane
- Changed default for "Restore dialogs" setting to "Restore dialogs from last
  session" (only if you start from fresh settings)
- Backup: Increased setting backup count to 5 backups
- Changed staff usermode symbol to & (text symbol, not the badge)
- Added scaling to emotes if the image is too big, set maximum size to 100x50
- Improved setting commands (added add/remove commands for String lists, save
  default for lists/maps), improved help for setting commands
- Added "set:" commandline parameter to set any setting that can be set with the
  /set command
- Changed to new BTTV emotes API
- Improved URL parsing a bit
- Updated help

- Fixed Simple Title menu setting not being updated correctly
- Set foreground color of Viewer History based on the current foreground color
  of the dialog, so it fits the LAF
- Set Notification foreground color to black, in case a LAF uses another color
  that doesn't go well with the yellow background (Notification colors should be
  customizable eventually)

Version 0.7.2 (2014-12-14) [back to top]


Full Changelog

New features:
- User Dialog Buttons (Timeout/Custom Commands) now support shortcuts, Ban and
  Unban buttons are not hardcoded anymore and have to be added to the setting
  (setting is automatically changed if you switch from a version before 0.7.2)
- Added User/Line Selection feature to select a User in chat via the keyboard
  so e.g. timeouts are possible completely via the keyboard
- Added feature to modify Addressbook entries via a file
- Added color restriction for Usericons
- Highlight/Ignore: Added prefixes ("start:", "status:", "!status:", "!cat:",
  "chanCat:", "!chanCat")
- Channel Info Dialog now allows to be resized a lot smaller, Viewercount info
  now adjusting better to smaller sizes
- Added setting to change Look&Feel (only Default and System for now)
- Added setting to attach dialogs to main window, so they always stay in the
  same relative position when the main window is moved
- Added some keyboard shortcuts
- Added some support for FFZ feature friday, added /ffzGlobal command to show
  global FFZ emote codes

- Added menu entry to open login configuration for easier access (no need to
  disconnect from chat)
- Improved login configuration dialog
- When login was determined invalid by automatic check: Changed warning message,
  don't remove automatically anymore but let user do it if necessary
- Added Options submenu to View menu to allow more options with direct access
- Added more options to Title/Game Presets dialog due to S'ome demand
- Logging to file now enabled by default (only if you start from fresh settings)
- MOD/UNMOD messages are now disabled by default (from fresh settings)
- Custom Commands executed from the Channel Context Menu now include the name
  of the channel as first parameter (without leading #)
- Some small improvements of labels/info texts in Settings Dialog
- Increased join delay, increased delay between failed join attempts
- Ping connection more often if inactive to detect disconnect quicker and
  possibly prevent disconnect in some cases
- Improved URL detection (again)
- Improved debug messages a bit
- Improved error catching in some places
- Added more tests
- Updated help

- Fixed URLs that don't have a protocol prefix (e.g. http://) being opened
  without a prefix, which resulted in the browser not opening correctly
- Fixed error in FrankerFaceZ emote parsing
- Fixed bug where "Close to tray" wouldn't work without "Minimize to tray" being
  enabled as well
- Fixed layout problem in Settings Dialog when log path was too long
- Use usercolor corrected for readability for colored /me messages

Version 0.7.1 (2014-10-26) [back to top]


Important Information

Full Changelog

New features:
- Added Emoticon Favorites, that are displayed in the Emote Dialog (you can only
  add Twitch Emotes for now, not FFZ or BTTV)
- Added support for correct capitalization of names in chat (experimental, you
  have to enable it in the settings if you want to try it)
- Show correctly capitalized stream names in Live Streams/Channel Info Dialog
  (independent of the Correctly Capitalized Names setting)
- Added minimize to tray/close to tray options
- Added setting for auto scroll down timeout length
- Added setting to change font size of dialogs (experimental, only Userinfo now)
- Added setting to customize chat log file location
- Added context menu to Follower/Subscriber Dialog to export list to file
- Added support for FrankerFaceZ global event emotes

- Changed tray icon to only show when needed
- Set proper tooltip for tray icon
- Added some more timestamp options
- Changed stream status writer output to "exported" subfolder of settings folder
- Changed stream status writer to ignore case of stream name
- Channel Info: Added approx. last stream length as tooltip to "Offline" text
- Changed Twitch badges to use images instead of alpha (shows new colors now)
- Changed base colors for badges to new Twitch colors (affects FFZ Mod Icon and
  Fallback Icons)
- Allow for selection of text in chat by double-clicking (focus to inputbox now
  only on single-click on chat)
- Detect a few more URL formats to be made clickable
- Improved debug logging a bit (memory usage)
- Some small improvements to memory usage
- Added some more characters to Font Selection Dialog, but also an input field
  to enter your own text to test the font
- Catch the error if hotkey library couldn't be found and output warning instead
- Updated help

- Fixed info messages sometimes going to the wrong window if popouts are used
- Fixed subscriber sorting in userlist (but overall sorting can still be screwed
  up sometimes)
- Fixed wrong channel being joined when joining channel out of user context menu
  with "Capitalize Names (First Letter)" option being enabled (fixed implicitly
  by changing some stuff around for supporting capitalized names)
- Added workaround for Twitch emotes appearing wrong on Retina displays
- Nothing to do with Chatty in particular (it's the same for every IRC client),
  but the "xy just subscribed" message should now work for everyone again,
  because Twitch fixed it :)

Version 0.7 (2014-09-25) [back to top]


Just a reminder: If you don't care about a correct userlist or joins/parts, you may want to switch to Twitch Client Version 3 (Settings - Advanced), which has a few advantages. More information..

Full Changelog

New features:
- Added Emoticon Dialog, showing emotes you paid for (Subscriber/Turbo) and
  channel-specific emotes (FFZ/BTTV)
- Added Followers/Subscribers lists, added new follower sound (works only if
  Followers Dialog is open)
- Livestreamer: Added setting to use auth (for sub-only streams), added setting
  whether to open the Livestreamer Dialog when opening a stream from the menu
- Added setting to write stream info to a file (e.g. for display on stream)
- Automatically request moderator list once per channel, added /fixMods command
  to temporarily fix mods status without showing the list of all moderators
- Added /host and /unhost commands
- Added shortcut Ctrl-W to close active tab/restore popout to tab
- Admin Dialog: Added option to automatically repeat commercial on the set delay
- Added stream uptime to Channel Info Dialog (how long ago a stream was started)

- Changed message parsing to support "<name> is now hosting you" notification
  (only works on Twitch Client Version 3 though, see Settings - Advanced)
- Added setting to specify the timezone of the timestamp seperately from the
  system timezone setting
- Added to open live streams from the context menu
- Added optional filter to remove combining characters used in some languages
  that may cause an error in some cases
- Livestreamer: Reuse open tabs if process stopped and opening stream with the
  same stream/quality, re-enable quality selection buttons if process stopped,
  improved labels and help
- Added more timestamp options in the settings and changed to showing as example
- Added gzip support to Twitch API requests
- Added check to confirm status of stream going offline, which may or may not
  prevent wrong offline notifications if the Twitch API returns false data
- Added hint about entering Twitch Commands in invalid command message
- Updated help

- Fixed error in message parsing
- Fixed display error with ban messages
- Fixed a possible bug with notifications
- Now showing "<number> /host commands remaining this half hour." message

Version 0.6.7 (2014-07-20) [back to top]


Full Changelog

New features:
- Added support for some of the BetterTTV emotes
- Added feature to ignore indiviual emotes, which makes them not turn into an
  image (but their code will still show up)
- Changed game select dialog to one single list for favorites/search as to not
  waste so much space
- Added setting to change the livestreamer command (so you can also e.g. set the
  full path to Livestreamer if necessary)
- Added option to combine ban messages of the same user within 10 seconds, for
  example "<name> has been banned from talking (3)" means banned 3 times
- Added "/ab change" command to add/remove/toggle categories in a single command
- Added /uptime command
- Added /openUrl and /openUrlPrompt commands (for use in custom commands)
- Added ignore setting to not show ignored messages info (count/nick) in chat if
  the ignored messages dialog is currently open

- Live Streams window always on top of main window (seems a bit flickery though)
- More Dialogs now closeable with ESC
- Added Ctrl+J shortcut for opening Join Dialog
- Save Channel Favorites sort order between sessions
- Increased number of saved lines per user from 20 to 100
- Reorganized Settings Dialog a bit (Usericons/Emoticons on seperate pages)
- Added context menu to Race Id (blue link) in Race Viewer
- Possibly improved debugging of emoticon loading errors a bit
- Updated help

- Search dialogs (Ctrl+F) fixed for popouts
- Fixed error on update notification
- Improved API response parsing a little bit
- Fixed context menus in Highlights/Ignored Messages dialogs

Version 0.6.6 (2014-06-25) [back to top]


Important Information

Full Changelog

New features:
- Ignore messages (similiar to the Highlight system, match messages by keywords,
  usernames, addressbook categories and channels)
- Improved Emote Context Menu (now with channel name on subemotes and clicking
  on emote code inserts it in the input box)
- Improved subscriber detection on Twitch Client 1
- Improved Update Notification to now also show in the Main Menubar (clicking
  on it opens a window showing the changelog)
- Livestreamer Context Menu quality selection now customizable
- Added some commands (including /ffz to show FFZ emotes of the current channel,
  some commands to open dialogs and stuff intended for use in Custom Commands)

- Addressbook categories are now all made lowercase when added/loaded from file
- Regular commands can now be also used in Context Menus/User Dialog settings
- Improved error handling a bit (hopefully)
- Removed Ignore Joins/Parts setting in favor of Twitch Client 3
- Changed Twitch Client 1/3 setting to include small explanation
- Added sort by viewercount in Live Streams Dialog
- Added chan: and !chan: prefixes (Highlights and Ignore)
- Updated help
- Show how many Highlighted/Ignored messages are in the dialogs in the View-menu
- Improved text settings editor (auto adjust size when typing, added help)
- Changed Context Menu/User Dialog settings to allow more flexible formatting
  (linebreaks allowed, / for command optional, | for seperator doesn't have to
  be directly in front of a command, but still applies to the following one)
- Moved to new FFZ server and updated parsing (recently added emotes should now
  show up)

- Fixed horizontal scrolling sometimes happening in chat window
- Fixed URL Context Menu stream detection to be case-insensitive
- Fixed display of "<" in Notifications
- Hopefully fixed possible display error

Version 0.6.5 (2014-06-14) [back to top]


Full Changelog

New features:
- Reworked usericon (badges) system, which also allows custom usericons,
  either replacing the default ones or adding some of your own
- Added Custom Commands, which allow you to define aliases for anything you
  can enter into the inputbox (like chat messages, commands)
- Added settings to add Custom Commands to the User/Channel Context Menus and
  changed Timeout buttons setting to also add Custom Commands to User Dialog
- Added option to always show the chat scrollbar, which can be useful for
  streamers who always want to capture the same subregion of the window
- Added /clearchat command which clears all text from the current chat window
- Added settings for what to do when Chatty is started (show connect dialog
  or connect immediately and autjoin channels etc.)

- Only show the "<user> has been banned from talking" message for users that
  are currently known in the channel (that have said something, have joined,
  been modded, etc.)
- Removed hardcoded /slap command, but added it as default to Custom Commands
- Removed "Set color" entry from User Context Menu, but added /setcolor
  command (so it can be readded using Custom Commands if necessary)
- Updated help
- Changed list settings editor (used for Highlights, Logging, Commands)
- Reorganized Settings Dialog a bit
- Updated /testNotification command to also allow for a channel parameter
- Changed Highlight Notification to switch to the channel the highlight
  originated in (similiar to Stream Status Notifications)
- Regular commands now case-insensitive
- Handle image URLs which may brake due to possible changes in the Twitch API
- Added /echo command to just output text as info message (e.g. for testing)

- Fixed Race Link in SRL Race List context menu
- Made "Races with.." search case-insensitive
- Fixed possible flickering of chat window when being scrolled up
- Remove linebreaks from messages send to the server
- Fixed some possible display bugs in Settings Dialog
- Right-clicking on emotes now works on the whole emote

Version 0.6.4 (2014-05-26) [back to top]


Full Changelog

New features:
- Added SpeedrunsLive (SRL) race viewer
- Added automatic settings file backup (copies settings to the /backup folder
  when you start Chatty, at most once per day)
- Added Livestreamer support (start Livestreamer out of dialog/context menus)
- Added feature for unique addressbook categories under some circumstances
- Added "Simple Title" setting to have only "Chatty" as title (Extra menu)

- Improved debug logging (added append to current file, max file size, rotate
  between several files when max file size is reached)
- Improved scrolling when window is made smaller
- Added small delay between joins, automatically rejoin if join failed, added
  "Joining #channel.." message (which indicates a JOIN was send to the server)
- Some smaller improvements
- Added commands to open the current settings/working directory
- Updated help

- Possibly maybe fixed bug with default userlist width, but it can still be a
  bit finicky
- Fixed bug in Channel Favorites dialog when table is empty
- Fixed /myemotes command
- Fixed bug when joining channel out of popout

Version 0.6.3 (2014-05-15) [back to top]

Important Information

Full Changelog

New features:
- Popout channels into their own window to be able to view them side-by-side
- Added context menu and improved sorting to Channel Favorites dialog
- Added check whether window restore position is actually on a screen (if not
  then open on default position)
- Added Highlight prefix to cutomize color for individual highlight items
  (also added ordering buttons that can be necessary for this feature)
- Added navigation buttons with page history to Help window
- Added command to manually refresh emoticons (and badges if you rejoin)
- Added command to show a list of your subemote codes (better emote
  integration possibly maybe soon)
- Added option to show action messages (/me) colored like in webchat

- Commercials hotkey now simulates a click on the 30s button if the
  Admin Dialog is open on the Commercials tab (so you can also use a delay)
- Added more information to the emote context menu (unfortunately you have
  to right-click on the left side of the emoticon to open it)
- Changed default access options to all selected (you can still deselect them if
  you don't need them and you think it's safer not having them on the token)
- Decreased scrolling step a bit
- Improved scroll detection for scrolled up timeout
- Improved main window title change responsiveness
- Some small improvements
- Reorganized and updated help

- Fixed some possible errors by adding some checks
- Fixed bug when adding a usercolor (not correctly enabled Done button)
- Fixed bug canceling the list item edit dialog (highlights/logging)

Version 0.6.2 (2014-04-20) [back to top]

Important Information

Full Changelog

New features:
- Admin Dialog: Select previously used or favorited stream status (title/game)
  from the presets dialog for your title changing convenience
- Optional new chat version that has no joins/parts but has better channel
  association for bans/timeouts/subscribers and "xy just subscribed" message
- Added /slap command due to S'ome demand
- Improved connecting to chat (automatically trying different servers/ports)
- Added more shortcuts and stuff
- Added option to rejoin currently open channels when connecting

- Moved Ignore joins/parts option to settings dialog
- Some small improvements
- Updated help

- Hopefully fixed synchronization error
- Fixed error when editing game favorites
- Fixed error when no stream title is set

Version 0.6.1 (2014-03-24) [back to top]

Full Changelog

New features:
- Added Addressbook to associate name with categories, that can be referenced
  from usercolor settings and highlight settings
- Added usercolor settings to locally assign custom usercolors
- Option to restore dialog positions/reopen dialogs on start

- Improved setting for timeout buttons/added to GUI, improved timeout messages
- Highlight: Default username now matching on word bounds, added word bounds
  matching prefixes, added highlight next messages
- Reorganized settings dialog to accomondate new settings/features
- Updated help
- Parse /mods response to make users mods
- Improved Named Colors panel in color chooser
- Added Ctrl-Shift-Tab to switch to previous channel
- Added server/port settings
- Added setting to enable/disable stream status messages in chat

- Fixed FrankerFaceZ mod icon parsing to reflect recent changes
- Fixed parsing error
- Fixed userstats max length
- Added scrolling to "Removed Streams.." list

Version 0.6 (2014-02-13) [back to top]

Important Information

Full Changelog

New features:
- New more flexible notifications that replace the system tray notifications
  (you can still switch back to them though)
- Added chat logging to record messages and stream/chat infos to file
- Added Spam Protection
- Admin Dialog: Relative times, use own channel when no channel is joined,
  last commercial run time, improved several channels support, dialog
  not modal anymore, configurable commercial run delay, added help
- Added message sound, load sound file names from sounds folder, improved
  sound settings, changed volume values (you may need to adjust your volumes)
- Check if connection was lost a bit faster depending on previous activity
- Added new error dialog
- Show important release information on first startup of new version

- Changed shutdown process
- Improved settings dialog (help, icons, components, restart required
- Remove additional whitespace from incoming messages
- Replace some special html character codes in incoming messages
- Default userlist width setting, userlist width 0 now possible
- Always output stream status on join (not only if it's new)
- Improved help
- Added setting to enable (and thus disable) open url prompts
- Added Copy URL option to url prompt
- Added setting to highlight own messages (always enabled before)
- Added setting to change the tabs order (join order/alphabetical)
- Added context menu item to clear the highlights dialog
- Fixed bug in ViewerHistory when item was still hovered when channel
  was changed
- Added help window icon
- Count number of mods on /mods-command response
- Prevent auto-scrolling when search is active
- Added option for stream urls

Version 0.5.1 (2013-12-17) [back to top]

Full Changelog

- FrankerFaceZ: Show custom mod icons (available in some channels)
- FrankerFaceZ settings, Emoticons/Icon settings seperate
- Prevent dialogs that can open automatically (error messages) from
  stealing focus
- Added chat buffer size setting
- Added setting to enable/disable mod/unmod messages
- Added some shortcuts
- Added command to show working directory
- Added color preset
- Improved help
- Improved viewer history (fixed times per channel)
- Improved debug output
- Added command/guide in case getting login data doesn't work

- Fixed error in Viewer history

Version 0.5 (2013-12-05) [back to top]

Import Information

Full Changelog

New features:
- Get notified when streams you follow go online (requires
  <Read user info> access, which wasn't even in Chatty before, so you'll
  have to request new login data)
- View a list of live streams (you followed or whose channel you are in)
- FrankerFaceZ emoticons
- Added search, allowing you to find text in the current chat window
- Deleted messages (from timeouts/bans) now get shortened to a maximum length,
  or you can use the previous behaviour or let the whole message be replaced
  with <message deleted>
- Change the displayed time range in Viewer History
- Automatically check if the login is valid, if it is suspected not to be
- Clickable links in Channel Info Dialog (also turns #srl-abcd into a race link)
- Cycle between tabs with Ctrl+TAB

- Updated Help
- Changed Settings Dialog Layout
- Detect subscribers even when in more than one channel (may not work correctly
  always, but it's a better guess than before)

- Changed color of inputbox cursor to foreground color
- Possibly made emoticon image loading a bit more reliable, but it's hard to
  tell what happens when the loading fails
- Handle long URLs in the URL open dialog better

Version 0.4 (2013-11-16) [back to top]

Full Changelog

New features:
- Added version checker to inform you about new versions of Chatty
- Added window icon
- Added colors to viewer history to indicate stream status changes, hovering
  displays stream title/game at that time (in addition to viewercount/time)
- Stream information is now requested for all channels you have currently joined
- Added tray notifications for highlighted messages and stream status changes
- Added sound notifications for highlighted messages and stream status changes
- Added some commandline parameters, settings and context menu entries

- Nicks in JOIN/PART/MOD/UNMOD lines now clickable
- Settings now saved in seperate files for general settings, login data and
- Fixed tab colors, added indicator for new stream status
- Added delay for global hotkey so it doesn't repeat as much if kept pressed
- Updated and improved help
- Added Mod/Unmod buttons to user dialog (only in your own channel)

- Fixed bug where a status change could reopen a tab that couldn't be closed
- Improved error handling for API responses
- Fixed bug where focus sometimes wouldn't be on inputbox when changing tabs or
  clicking in channel

Version 0.3 (2013-09-19) [back to top]

Full Changelog

New features:
- Added Admin Dialog that let's you change the title/game of your stream
  and run commercials (optional global hotkey for running commercials)
- Added Channel Favorites/History that automatically saves channels you joined
  and also allows you to add favorites (history can be deactivated in the
- Added Highlight system that makes a message appear in another color if defined
  keywords are found in it and/or it was send by a defined user (defaults to
  always highlight your own name)
- Added join dialog
- Messages from user "twitchnotify" as info messages (when someone subscribed)
- Added Warning when joining more than one channel
- Added context menus for nicks/links/channel/tabs
- Restore window position from last session
- Better debugging and error handling
- Automatically scroll down after 30s of inactivity when being scrolled up

- User Info Dialog: Auto-update message history, show bans, show channel context
- Lowered stream info (title, game, viewercount) update delay to 120s
- Improved default user colors
- Emoticons that contain only word characters match at word boundaries (to match
  the new behaviour in Twitch Webchat)

New settings:
- Option for capitalized names
- Option to show ban message (.. has been banned from talking), defaults to not
  showing it
- Color GUI settings (with default and dark preset)
- And of course quite a few for the new features/bugfixes

- Fixed bug where channels would re-open without being
  able to close them
- Fixed bug where the userlist wasn't loaded correctly on join
  when the channel was joined before in the same session
- Disabled Direct3D Hardware Acceleration by default to possibly
  fix Chatty appearing completely black under certain circumstances

First published version was 0.2 so changelog starts from version 0.3.