2016-04-26 21:14:25 +02:00

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<title>Chatty Help - Short Guides</title>
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<h1><a name="top">More Guides..</a></h1>
<a href="#localsubonly">Local Subscriber-Only Mode</a> |
<a href="#streamers">Chatty for Streamers</a> |
<a href="#eventchat">Join Eventchat</a>
<p>Probably shorter guides about some aspects of Chatty.</p>
<h2><a name="localsubonly">Local Subscriber-Only Mode</a></h2>
<p>You can create your own local subonly mode, which ignores all messages
written by non-subscribers.</p>
<p>Features used: <a href="help-settings.html#Ignore">Ignore System</a>, <a href="help-addressbook.html">Addressbook</a>,
<a href="help-settings.html#Commands">Custom Commands</a></p>
<h3>Create Ignore Entry</h3>
<p>Go to <code>Main - Settings - Ignore</code> and make sure <code>Enable Ignore</code>
is ticked. Then add to the list (press the Plus-Button):</p>
<p><code>!status:smbaf chanCat:subonly</code></p>
<p>The <code>!status:smbaf</code> prefix matches on messages send by users that
<em>don't</em> have any of the status levels defined, in this case users
that are neither a subscriber (<code>s</code>), moderator (<code>m</code>), broadcaster (<code>b</code>),
admin (<code>a</code>) or staff (<code>f</code>). So basicially this only matches on normal users.</p>
<p>The second requirement for a match is the <code>chanCat:subonly</code>
prefix, which refers to the channel category <code>subonly</code>, which
means the channel the message was send in needs to have that Addressbook category.
This is used to be able to easily toggle subonly-mode for a channel, and
of course to prevent it being enabled in all channels you join in the
first place.</p>
<h3>Create Custom Command to modify Addressbook</h3>
<p>To make use of the Ignore Entry defined in the previous section, you need
to add the <code>subonly</code> category to the channel you want to have
it enabled for. To do this, you could open the Addressbook Dialog
(<code>Channels - Addressbook</code>) and add the channel with the
category there (channels need a leading # in this case, so e.g. <code>#joshimuz</code>).</p>
<p>You can however also use <a href="help-addressbook.html#commands">Addressbook Commands</a>:</p>
<p><code>/ab change #joshimuz !subonly</code></p>
<p>This toggles the <code>subonly</code> category for the given channel, so
when the category is there, it removes the category, and when the category is not there,
it adds the category.</p>
<p>To do this a bit more conveniently, you can add it as a custom command. Go
to <code>Main - Settings - Commands</code> and add the following to the
<p><code>/Toggle_Subonly /ab change #$$1 !subonly</code></p>
<p>If you enter <code>/Toggle_Subonly joshimuz</code>, this will automatically
run the Addressbook as mentioned above (<code>$$1</code> means this is
being replaced with the first word after the command).</p>
<p>To make this more convenient (entering the command with the correct channel
could be a bit of a hassle), add the Custom Command to the <code>Channel Context Menu</code>
(on the same page in the settings). Just click on <code>Edit</code> and add
the command name (without any parameters):</p>
<p>Now if you right-click on a channel, the context menu that opens should
have an entry <code>Toggle Subonly</code>, which you can
use to turn your own local subonly mode for the current channel on and off.</p>
<h2><a name="streamers">Chatty for Streamers</a></h2>
<h3>Stay informed</h3>
<li>Open the <code>&lt;View - Channel Info&gt;</code> to see your current
stream title/game, a graph of your viewercount and how long your current
stream already is going.</li>
<li>Open the <code>&lt;Extra - Followers/Subscribers&gt;</code> dialog
to view your 100 most recent Followers/Subscribers and some stats based
on that.</li>
<h3>Manage your stream</h3>
<li>Open the <code>&lt;View - Channel Admin&gt;</code> dialog to change
the title/game of your stream and run commercials:
<li>Presets/History for title/game combinations</li>
<li>Favorite games you play often</li>
<li>Run commercials on a delay and/or timer</li>
<li>Run commercials while playing a game via a global hotkey
(Windows only)</li>
<h3>Capture chat for on-stream chat</h3>
<li>Customize chat colors, for example change to black background to be
able to make the background transparent in your streaming program.</li>
<li>If you capture Chatty with your streaming program, make sure to
enable the setting <code>Settings - Window - Always show chat scrollbar</code>, so you can always capture the same
region, independant of how many messages are in the chat window.</li>
<li>Change the font so it shows up nicely on stream.</li>
<li>If you want to have all text in bold - not just the names - you can
set the font by command like this: <code>/set font Arial Bold</code>.</li>
<li>You can clear the chat window by using the <code>/clearchat</code>
command (e.g. if you changed some settings before starting the stream
you don't want to show).</li>
<h2><a name="eventchat">Join Eventchat</a></h2>
<p><strong>As of March 2016 Twitch doesn't use separate Event Chat servers
<p class="del">When you join a channel of a big event and you don't receive any (or few) messages,
it's possible that the channel is on the Event Chat servers, not the
regular Twitch Chat servers. It's a common problem to run into if you're
not using the website (like any regular IRC client, Chatty and possibly
<p class="del">In order to join Event Chat in Chatty, you have to connect to a different
server. See <a href=""></a> for an (unofficial) list
of servers (make sure you choose the <code>Event Chat</code> tab and use
a server/port combination that is marked as <code>irc</code> in the
<code>Protocol</code> column).</p>
<p>Since Chatty can only connect to one server at a time, you either have
to only join channels that are on the Event Chat servers, or run two
<a href="help-guide1.html">seperate instances</a> of Chatty at the
same time.</p>
<p>There are different ways of connecting to a different server:</p>
<li>The <code>/server &lt;host&gt;[:port]</code> command connects to the given server and
port manually (for example <code>/server</code>,
replace with an Event Chat server accordingly).</li>
<li>The <code>-server</code> and <code>-port</code> commandline options
allow you to specify a different server when you start Chatty.</li>
<li>The <code>Server</code> and <code>Port</code> settings in the
Settings Dialog under <code>Advanced</code> allows you to set
fixed settings for the server to connect to. This especially makes sense
if you are using <a href="help-guide1.html">seperate settings for different instances</a> of Chatty.</li>
<p>If you want to switch between servers sometimes, you can create a
custom command to connect to Event Chat so you don't have to enter
the command with the IP and port manually every time. Go to
<code>Settings - Commands</code>, add a new Custom Command and enter:
<code>/eventchat /server &lt;server&gt;:&lt;port&gt;</code> (replace
with the appropriate IP and port of course). Then you
can just enter <code>/eventchat</code> in the inputbox (while not
being connected) and it will connect to Event Chat and if you want to
connect to regular Twitch Chat just connect regularly via the menu
(and it will use <code></code> if you didn't change the
server settings).</p>