2023-02-17 07:47:34 +01:00

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<title>Chatty Help - Look & Feel</title>
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<h1>Look & Feel</h1>
<p>A Java Look & Feel affects the colors/style (look) of the entire
program as well as some of the behavior/shortcuts (feel). Various
different Look & Feel can be selected in the Settings under "Look"
(additional chat-specific customization is possible on some subpages
such as "Chat Colors" or "Font").</p>
<p><em>Note:</em> Changing Look & Feel properties can cause some slight
GUI issues, so a restart of Chatty is recommended to complete your
<h2><a name="native-window">Native Window</a></h2>
<p>Some Look & Feel will not provide a styled window, but will instead
let the current window manager provide the titlebar/frame of the
window. Using the native style window has the advantage that
features such as window snapping and window management may work
<p>For Look & Feel other than "Default" and "System", you have to enable
the native window setting under "Look" (or <code>/set lafNativeWindow on</code>)
in order to use the native window. Restart Chatty after changing.</p>
<p>The colors of the native window may depend on the OS.</p>
<h3>How to set window colors in Windows 10</h3>
<p>The native window color in Windows 10 may be just white, even in dark
mode, unless you change some settings.</p>
<p>Open your start menu and search for "accent color", select "Choose
your accent color".</p>
<img src="laf_win10_color_start.png" alt="Screenshot of the start menu with Choose your accent color search result" />
<p>Tick the "Title bars and window borders" option at the bottom.</p>
<img src="laf_win10_color_tickbox.png" alt="Screenshot of the setting to enable" />
<p>This will apply the accent color only for active windows. You can
set the inactive window color through the registry, for example by
downloading and executing one of the following files:
<a href="">Blue/Gray</a> or
<a href="">Dark/Dark</a>
(These set both the active and inactive color, although it seems the
active one may be overwritten by the regular accent color setting,
so you may need to set that one normally.)</p>
<p>Log out of Windows and back in (or restart) in case the colors don't
immediately apply.</p>
<h2><a name="custom">Custom Properties</a></h2>
<p>The JTattoo Look & Feel (HiFi, Noire, Minte, Graphite, Aero, Fast, Luna)
allow you to use these properties, which overwrite their default
values. There are also <a href="#chatty">a few properties</a> that
can have an effect in every Look & Feel. They can be changed using
<a href="help-setting_commands.html">setting commands</a>:</p>
<li><code>/set lafCustomTheme &lt;property&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code> - set one property value</li>
<li><code>/remove lafCustomTheme &lt;property&gt;</code> - remove one property</li>
<li><code>/clearSetting lafCustomTheme</code> - remove all properties</li>
<p><em>Tip:</em> Enter <code>/set lafc</code> + <kbd>TAB</kbd> to
autocomplete setting name.</p>
<p>The following list may not contain all properties. Some more may be
listed <a href="">here</a>,
although that list is likely also not complete. Chatty also has some
new properties added.</p>
<p>Not all properties work the same for all Look & Feel and the
documentation on that isn't complete, so you'll just have to try
around a bit.</p>
<li>Colors must be given as "red green blue", e.g.
<code>/set lafCustomTheme selectionBackgroundColorLight 255 60 0</code></li>
<li>Settings that have <code>[Light/Dark]</code> have a top and bottom
color for gradients. For example for <code>buttonColor[Light/Dark]</code>
you can set both <code>buttonColorLight</code> and
<code>buttonColorDark</code> (to the same if you don't want a gradient).</li>
<li>Settings that say <code>on/off</code> are enabled when set to
<code>on</code> and disabled otherwise on any other value</li>
<table class="settings" cellspacing="1">
<th colspan="4">Window Properties</th>
<td>Active window title</td>
<td>Fast only?</td>
<td>Active window title/Dark for window frame</td>
<td>Inactive window title</td>
<td>Fast only?</td>
<td>Inactive window title/Dark for window frame</td>
<td>Window icons (minimize/close/..)</td>
<td>^ Shadow</td>
<td>^ Mouseover</td>
<td>Outer (active) window border</td>
<td>Outer (inactive) window border</td>
<td>Inner (active) window border, defaults to windowTitleColorDark</td>
<td>HiFi/Noire only</td>
<td>Inner (inactive) window border, defaults to windowInactiveTitleColorDark</td>
<td>HiFi/Noire only</td>
<!-- ########################### -->
<th colspan="4">General Properties</th>
<td>Most text</td>
<td>Many backgrounds</td>
<td>Some frames around GUI elements (like scrollpane, edit box)</td>
<td>^ Secondary color (bottom/right), if applicable</td>
<td>Various GUI elements (e.g. tabs)</td>
<td>Table header?</td>
<td>Table header?</td>
<td>Tabs Shadow/outline</td>
<td>^ When inactive window</td>
<td>For disabled GUI elements ("greyed out")</td>
<td>Focused GUI element dashed line (like button)</td>
<td>Focused Tree item border</td>
<td>Table grid</td>
<td>Selected tab</td>
<!-- ########################### -->
<th colspan="4">Menu Properties</th>
<td>Menu/Context Menu</td>
<td>Not for HiFi/Noire</td>
<td>Menu/Context Menu mouseover</td>
<!-- ########################### -->
<th colspan="4">Button Properties</th>
<td>Button/Tab mouseover</td>
<td>HiFi/Noire not for Tab</td>
<td>Button/Tab mouseover</td>
<td>Button pressed</td>
<td>Button pressed</td>
<!-- ########################### -->
<th colspan="4">Input Properties</th>
<td>Input like textfields, comboboxes, lists..</td>
<td>Selected text/list entries</td>
<td>Selected tab</td>
<td colspan="4" class="note">(Note: The chat inputbox colors are changed in the "Chat Colors" settings)</td>
<!-- ########################### -->
<th colspan="4">Tooltip Properties</th>
<!-- ########################### -->
<th colspan="4">Other Properties</th>
<td>When set to "off" it disables the custom styled windows and
uses native windows instead, on/off</td>
<td>More minimalistic scrollbar, on/off</td>
<td>Non-transparent menus, on/off</td>
<td>Style of the separator between the tabs and content, a single
number (0-8, 0 default)</td>
<td>HiFi/Noire only</td>
<td>Don't draw rounded buttons</td>
<td>Not all LaF</td>
<td>Use some inactive window colors for the Noir Look&amp;Feel, on/off</td>
<td>When set to "off" it won't play an error sound for some invalid actions (e.g. backspacing on an empty input field), on/off</td>
<!-- ########################### -->
<th colspan="4"><a name="chatty">Chatty Properties (any Look & Feel)</a></th>
<td>Tab color when a message was highlighted in the channel</td>
<td>Tab color when messages have been received since last having
it open</td>
<td>The border around the chat inputbox (e.g. <code>border(1,255 0 0)</code>
for a red border)</td>
<!-- ########################### -->
<th colspan="4">Not used in Chatty or not sure what it is</th>