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<title>Chatty Help</title>
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<h1><a name="top">Memory Usage</a></h1>
<p>This page gives some information about memory usage and performance and
how to affect memory usage.</p>
<li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#restrict">Increase or reduce allocated memory</a></li>
<li><a href="#error">Running out of memory</a></li>
<h2><a name="intro">Introduction</a></h2>
<p>There are a few reasons Chatty may use a considerable greater amount of
memory compared to other IRC clients:</p>
<li>Java prefers to allocate more memory than absolutely needed, so it
can reduce the work going into Garbage Collection, which reduces CPU
<li>Java management and resources it has to have loaded add some
overhead that other programs may not have.</li>
<li>Chatty stores a lot of information for all it's features to work,
such as emoticons, badges, stream info, user data - some of which
can increase over time as the program is running.</li>
<li>Memory and CPU usage may increase depending on how many channels you
are in and their activity, as more data is created and deleted in
busy chats, requiring either more memory or (if Java is not allowed
to allocate more) more Garbage Collection work to be performed.</li>
<p>You can use the <code>/appinfo</code> command in Chatty to get some
information about current memory usage. Note that these values can be
somewhat different from what is shown in e.g. Task Manager.</p>
<h2><a name="restrict">Increase or reduce allocated memory</a></h2>
<p>When you start a Java program there is some default maximum amount of
memory it is allowed to use, which can vary on a case-by-case basis.</p>
<li>If the default size is too small you can experience performance
issues (or even errors) and you may want to allow Java to allocate
more memory.</li>
<li>If you're not experiencing performance issues you can decrease
memory usage, although be careful to not set it too low.</li>
<p>You can tell Java the maximum amount heap memory it can use by using the
launch option <code>-Xmx400M</code>. In this example it allows a maximum
heap of 400MB, which is recommended for good performance. You should
normally never set it below 200MB or you may experience issues.</p>
<h3>JAR Version</h3>
<p><a href="help-guide_create_shortcut.html">Create a shortcut</a> (you may
already have created one with the installer). When editing the shortcut
change the target and add the launch option after Java but before the
<code>-jar</code> part (you may have to add the <code>javaw</code> and
<code>-jar</code> parts). It should end up looking similiar to:</p>
<p><code>javaw <strong>-Xmx400M</strong> -jar "D:\Chatty\Chatty.jar"</code></p>
<h3>Standalone Version</h3>
<p>The Chatty.exe of the <a href="help-standalone.html">Windows Standalone</a>
version will look for launch options in the file <code>Chatty.cfg</code>
in the <code>app</code> folder, so you can add the <code>-Xmx400M</code>
there, after <code>[JVMOptions]</code> (should already be there by
default, so you can just change the number).</p>
<h2><a name="error">Running out of memory</a></h2>
<p>If Java cannot clean up enough memory to make space for new data to be
stored, an OutOfMemory exception will occur.</p>
<li>This can be a sign that you should increase the amount of memory
Java is allowed to use. For example if the maximum heap is 50MB
there simply won't be enough space to even start Chatty, if it is
100MB it may still start but you'll likely run into issues a bit
later. Use <code>/appinfo</code> to find out current and max usage.</li>
<li>The longer Chatty is running at a time and the more active channels
you have joined, the more data it will accumulate that are necessary
for features such as displaying Stream Info History or messages that
users have sent in the User Dialog. If you run into issues after
leaving Chatty running for several days, then a simple restart may
be helpful.</li>
<li>There may be a bug, either in Chatty or some Java library,
preventing memory from being cleaned up properly, resulting in a
memory leak.</li>
<p>Short of analyzing a heap dump, basicially a full copy of the programs
memory, it is hard to tell what exactly takes up the memory. Such
analysis is often performed duing development and testing, but if an
issue can not be reproduced then finding the exact cause can be
<h2>Reducing memory usage</h2>
<p>The following settings can be adjusted to reduce memory usage:</p>
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Moderation - Clear message history of inactive users</dt>
<dd>Long running instances will accumulate more and more messages stored
for display in the User Dialog. Setting this to a lower value can
reduce memory usage.</dd>