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<title>Chatty Help - Troubleshooting</title>
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<h1><a name="top">Troubleshooting</a></h1>
<li>Startup / Folders / Settings
<li><a href="#start">Chatty won't start</a></li>
<li><a href="#global_hotkeys">Global Hotkeys Error</a></li>
<li><a href="#settings_lost">Settings lost</a></li>
<li><a href="#wrong_folders">Wrong image/sounds folder</a></li>
<li>Connection Issues
<li><a href="#login">Can't connect because the login failed</a></li>
<li><a href="#connect">Can't connect</a></li>
<li><a href="#logindata">Can't get login data</a></li>
<li><a href="#font">Broken characters / Fallback fonts</a></li>
<li><a href="#visual-glitches">Visual Artifacts/Glitches</a></li>
<li><a href="#scaling">Blurry UI Scaling</a></li>
<li><a href="#known">Known Issues</a></li>
<li><a href="#performance">Bad performance / OutOfMemoryError</a></li>
<li><a href="#log">Debug log</a></li>
<li><a href="#mac">MacOS Issues</a></li>
<p>If you can't find a solution here or require additional help, read the
page on <a href="help-report_issue.html">Reporting Issues</a>.</p>
<a name="known">Known Issues</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>User Interface</h3>
<li>Sometimes users aren't correctly sorted in the userlist</li>
<li>Windows: Dragging the upper edge to maximize the window vertically
doesn't resize the contents of the window. This may be a Java Bug
that I cannot fix. Workaround: Try double-clicking the upper edge
instead of dragging it.</li>
<h3>Errors / Crashes</h3>
<li>Using the Calibri font can cause random errors, due to a bug in
(<a href="">More information</a>)</li>
<li>Java can crash due to a bug with the graphics driver.
(<a href="">Forum Posts</a>)</li>
<p><a href="help-issues.html">Documentation of some issues</a></p>
<a name="performance">Bad performance / OutOfMemoryError</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>You may want to check if Irc logging is enabled in the Debug Window
(<code>Extra - Debug window - Checkbox: Irc log</code>), which should
be disabled by default, but can lower performance if checked.</p>
<a name="global_hotkeys">Global Hotkeys Error</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p><em>Note:</em> If you don't use global hotkeys you don't have to worry
about this.</p>
<p>If global hotkeys don't work, but there is no error message about it,
make sure that you actually have global hotkeys enabled in the Hotkeys
settings or in the menu "Extra - Options".</p>
<p>Global hotkeys should usually work on Windows, Linux and Mac. It's
possible that they don't work in just some contexts, for example some
<h3>Error message</h3>
<p>If you get an error message related to global hotkeys:</p>
<li>Check <code>Extra - Debug window</code> for errors related to
global hotkeys. It's possible that there was some error with the
native library or that your platform is not supported properly.</li>
<li>Try restarting your computer, sometimes it is only a temporary
<a name="settings_lost">Settings lost</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>If you loose your settings (or part of it like just the Addressbook) then
either they weren't saved/loaded properly for some reason or you changed
your configuration and your settings directory is not the same anymore.</p>
<li>Enter <code>/dir</code> in Chatty to find out what your settings
directory is (<code>/openDir</code> to open it) and whether that's
the one you used before (there should be quite a few files and
<li>If there is a <code>backup</code> folder you can try to restore the
automatic backup. <a href="help-guide_folders.html#backup">More Information...</a></li>
<a name="wrong_folders">Wrong image/sounds folder</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>The image/sounds folders are based on the current Working Directory,
which is set when you start Chatty. <a href="help-guide_folders.html#wdir">More Information..</a></p>
<a name="login">Can't connect because the login failed</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>If you repeatedly get disconnected because of possibly invalid login
data, please go to <code>Main - Account - Verify login</code>.
This will send a request to Twitch to check if the access token is valid.
If the login data is valid, then Twitch may just have temporary problems
and you should try again later. The same goes for when the check itself
fails because it can't reach the Twitch API.</p>
<p>If the login data isn't valid, you can just remove the login and request
new login data. Also see the <a href="help.html#login-invalid">section about login</a>
for more information about invalid logins.</p>
<p>Another reason may be that you are connecting to the <a href="#connect">wrong port</a>.</p>
<a name="connect">Can't connect</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>It's possible that your internet/firewall doesn't like the port you are
using to connect. By default it tries to connect to <code>6667</code>
first. Twitch may also have changed the ports. You can check <a href=""></a>
(not an official Twitch site) which chat server/ports are available (make sure to use an <code>irc</code> server).
The host <code></code> should resolve to the available server IPs, so you normally
shouldn't have to enter an IP directly (for main chat).</p>
<p>If you are using a shortcut to start Chatty, also check any
custom server/port you may have defined there using <a href="help.html#launch">commandline parameters</a>.</p>
<a name="logindata">Can't get login data</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>If you get an error getting login data, see <a href="help-guide2.html">What to do when getting login fails</a>.</p>
<a name="font">Broken characters / Fallback fonts</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>If Java encounters a character that is not contained in the chat font
you currently have configured, it will try to find it in the fallback
fonts. You can add your own fallback fonts if you need to be able to
display more characters than by default.</p>
<p>The Java fallback font directory is located in the Java Runtime Environment
(you may have to create the <code>/fallback</code> directory yourself):
<p>To find it you can use the command <code>/showFallbackFontDir</code> to
output the full path or the command <code>/openFallbackFontDir</code> to
directly open the path in your file browser. The commands have to be
entered into the Chatty chat inputbox.</p>
<p>The Windows Standalone already contains the <a href="">Unifont</a>
fonts as fallback fonts by default.</p>
<p><em>Note:</em> If you set the <code>inputFont</code>
<a href="help-setting_commands.html#font">setting</a> to something other
than a Java logical font (which is currently only possible through
setting commands, changing through the Settings Dialog is fine), then
the font fallback mechanism may break.</p>
<a name="start">Chatty won't start</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>Windows Standalone Version</h3>
<p>The <code>Chatty.exe</code> uses the bundled Java (JRE) in the <code>runtime</code>
directory to execute the <code>Chatty.jar</code> in the <code>app</code>
directory. If you have issues executing the <code>Chatty.exe</code>, try
the following:</p>
<dl class="defList">
<dt>Error: Failed to find JVM..</dt>
<dd>The <code>Chatty.exe</code> and the bundled Java in the <code>runtime</code>
directory may not be compatible or they weren't installed correctly.
Manually delete the <code>Chatty.exe</code> and the <code>runtime</code>
directory and re-install the Standalone version and make sure it installs or
extracts fully.</dd>
<dt>Error: Class chatty/Chatty not found. / Failed to launch JVM.</dt>
<dd>Make sure that the path where Chatty is located contains only ASCII
characters (basicially no non-english letters).</dd>
<dt>Issue: Nothing happens when executing the Chatty.exe</dt>
<dd>In new Standalone versions (ChattyPortable.exe exists) make sure
that the directory <code>runtime/lib/ext</code> does not exist.</dd>
<h3>JAR Version</h3>
<p>You need to have at least Java 8 JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed to run Chatty.</p>
<p>If you try to start Chatty by double-clicking the <code>Chatty.jar</code>,
first make sure that <code>.jar</code> files are associated with Java,
and not some other program like WinRAR. The icon of the <code>Chatty.jar</code>
should have a Java icon (coffee cup). If you right-click the <code>Chatty.jar</code>
you can select the program to open it with under <code>Open with</code>.</p>
<p>If you are sure that the <code>Chatty.jar</code> is actually started with
Java, but no program window appears, it may be that an error occured before
the window (GUI) could be created.</p>
<h3>Run from commandline</h3>
<p>Running Chatty from the commandline has the advantage of being able to
get messages from before the GUI is established. It also may work when Java
isn't integrated into the OS correctly (but is installed).</p>
<li>Open a commandline window on the directory where the
<code>Chatty.jar</code> is located
<li>Windows: In the File Explorer, while holding <kbd>Shift</kbd>
Right-Click on an empty space (without a file selected) of
the folder where the <code>Chatty.jar</code> is located.
Click on <code>Open command window here</code> in the
context menu.</li>
<li>In the commandline window, enter <code>java -jar Chatty.jar</code>
and press Enter.</li>
<p>When you enter the above command and Chatty starts correctly (but doesn't
when you double-click the <code>Chatty.jar</code>), this may mean that
Java isn't integrated into the OS properly. You can create a
<a href="help-guide_create_shortcut.html">shortcut</a> or a .bat-file to
start Chatty similiar to entering the command above, but much more
<p>If Chatty doesn't start when you enter the above command, check the
commandline window for error messages.
<a href="help.html#contact">Send</a> a screenshot of the commandline
window along with information on what other things you tried if you
require further assistance with it.</p>
<h3>Check Association of .jar with Java (Windows)</h3>
<p>If the integration of Java into the OS may not be correct, and you want
to try to fix it, you can try this.</p>
<p>Open a commandline window and enter <code>assoc .jar</code> which should output
<code>.jar=jarfile</code> and enter <code>ftype jarfile</code> which should
output something like <code>"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%1" %*</code>
(see also <a href="">
Could not find the main class. Program will exit.</a>)</p>
<h3>Error: Java is not recognized as an internal or external command (Windows)</h3>
<p>If you experience this when entering <code>java -jar Chatty.jar</code>
in the commandline, then it probably can't find Java because it's not in the
<code>PATH</code> environment variable (that defines where to look
for programs of which only the filename has been entered, not the whole path).</p>
<p>You can enter <code>PATH</code> in a commandline window to check what is
in it. It should show a list of semicolon-separated directories, one of which
should point to Java.</p>
<h3>Find errors in debug.log</h3>
<p>Check if Chatty writes to any files in the <code>debuglogs</code> folder
(by default <code>&lt;homedir&gt;/.chatty/debuglogs</code>,
for example <code>C:\Users\yourname\.chatty\debuglogs</code>).</p>
<a name="visual-glitches">Visual Artifacts/Glitches</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>Some people experience issues with stuff in Chatty not being drawn
correctly (e.g. on top of eachother, areas not showing). This is probably
a Java bug that is system-dependant in some way (possibly OS or graphics
driver related, it's not really clear). There is no definite solution
for this, but there are a few things you can try:</p>
<li>Check if you have any programs running that may interfere, programs
that have been known to be incompatible for some people:
<li>MSI Afterburner: Add <code>javaw.exe</code> to an ignore
list or disable on-screen display support if possible</li>
<li>If you have more than one monitor, try the other monitor. Not sure
why, but some people had it work better on another monitor.</li>
<li>Make sure the <code>Settings - Other - Disable Direct3D</code>
setting is checked. Maybe also try <code>Disable DirectDraw</code>,
although it should be redundant.</li>
<li>Add the <code>-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false</code> parameter when starting
Chatty, which does the same as the <code>Disable Direct3D</code>
setting, but adding it as a starting parameter seemed to work better
for some people. To do this, <a href="help-guide_create_shortcut.html">create a shortcut</a>
and add the parameter, similiar to this (obviously adjusting to your
<code>javaw -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -jar "D:\Chatty\Chatty.jar"</code></li>
<li>Try the Windows Standalone version of Chatty (if you're on Windows
of course).</li>
<p><a href="">Read Issue #64</a>
for experiences of other users and possible workarounds, and add your
own data to the discussion.</p>
<a name="scaling">Blurry UI Scaling</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>When using a High-DPI monitor or changing the monitor scale setting in
Windows, you may experience blurryness in the UI since UI scaling is not
very well supported at the moment.</p>
<p>If an app does not handle scaling Windows will attempt to scale up the
app automatically, which will usually not look very sharp. There are
different ways to tell Windows that Chatty/Java should handle the
<li>The Windows Standalone (Chatty.exe) contains an application manifest
that should tell Windows that the app will do the scaling.</li>
<li>Some Java executables tell Windows that the app will do the scaling,
however the javaw.exe that is used by default when starting a JAR
may not do that.</li>
<li>You can change the Compatability settings of a Java executable in
order to tell Windows to let the app do the High-DPI scaling. This
however may cause issues when moving the app between differently
scaled screens (e.g. the scaling is done visually, but mouse events
are triggered as if it was scaled differently).</li>
<p>Once Windows lets the app do the scaling, there are different
<li>Java 8 versions will simply not do any scaling at all, so on
High-DPI Chatty may appear smaller.</li>
<li>Java 9 and higher can scale the UI correctly (although not always
perfectly), except for images, which will still occur blurry.</li>
<p>You can change the "UI Scaling" setting under "Main - Settings - Other"
to force a fixed scaling. This may not always work. To avoid blurry
images and other UI issues a scaling of <code>1.0</code> is recommended
(you can change "Look", "Font" and "Emoticons" settings to scale up
fonts and emotes).</p>
<a name="log">Debug log</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<div class="moreInfo">Moved: <a href="help-report_issue.html#log">Report Issue</a></div>
<a name="mac">MacOS Issues</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>Files can't be accessed</h3>
<p>If Chatty can't access some files (e.g. sounds), you may have to give the
JAR Launcher additional access. Go to <code>System Preferences - Security -
Privacy - Full Disk Access</code> and add the <code>Jar</code>
to the list.
<a href="">More information..</a></p>