2016-06-28 12:45:05 +02:00

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<title>Chatty Help - Settings</title>
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<h1><a name="top">Settings</a></h1>
<p><a href="#Main">Main</a>
| <a href="#Messages">Messages</a>
| <a href="#Chat">Chat</a>
| <a href="#Emoticons">Emoticons</a>
| <a href="#Usericons">Usericons</a>
| <a href="#Usercolors">Usercolors</a>
| <a href="#Highlight">Highlight</a>
| <a href="#Ignore">Ignore</a>
| <a href="#Sounds">Sounds</a>
| <a href="#Notifications">Notifications</a>
| <a href="#Log to file">Log to file</a>
| <a href="#Window">Window</a>
| <a href="#Commands">Commands</a>
| <a href="#Other">Other</a>
| <a href="#Advanced">Advanced</a>
| <a href="#Hotkeys">Hotkeys</a>
| <a href="#Completion">Completion</a></p>
<p>This page details some of the settings in the Settings Dialog
(<code>Main Menu - Settings</code>). Also try hovering over settings
in the settings dialog itself, sometimes you can get a tooltip with some
additional information. You can open this help in the settings dialog by
clicking on the "Help" link on the bottom left.</p>
<a name="Main">Main</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>Chat Font</h3>
<p>Change font and font size by clicking on <code>Select font</code>.</p>
<h3>Input Font</h3>
<p>Input font is restricted to two fonts by default, because other fonts
cause issues due to a bug in Java. The number behind the font is the
font size. You can manually change this setting via
<a href="help-setting_commands.html">Setting Commands</a> (as with most
settings) if you really need another font, but pay attention to the
<a href="help-setting_commands.html#font">note</a> about the adverse
effects it may have.</p>
<p>You can select what will happen when you start Chatty:</p>
<li><strong>Do nothing</strong> - Just do nothing special</li>
<li><strong>Open connect dialog</strong> - Open dialog to connect</li>
<li><strong>Connect and join specified channels</strong> - Connect
immediately and join the channels specified in the field below. You can
define several channels by seperating them with a comma.</li>
<li><strong>Connect and join previously open channels</strong> - Connect
immediately and join the channels you had open when you closed Chatty.</li>
<li><strong>Connect and join favorited channels</strong> - Connect
immediately and join the channels that are favorited in the Channel
Favorites/History dialog.</li>
<a name="Messages">Messages</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>Deleted Messages (Timeouts/Bans)</h3>
<p>This allows you to define how timeouts or bans are displayed in Chatty.</p>
<p><em>Tip:</em> Click on a username in chat to open the User Info Dialog,
which also shows the timeouts/bans and the original messages.</p>
<p><strong>Please Note:</strong> The timeout duration/reason is in Beta at
Twitch, so stuff <em>may or may not</em> change at some point and break
the display in Chatty. Telling the difference between a timeout and
permanent ban also depends on this, so if this info isn't available
users who were just timed out may be shown as banned.</p>
<li>There are three options on how to handle deleted messages in chat:
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Delete Message</dt>
<dd>Completely replaces the message with <code>&lt;message deleted&gt;</code>.</dd>
<dt>Strike through</dt>
<dd>Keeps the whole message displayed, but crossed out.</dd>
<dt>Strike through, shorten</dt>
<dd>Crosses out the message but also shortens the message to the
given number of characters, so long spam messages don't take
up much space, but you can still kind of tell what they were
<dd>Shortened messages are indicated by the points at the end
that are <em>not</em> crossed out:
<code><span style="text-decoration: line-through">[12:30] Spammer: Deleted spam message Long copy pas</span>..</code></dd>
<li>Ban duration/reason:
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Show ban duration</dt>
<dd>Appends the length of timeouts in seconds (s) or minutes (m)
and "banned" for bans to the most recent message of the
banned user.</dd>
<dd><code><span style="text-decoration: line-through">[23:12] Spammer: spam message</span> (10m)</code></dd>
<dd><code><span style="text-decoration: line-through">[23:12] Spammer: spam message</span> (banned)</code> (permanent ban)</dd>
<dd>If more than one timeout is issued, the appended info will update
with the length of the latest timeout, again always applied to the most recent
message of that user.</dd>
<dd>Timeouts that happen more than a minute after the
offending message was originally received will cause the
appended info to include an asterisk at the end (*).</dd>
<dd><code><span style="text-decoration: line-through">[23:12] Spammer: spam message</span> (10m)*</code></dd>
<dt>Show ban reason (mod only)</dt>
<dd>Show the reason for the timeout (if the mod has given one),
appended and updated together with the duration.</dd>
<dd><code><span style="text-decoration: line-through">[23:12] Spammer: spam message</span> (banned) [rude tbh]</code></dd>
<dd><code><span style="text-decoration: line-through">[23:12] Spammer: spam message</span> (10m) [emote spam]</code></dd>
<dd>This is only available for mods of the channel as well as for
the user that was banned/timed out.</dd>
<li>In addition to handling the deleted message, Chatty can also show a
separate message with info about the ban:
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Show separate ban messages</dt>
<dd>Enable separate ban/timeout info messages.</dd>
<dd><code>&lt;name&gt; has been timed out</code></dd>
<dd><code>&lt;name&gt; has been banned</code> (permanent ban)</dd>
<dt>Combine ban messages</dt>
<dd>Chatty can combine ban messages, which means if several
similiar bans/timeouts are issued for the same user within
10 seconds, only one message is shown, with the number of
included bans shown after the message, e.g.
<code>&lt;name&gt; has been timed out (3)</code>.</dd>
<dd>Ban messages are not combined if a new message from the banned user was
received in the meantime.</dd>
<dd>This is particularly useful when moderation bots want to
more reliably remove a message and issue several identical
timeouts a few seconds apart.</dd>
<dt>Show ban duration</dt>
<dd>Appends the length of timeouts in seconds (s) or minutes (m)
to the separate timeout info message.</dd>
<dd><code>&lt;name&gt; has been timed out (60s)</code></dd>
<dt>Show ban reason (mod only)</dt>
<dd>Appends the reason for the timeout/ban (if the mod has given
one) to the separate info message.</dd>
<dd><code>&lt;name&gt; has been banned [rude tbh]</code></dd>
<dd><code>&lt;name&gt; has been timed out (600s) [emote spam]</code>
<dd>This is only available for mods of the channel as well as for
the user that was banned/timed out.</dd>
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dd>Whether to show a timestamp in front of
chat messages and what format it should have. If you want a different
format from the ones provided here, you can use the command
<code>/set timestamp &lt;format&gt;</code>. The format can be anything
specified by the Java
<a href="">SimpleDateFormat</a>
<dt>Show mod/unmod messages</dt>
<dd>Whether to show the MOD/UNMOD
messages as they come in from Twitch Chat. These messages are send
not only when someone was modded/unmodded but also when a mod joins
or leaves the chat.</dd>
<dt>Show joins/parts</dt>
<dd>Show joins/parts, which
are always kind of delayed, so don't take them too seriously (only works
when <code>Advanced - Correct Userlist</code> is enabled).</dd>
<dt>Show stream status in chat</dt>
<dd>Outputs the stream status (title and game) in the chat window on
join and when it changes (when the stream goes offline or online or
changes the title or game).</dd>
<dt>/me messages colored</dt>
<dd>Show action messages in the color of the user like in webchat.</dd>
<dt>Filter combining characters</dt>
<dd>Replaces certain ranges of
Unicode characters. Those characters are used in some
languages to combine characters, but can apparently cause errors in some
cases. The filter applies to the main chat window and the recent messages
in the User Info Dialog (but not e.g. the chatlog written to file).
<dl class="dl-settings dl-settings-sub">
<dd>Do nothing</dd>
<dd>Replaces at least 3 characters in a row with stars (****), which preserves some legitimate use</dd>
<dd>Replaces any number of characters in a row with stars (****), use this if you have performance
problems when someone posts these kind of characters</dd>
<h3><a name="capitalization">Name Capitalization</a></h3>
<p>Names in Twitch Chat are send all-lowercase by default, however there is
an IRCv3 tag send with each message with the display name which Chatty
can use to show correct capitalization. You have the following settings:</p>
<li><strong>Capitalized Names (First Letter)</strong> simply makes the
first letter of names uppercase. This will be correct for many names,
but by far not for all (names might have capital letters in the middle
or be all-lowercase). You can enable this if you simply prefer it this
<li><strong>Correctly Capitalized Names</strong> uses the capitalization
send in the IRCv3 tag with each message and should be what the user
configured. In very rare cases the display nick may differ more than the
capitalization. This is enabled by default.</li>
<p><em>The previous function that requested correctly capitalized names from the
Twitch API has been removed. This also means that the associated commands
(<code>/refreshCase</code>, <code>/setCase</code> and <code>/getCase</code>)
have been removed as well. If you want to customize the capitalization of someone else's
name locally, you can now use the <a href="help.html#customNames">Custom Names feature</a>.
The names in the userlist will not be correctly capitalized until Chatty has
received a message from that user during this session.</em></p>
<a name="Chat">Chat</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>Chat Settings</h3>
<li><strong>Scroll down after <code>&lt;x&gt;</code> seconds of inactivity</strong>: If you scrolled
up in chat but haven't moved scrollposition in the given number of seconds, it will scroll down
if new messages come in. This prevents new messages from being hidden
indefinitely if you accidently stayed scrolled up.</li>
<li><strong>Chat buffer size</strong>: How many lines of text are kept
for each channel in chat to scroll back to.</li>
<h3>Pause Chat</h3>
<p>The Pause Chat feature stops Chatty from scrolling down when you move the
mouse over chat. This can be useful if you want to click specific stuff
in a fast moving chat, for example if you are moderating or just want to
click on an emote to see what it is.</p>
<p><em>Please note:</em> This will not work properly until the chat window is filled with
text, because only then will Chatty actively scroll down. Also, this
only stops Chatty from actively scrolling down, so if e.g. a big message
is being timed out and thus shortened, stuff may still move around accordingly
(which in that case couldn't really be prevented anyway).</p>
<p>Chat is paused as long as you move the mouse over chat or if you hold
<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> (and initiated pausing by moving the mouse). A little
popup in the top-right will indicate that the chat is paused.</p>
<p>Holding <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> basicially acts as if you moved the mouse
<li><strong>Pause chat when moving the mouse over it:</strong> Enables
this feature.</li>
<li><strong>Require Ctrl being pressed to start pausing chat:</strong>
If this is enabled, you need to have <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> pressed to
start pausing chat when moving the mouse over it. Once it's paused,
you can let go of <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> and it will stay paused as long as
you move the mouse (or hold <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> again to keep it paused
even when not moving the mouse, as usual).</li>
<li><strong>Run command when clicking on user (holding Ctrl):</strong>
When you select a command here, then clicking on a user in chat
while holding <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> will run the command on that user. You
can <a href="help-setting_commands.html#chat">manually edit</a> this
setting to use another command.</li>
<a name="Emoticons">Emoticons</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>General Settings</h3>
<li><strong>Show emoticons</strong>: Shows emoticons as images instead
of just the text</li>
<li><strong>Enable BetterTTV Emotes</strong>: Shows some of the BetterTTV emotes.
<em>Requires a restart to take effect when you change it.</em></li>
<li><strong>Enable FrankerFaceZ (FFZ)</strong>: Downloads <a href="help.html#emoticons">FrankerFaceZ</a>
emotes and Mod Icons (where available). <em>Requires a restart to take
effect when you change it.</em></li>
<li><strong>Enable FFZ Mod Icon</strong>: Show the FFZ Mod Icon instead of the regular
Mod Icon (where available). <em>Requires FrankerFaceZ setting to be enabled.</em></li>
<li><strong>Enable FFZ Featured Emotes</strong>: Show special FFZ emotes
available in some channels (mainly Speedrunning Events). To receive
these emotes Chatty maintains a connection to the FFZ Socket Server.</li>
<li><strong>Allow animated emotes</strong>: Show animated emotes (BTTV GIF emotes).</li>
<li><strong>Scale</strong>: The relative size of how emotes are displayed in chat (100% is regular size).</li>
<li><strong>Maximum Height</strong>: The maximum height of emotes in chat (in pixels). Use 0 to allow any height.</li>
<li><strong>Emotes Dialog</strong>: The relative size of how emotes are displayed in the Emotes Dialog (100% is regular size).</li>
<li><strong>Double-click on emote closes Emote Dialog</strong>: If
enabled, double-clicking on an emote in the Emote Dialog closes the
Emote Dialog.</li>
<h3>Ignored Emotes</h3>
<p>Emotes added to this list will not be turned into an image, but instead
are just shown as their emote code.</p>
<p>The code added to the list has to be the
exact code used internally to find the emote in the messages. Usually this is simply
the emote code as you would type it in chat, but some emotes have a special syntax
that you might not even know (e.g. <code>:)</code> has <code>\:-?\)</code> as actual code).
It is recommended to use the emote context menu (right-click on an emote in chat) to
ignore emotes, because then the correct code will automatically be added to
the list.</p>
<a name="Usericons">Usericons</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>Usericon Settings</h3>
<li><strong>Show Usericons</strong>: Shows badges as images instead of
just text</li>
<li><strong>Enable Custom Usericons</strong>: Use the custom icons
defined in the table below</li>
<li><strong>Enable Bot Badge</strong>: Enables showing of the bot badge
for known bots. Chatty shows a single bot badge for all known bots. The
list of bot names comes from different sources: The <code>botNames</code>
setting, the BTTV API and the FFZ API.
<li><strong>BTTV</strong>: Use botnames from the BTTV API</li>
<li><strong>FFZ</strong>: Use botnames from the FFZ API</li>
<h3>Custom Usericons</h3>
<p>By adding entries to the table you can either replace the default icons (Mod, Turbo, Subscriber, ..)
or add additional icons for certain users or addressbook categories. The order
of the entries can matter, they are matched from the top, so if more than one
icon matches that is supposed to replace a default icon, then the first one
is used. If more than one <code>Addon</code> icon matches, then all are used
(unless you use the <code>$stop</code> restriction, see section <em>Restriction</em> below).</p>
<p>You have the following options when you add/edit an item:</p>
<dl class="paragraphs">
<dd>The type determines whether a default icon will be replaced
(if you choose <code>Moderator, Subscriber, Turbo, ..</code>) or if
it should be an additional icon added after the default ones (<code>Addon</code>).
Currently, you can have as many Addon-Icons as you want and they are
all displayed at once (if they match the requirements of course).</dd>
<dd>This is similiar to the <a href="#Usercolors">Usercolors</a> settings,
where you can enter special restrictions the user has to match in order
for the icon to be displayed. What makes the most sense in this case is
probably just entering a username (e.g. <code>serenity</code>) or an
addressbook category (e.g. <code>$cat:vip</code>, which would refer to
the category <code>vip</code>). If you keep this empty, then no restriction
is applied.</dd>
<dd>Specifying a <em>Type</em> other than <code>Addon</code> carries an
implicit restriction, since e.g. the default moderator icons are only
displayed if the user is a moderator.</dd>
<dd>Normally you can only specify <em>one</em> restriction, but you can
also add <strong>special restrictions</strong> for <code>Addon</code>
<li><code>$stop</code> means if this icon matches (and is thus used),
it stops searching for further <code>Addon</code> icons. So
it's not really a restriction for <em>this</em> icon, but
rather a restriction that affects the following icons and
can be used to limit the number of <code>Addon</code> icons.</li>
<li><code>$first</code> puts this <code>Addon</code> icon before
the regular icons. The <code>$stop</code> restriction only
applies to one group of <code>Addon</code> icons separately
(before or after the regular icons).</li>
<dd>Examples: <code>$cat:streamer $first</code>, <code>lotsofs</code></dd>
<dd>This is another requirement that also has to be met in order for the
icon to be displayed. You can entere a channel name here, so that the
icon will only be displayed in that channel. You can add an exclamation
mark in front of the channel name (like <code>!#channel</code>) to have
it displayed in all channels except the one you specified. If you keep
this empty, then it will be displayed in all channels.</dd>
<dt>Image File</dt>
<dd>The image file to use for the icon. Must be a <code>.png</code> and
should usually be about 18x18 pixels (because that is the size of the
default icons). The image files are looked for in the <code>/img</code>
subfolder of the working directory (similiar to the <code>/sounds</code>
folder). You can click on <code>Image Folder</code> to show information
about it and rescan it to update the list of images in the dropdown menu.</dd>
<dd>You can add the special Image File name <code>$ffz</code> which will
make it use a FrankerFaceZ icon for that, if available (this only really
applies if you use the <em>Type</em> <code>Moderator</code> and want to
replace the moderator icon in all channels execept the ones that have a
FFZ Mod Icon).</dd>
<dd>You should also be able to specify the full path to an image, if you
don't want to use the dedicated image folder. A filename starting with
<code>http</code> is interpreted as URL.</dd>
<p><em>Tip:</em> Jump to entries in the table by clicking into a column and
start to type. Backspace or wait to get out of the search mode.</p>
<a name="Usercolors">Usercolors</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>This allows you to specify your own usercolors for either certain types
of users (mod, subscriber etc.) or specific usernames. There are special
items that you can use to specify that (to specify a username, just enter
it without anything else):</p>
<li><code>$mod</code> - Moderators</li>
<li><code>$sub</code> - Subscribers</li>
<li><code>$turbo</code> - Turbo Users</li>
<li><code>$admin</code> - Admins</li>
<li><code>$staff</code> - Staff members</li>
<li><code>$all</code> - All users, this can be used to specify a default
color (should be put at the very end of the list)</li>
<li><code>$broadcaster</code> - Broadcasters</li>
<li><code>$cat:&lt;category&gt;</code> - A category from the <a href="help.html#addressbook">Addressbook</a></li>
<li><code>#&lt;color code&gt;</code> - A Html color code, e.g. <code>#0000FF</code> for blue, which can
be used to replace colors</li>
<li><code>$color:&lt;color code or name&gt;</code> - A Html color code or name (names
as hardcoded into Chatty, may be different from other programs), e.g. <code>$color:Blue</code> for blue,
which can be used to replace colors</li>
<p>The order of the
entries in the table matters, because it is checked from the top. If you
were to put the <code>$all</code> item at the very top, any items below
wouldn't do anything, because the first item would already match all users.
This e.g. allows you to specify what color a user should have when he is
both a subscriber and a moderator (by either putting <code>$mod</code>
or <code>$sub</code> first).</p>
<p>If an item is red and has "(error)" appended (e.g. "<span style="color:red">$color.Blue (error)</span>"),
this means the item is invalid. In the example this is because a point has
been used instead of a colon, so "$color:Blue" would be correct. This can
also happen if it doesn't recognize the given color or the item is just in
an invalid format.</p>
<a name="Highlight">Highlight</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>General settings</h3>
<li><strong>Enable Highlight</strong>: Determines whether highlighting
is enabled at all.</li>
<li><strong>Highlight own name</strong>: Makes messages that contain your
own name (case-insensitive) highlighted, even if you didn't add it to the list manually.</li>
<li><strong>Highlight follow-up</strong>: After a highlighted message,
also highlight the following messages of the same user for a certain time.</li>
<li><strong>Check own text for highlights</strong>: Highlights your own messages if
they match the criteria, which can be particularly useful to test whether your terms
are being matched correctly. This does not mean that all your own messages
are automatically highlighted, they still have to match one of the items
added to the list. To match all your own messages you can use the <code>user:</code>
prefix with your own name.</li>
<li><strong>Check ignored messages</strong>: Only checks ignored messages
for highlights if this is enabled.</li>
<h3>Add terms to be highlighted</h3>
<p>Add items to the list to make a message highlighted if any one of them
match the message. The following two types of prefixes can be used to change
highlighting behaviour per item.</p>
<h3>Text Matching Prefixes</h3>
<p>By default, matching is done case-insensitive and when the word or phrase
appears anywhere in the message. However, you can add the following
prefixes in front of the text to change this matching behaviour. You can
only use one of these prefixes per item, because all text following the
prefix is interpreted as text to match.</p>
<li><code>cs:</code> makes it case-sensitive, so <code>cs:test</code>
matches <code>test</code> but not <code>Test</code>.</li>
<li><code>w:</code> matches at word boundaries, e.g. <code>w:anna</code>
will match <code>anna</code> or <code>Anna:</code> but not
<code>Hannah</code> or <code>annah</code>. <em>(Is actually just a
shortcut for a special regex, so special regex characters will work.)</em></li>
<li><code>wcs:</code> is the same as <code>w:</code>, but case-sensitive.</li>
<li><code>start:</code> to match at the start, so <code>start:!bet</code> will
match messages starting with <code>!bet</code>.</li>
<li><code>re:</code> to use a regular expression, e.g. <code>re:(?i).*\bGTA ?[V5]\b.*</code>
to match GTA5, GTA 5, GTA V, gta5, .. (as a word) anywhere in the message. Note
that the regex always tries to match the entire message, so you have to
add the appropriate wildcards to match parts anywhere in the message.</li>
<h3>Meta Prefixes</h3>
<p>The following prefixes mostly influence which messages are matched,
however they don't change the matching of the text itself, but instead
provide other information for the highlight system. They can be
placed in front of the Text Matching Prefixes (or the text if you don't
have any other prefixes) and you can even use more than one per item.
These prefixes have to be seperated from eachother and the text by a
<li><code>user:</code> to specifiy one exact username (case-insensitive)
which should highlight only if this user send the message, doesn't
search in the message itself.</li>
<li><code>cat:</code> to specify a category the user who send the message
should be in (as defined in the <a href="help.html#addressbook">Addressbook</a>).</li>
<li><code>!cat:</code> to specify a category the user who send the message
can NOT be in.</li>
<li><code>chan:</code> to specify one or more channels the message has
to be send in to match (several channels are specified as comma-seperated
list, without spaces).</li>
<li><code>!chan:</code> to specify one or more channels the message must
NOT be send in to match.</li>
<li><code>chanCat:</code> to specify one category the channel the message
was send in has to be in (as defined in the <a href="help.html#addressbook">Addressbook</a>
with the name of the channel, including leading #).</li>
<li><code>!chanCat:</code> to specify one category the channel the message
was send in can NOT be in.</li>
<li><code>status:</code> to specify that the user has to have one of the
given status codes (case-sensitive):
<li><code>m</code> Moderator</li>
<li><code>s</code> Subscriber</li>
<li><code>a</code> Admin</li>
<li><code>f</code> Staff</li>
<li><code>b</code> Broadcaster</li>
<li><code>t</code> Turbo User</li>
<li><code>g</code> Global Moderator</li>
<li><code>r</code> Bot as in <em>R</em>obot (depending on what the FFZ/BTTV APIs provides (if
enabled) and values in the <a href="help-setting_commands.html#bots">botNames</a> setting)</li>
<li><code>M</code> User with any kind of moderator/special powers
(so Broadcaster/Moderator/Global Moderator/Admin/Staff combined)</li>
For example: <code>status:st</code> matches
all subscriber and turbo users.</li>
<li><code>!status:</code> to specify that the user must NOT have any of
the given status codes (see <code>status:</code> for codes). For example:
<code>!status:stM</code> matches all 'normal' users that have no
badge by default (NOT a Subscriber, Turbo User or any kind of Moderator).</li>
<li><code>color:</code> to specify a color other than the default one
for displaying this highlight. <em>If you have items with a custom
color defined, which match something that might also be matched
by other items (with another color or custom color)
then the order of items is important so it displays the desired color.
Items on the top are matched first, so move items up that should take
precedence. For example <code>test</code> and
<code>color:blue test2</code>. If <code>test</code> is on the top
it will never get to the blue one, because <code>test</code> will
always match when <code>test2</code> would match as well.</em></li>
<li><code>config:</code> to specify one or more options (seperated
by comma) that changes the behaviour):
<li><code>silent</code> - Disable sounds for this item</li>
<li><code>!notify</code> - Disable notifications for this item</li>
<li><code>info</code> - This item applies to info messages instead
of regular user messages (works only for Ignoring messages at the
<dt><code>word1 word2</code></dt>
<dd>Matches e.g. <code>word1 word2</code>, <code>Word1 word2</code> anywhere in the message</dd>
<dd>Does NOT match only <code>word1</code> or only <code>word2</code> anywhere in the message</dd>
<dd><em>(Each item represents one word or phrase to match as a whole)</em></dd>
<dd>Matches e.g. <code>Anna?</code>, <code>Anna :D</code>, <code> Anna,</code></dd>
<dd>Does NOT match <code>Wanna?</code>, <code>Hannah</code>, <code>annah</code></dd>
<dd><em>(Match on word boundaries to prevent undesired matches)</em></dd>
<dt><code>user:joshimuz cs:Hello</code></dt>
<dd>Matches <code>Hello</code> anywhere in the message, if the message was sent
by the user named <code>joshimuz</code></dd>
<dd>Does NOT match <code>hello</code></dd>
<dd><em>(Combine a Meta Prefix (user-specific highlighting) and a Text Matching Prefix (case-sensitive))</em></dd>
<dt><code>cs:Hello user:joshimuz</code></dt>
<dd>Matches <code>Hello user:joshimuz</code> anywhere in the message</dd>
<dd>Does NOT match <code>Hello</code>, does NOT matter who send the message</dd>
<dd><em>(Anything after a Text Matching Prefix is interpreted as text to match, Meta Prefixes must be placed
in front of the text)</em></dd>
<dt><code>cs:abc re:\w+</code></dt>
<dd>Matches <code>abc re:\w+</code> anywhere in the message</dd>
<dd>Does NOT match <code>abc test</code>, but also NOT <code>Abc re:\w+</code></dd>
<dd><em>(Can't combine Text Matching Prefixes)</em></dd>
<dt><code>re:abc \w+</code></dt>
<dd>Matches e.g. <code>abc test</code></dd>
<dd>Does NOT match <code>aabc test</code></dd>
<dd><em>(All Text Matching prefixes can also be replaced by regex)</em></dd>
<dt><code>re:.*abc \w+.*</code></dt>
<dd>Matches e.g. <code>abc test</code> anywhere in the message</dd>
<dd><em>(Regex has to match the whole message, so you need to add wildcards to match anywhere in the message)</em></dd>
<dt><code>color:yellow wcs:S</code></dt>
<dd>Matches e.g. <code>S:</code>, <code>Hello S!</code> and makes the message
display in yellow color</dd>
<dd>Does NOT match <code>s:</code>, <code>Hello s!</code>, <code>SSSS</code>, <code>ssss</code></dd>
<dd><em>(Define a custom color for this item and match case-sensitive on word boundaries)</em></dd>
<dt><code>chan:lotsofs,joshimuz cs:Hello</code></dt>
<dd>Highlight messages that contain <code>Hello</code>, but only if in
the channel <code>#lotsofs</code> or <code>#joshimuz</code></dd>
<dd><em>(Restrict matching to one or more channels)</em></dd>
<dt><code>status:s chanCat:vip start:!test</code></dt>
<dd>Match any message starting with <code>!test</code> send by
subscribers of the channel, but only if the channel is in the
Addressbook category <code>vip</code> (e.g.
<code>/ab add #joshimuz vip</code>, notice the leading <code>#</code>)</dd>
<dd><em>(Restrict matching by user status, channel category and start of message)</em></dd>
<div class="moreInfo">More information: <a href="help.html#highlight">Highlight</a></div>
<a name="Ignore">Ignore</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>Allows you to ignore chat messages that match the specified text or -
using prefixes - that match other properties like ignoring messages of a
specific user. Ignored messages get added to a special dialog that can
be opened via <code>View - Ignored</code>.
<p>The matching of messages works the same as the <a href="#Highlight">Highlights</a>
system, please see that help for information on that. For quick
reference here just a few examples:
<dd>Ignores the user with the name <code>name</code> in all channels</dd>
<dt><code>user:name chan:tirean,gocnak</code></dt>
<dd>Ignores the user with the name <code>name</code> in channels <code>#tirean</code> and <code>#gocnak</code></dd>
<dt><code>config:info subscribed to</code></dt>
<dd>Ignores the <code>x has subscribed to y</code> info messages that
you get when someone subscribes in the channel that is being hosted</dd>
<dt><code>cat:ignore !chan:lotsofs,joshimuz</code></dt>
<dd>Ignores users in the addressbook category <code>ignore</code> in all channels,
except <code>#lotsofs</code> and <code>#joshimuz</code></dd>
<dt><code>chan:joshimuz re:!bet.*</code></dt>
<dd>Ignores messages starting with <code>!bet</code>, but only in <code>#joshimuz</code></dd>
<dt><code>!status:smb chanCat:subonly</code></dt>
<dd>Ignores any message send by users that are not a subscriber, moderator
or broadcaster of the channel, but only if the channel is in the Addressbook
category <code>subonly</code> (e.g. <code>/ab add #joshimuz subonly</code>,
notice the leading <code>#</code>)</dd>
<h3>General Options</h3>
<li><strong>Enable Ignore</strong>: Enable/disable the Ignore System
<li><strong>Ignore own messages</strong>: Also ignore own messages (if
they match), can be useful for testing</li>
<li>What should happen with ignored messages:
<li><strong>Hide</strong>: Don't show ignored messages in chat
at all (they still get added to the <code>Ignored</code> dialog)</li>
<li><strong>Show count</strong>: Shows the number of ignored messages
in chat every 30s (if there were any), so you know that messages
were ignored</li>
<li><strong>Show names</strong>: Shows the name of the sender of
any ignored messages, in a list similiar to MOD/UNMOD or JOIN/PART
<li><strong>Only show if ignored messages dialog is not open</strong>:
Only show what is configured for "What should happen with ignored messages"
when the ignored messages dialog isn't currently open.</li>
<h3>Ignored Users</h3>
<p>The <code>Ignored Users</code> list allows you to ignore
users in chat or prevent them from whispering you, which is possible via
the main ignore list as well, but was added as a separate function to be
more convenient. Aside from the settings, you can also ignore/unignore
users via the User Context Menu.</p>
<p>Ignored users are independant of the main ignore list, so they also apply
if ignore is disabled.</p>
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Hide 'Ignored in chat' users from the userlist/joins/parts</dt>
<dd>If enabled, prevents users on the 'Ignored in chat' list from
showing up in the userlist and JOIN/PART/MOD/UNMOD events (which
aren't enabled by default to be shown anyway).</dd>
<dd>This only applies to the 'Ignored in chat' list, not to entries with
the <code>user:</code> prefix on the main Ignore list.</dd>
<dd>Users who are already on the userlist when you ignore them stay on
it until they leave, you rejoin the channel or restart Chatty.</dd>
<a name="Sounds">Sounds</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>General Sound Settings</h3>
<p>You can enable or disable all sounds here. Sounds are searched in the
displayed folder, which is the current working directory. Any valid sound
files in the folder should be selectable as a sound to be played. If you
added or removed files, you may have to use <code>Rescan folder</code> to
make the files show up in the list. You can open the folder in your standard
file browser from here to add files to it more quickly.</p>
<h3>Sound Types Settings</h3>
<p>You can specify requirements, soundfile, volume and delay for
different types of events:</p>
<li>When a message is highlighted</li>
<li>When a stream changes status (online/offline/changed title/changed game)</li>
<li>When any message in received in any open channel</li>
<li>When someone joins/leaves any open channel</li>
<li>When a new follower is detected <em>(this only works if the <a href="help.html#followers">Follower
Dialog</a> is currently open)</em></li>
<p>You can set a delay (seconds) so that the same sound won't be played twice during
the set number of seconds. So if e.g. 3 highlighted messages come in within
10 seconds and the delay is set to 15 seconds, only one sound will be played.</p>
<p>Each sound has different options for when the sound should be played. See
the <a href="#Notifications">Notification Settings</a> for help on the options.</p>
<a name="Notifications">Notifications</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>You can show notifications for two kinds of things:</p>
<li><strong>Highlights</strong> - When a message in chat is highlighted</li>
<li><strong>Stream Status</strong> - When a stream changes status, e.g.
offline -> online or changed title</li>
<p>For both these you can select separately if and when they are shown:</p>
<li><strong>Off</strong> - Never show</li>
<li><strong>When channel/app not active</strong> - Only when the channel
isn't the currently selected tab AND when the program doesn't have focus</li>
<li><strong>When channel or app not active</strong> - Only when the channel
isn't the currently selected tab OR when the program doesn't have focus</li>
<li><strong>When app not active</strong> - Only when the program doesn't
have focus</li>
<li><strong>When channel not active</strong> - Only when the channel
isn't the currently selected tab</li>
<li><strong>When channel active</strong> - Only when the channel IS the
currently selected tab</li>
<li><strong>Always</strong> - No requirements, always show it</li>
<p>In addition, the option <strong>Don't notify about "Stream offline"</strong> allows you
to never show when a stream changes status to offline, so you will only be
notified about streams going live or changing title/game.</p>
<h3>Notification Type / Options</h3>
<p>Select here whether to use the <em>Chatty Notifications</em> or the default
<em>System Tray Notifications</em>. This settings DOES NOT enable or
disable notifications altogether, just switch between the types.</p>
<p>If you have <em>Chatty Notifications</em> selected, you can change some
more options:</p>
<li><strong>Position:</strong> In which corner the the notification appears on the screen</li>
<li><strong>Screen:</strong> On which screen the notification appears (<code>auto</code> means
it's on the same screen as the Chatty window)</li>
<li><strong>Display Time:</strong> How long the notification will be displayed
by default. This can vary a bit depending on the situation.</li>
<li><strong>No User Activity:</strong> This is a tricky one. If you enable
this, then the notification will not be closed after the defined Display Time
if no activity was detected in the last few seconds. This can be useful
to still see notifications from a few minutes ago if you were away from
the computer.
The time defines
when the notification will be closed no
matter what, so older notifications won't stay there forever if you are
away from the computer for a bit longer.
<br /><br />Activity is tracked through two methods:
The first method is tracking the system-wide mouse movements, which is
done through an API that may not always return accurate information
(e.g. if you are in a game) and it only checks the position every few
seconds (only the last location is saved at any time for comparison).
The second method detects activity only inside of Chatty, by tracking
button presses and mouse actions (e.g. if you type a message, open a
dialog etc.).</li>
<h3>Followed Streams</h3>
<p>Enable this to make Chatty get a list of your followed streams regulary
so it can display notifications if their status changes. This simpy allows
Chatty to know about your followed streams, so notifications aren't the only
advantage. It also allows it to record the viewer count and status history
of followed live streams as long as Chatty is running.</p>
<a name="Log_to_file">Log to file</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>If you enable logging, chat messages (and more if enabled) will be written
into a seperate textfile for each channel.</p>
<p>You can specify which channels should be logged:</p>
<li><strong>always</strong> - Log all channels without exception <em>(default)</em></li>
<li><strong>blacklist</strong> - Log all channels, except the ones on
the blacklist</li>
<li><strong>whitelist</strong> - Log no channels, except the ones on the
<li><strong>off</strong> - Log no channels whatsoever</li>
<h3>Messages Types</h3>
<p>Normal chat messages are always logged, however you can log additional
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Chat Info</dt>
<dd>General chat releated info messages like connecting, disconnecting,
trying to timeout someone, stream title..</dd>
<dd>Bans and Timeouts in chat. Timeout length and reason will be added
if available.</dd>
<dd><code>BAN: name1, name2 (30s) [reason], name3 (600s)</code></dd>
<dd>The reason is specified by the mod taking the action, so it may be
consist of any text.</dd>
<dd>When someone in chat is modded or unmodded. Remember that this info
may be inaccurate, since mod/unmod events are not send immediately
by Twitch Chat.</dd>
<dd><code>MOD: name1, name2</code></dd>
<dd><code>UNMOD: name3, name4</code></dd>
<dd>When someone enters/leaves the channel. Remember that this info may
be inaccurate, since joins/parts are not send immediately by Twitch
Chat (and sometimes not at all).</dd>
<dd><code>JOIN: name1, name2</code></dd>
<dd><code>PART: name3, name4</code></dd>
<dt>System Info</dt>
<dd>Any info messages that are related more to Chatty itself than to
chat, like info about new versions, when you use setting commands..</dd>
<dd>Stats about the viewercount which are logged in a semi-regular
interval to give you an idea about the viewercount during that time.</dd>
<dd>Each Viewerstats line shows which interval it refers to, the
min/max/avg viewers, the number of values and the development:
First value/after offline is absolute, then +- relative change, _
means offline before/in between/after that value.</dd>
<dd><code>Viewerstats (21:03-21:06): avg:28.612 min:28.432 max:28.887 [3/28.519-87+455_]</code></dd>
<dd>In the example, the stats were recorded between 21:03 and 21:06 and
the Viewercount started out at 28.519, then went down (-87) and then
up (+455). After that the stream went offline (<code>_</code>).</dd>
<dd>Directly logs the viewercount as it is received from Twitch, without
any processing, except being formatted depending on the current
<dd><code>VIEWERS: 12,521</code></dd>
<a name="Window">Window</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>Dialogs Location/Size</h3>
<li>Restore Dialogs
<li><strong>Open dialogs in default location</strong>: Always
open dialogs in their default location (centered on the main
window) when you open them.</li>
<li><strong>Keep location during session</strong>: Puts dialogs
at the same position when you reopen them during the same
session (so they are put on the default location when you open
them the first time after starting Chatty).</li>
<li><strong>Restore dialogs from last session</strong>: Puts
dialogs at the same position they were at when you closed Chatty
last session and also keeps the position during the session.</li>
<li><strong>Reopen dialogs from last session</strong>: Reopens
any dialogs that were open when you closed Chatty last session
and also puts them at the same position they were before.</li>
<li><strong>Restore position only if on screen</strong>: If enabled,
restores the position on start only if a large portion of the top of
the dialog/window is visible on screen. This is to prevent dialogs
from being lost off-screen by accident.</li>
<li><strong>Attach dialogs position to main window</strong>: If enabled,
moves the dialogs like Channel Info or Admin Dialog along with the
main window, so they always keep the same relative position. You can
still move the dialogs by themselves of course.</li>
<li><strong>Open URL Prompt</strong>: Enable this to be asked
when opening a URL. Even if this is disabled, you may still asked on
some occasions, but not for URLs in chat.</li>
<li><strong>Always show chat scrollbar</strong>: Always show the vertical
scrollbar in the chat window (there should never be a horizontal one),
even if no scrolling is necessary. This can be useful for using window
capture for streaming, because you can always keep the same subregion.</li>
<li><strong>Minimize to tray</strong>: When minimizing the main Chatty
window, it will be minimized to tray.</li>
<li><strong>Close to tray</strong>: Closing the main Chatty window will
not actually exit the program, but instead minimize it to tray. You can
actually close the program via <code>Main - Exit</code> or the tray icon
context menu.</li>
<li><strong>Tab Order</strong>: Whether to show tabs in the order they
were opened or alphabetically.</li>
<li><strong>Scroll through tabs with mousewheel</strong>: Hover mouse
over tabs and scroll to change tabs.</li>
<li><strong>Default Userlist Width</strong>: The default width of the
userlist in pixels.</li>
<li><strong>Min. Width</strong>: The minimum width of the userlist in
<li><strong>Restore location/size</strong>: When you close a popout
window then it's location/size is saved and used for the next popout
window that is opened. Each saved location/size is only used once, if
there is none left then the default attributes are used. This is also
saved between sessions (attributes of popouts that are open when you
close Chatty are saved as well).</li>
<li><strong>Close popout when only channel</strong>: When you have a
channel popout window open and close the last channel in the main window,
then the popout window will automatically be closed and the channel
moved to the main window. Disable this if the popout shouldn't be closed
<a name="Commands">Commands</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<h3>Custom Commands</h3>
<p>Custom commands allow you to specify aliases for anything you could also
enter directly into the inputbox (like chat messages or regular commands),
with the exception of other custom commands, which is a limitation
implemented to prevent infinite loops. Custom commands you add should be in
the following format:</p>
<p><code>/&lt;commandName&gt; &lt;what the command should do&gt;</code></p>
<p>Everything until the first space is the name of the comand, and everything
after the first space is the text of the command. For example:</p>
<p><code>/hello Hello World!</code></p>
<p>If you added that to the custom commands and enter <code>/hello</code>
in the inputbox, then it would send <code>Hello World!</code>, just as
if you would have written it yourself and pressed Enter.</p>
<h3>Custom Command Parameters</h3>
<p>You can also specify parameters in the command text, which will be replaced
when you execute the custom command. For example:</p>
<p><code>/permit !permit $$1</code></p>
<p>When you enter <code>/permit name</code>, then it will replace <code>$$1</code>
with the first word after the command, which in this case would be
<code>name</code>, making the actually send text <code>!permit name</code>.</p>
<p>This is the syntax for specifying parameters (word in this context means
anything seperated by a space):</p>
<dt><code>$1, $2, $3</code></dt>
<dd>First word, second word, third word etc.</dd>
<dd>First word, and all the words after it</dd>
<dd>Equivalently <code>$2-, $3-</code> etc.</dd>
<dd>First word, but required, meaning the command result will only be
send if all the required commands are actually there</dd>
<dd>Equivalently <code>$$2, $$3-</code> is also possible</dd>
<dd>Escape any special character (like <code>$</code>) by prepending a backslash
<code>\</code>, which means this won't be interpreted as a parameter
and not be replaced</dd>
<dd>If you actually want to use <code>\</code>, you can escape the
backslash itself, for example <code>\\$1-</code> will be replaced
(leaving one backslash in front of the replaced parameter)</dd>
<h3><a name="commands-parameters-predefined">Predefined Parameters</a></h3>
<p>In a context other than entering the command in the inputbox, there are
some predefined parameters. For example if you add a command as a context
menu entry (see next section), then clicking that entry will execute the
command while automatically adding an appropriate parameter.</p>
<p>So you can for example add just <code>/Permit</code> to the menu, but
the custom command <code>/permit !permit $$1</code> will actually be
executed as <code>!permit &lt;name of the user&gt;</code>.</p>
<table class="settings">
<td><code>$chan</code> - the currently active channel (without leading #)</td>
<td>User Context Menu</td>
<td><code>$1</code> - name of the user</td>
<td>User Dialog</td>
<td><code>$1</code> - name of the user</td>
<td>Channel Context menu</td>
<td><code>$1</code> - name of the currently active channel (without leading #)</td>
<td><code>$1</code> - the currently <a href="help.html#userselection">selected user</a> (if present)</td>
<p>In addition, there is an implicit channel context, which means channel-aware
commands like <code>/ban</code> are executed in the appropriate channel.</p>
<h3><a name="commands-menu">Customize User/Channel Context Menu and User Dialog</a></h3>
<p>You can add custom commands and regular commands to the <code>User Context Menu</code> (when you right-click
on a user in chat), the <code>Channel Context Menu</code> (when you right-click anywhere on the chat
that is not otherwise linked) and customize <code>User Dialog Buttons</code> (Custom Commands
and Timeout Buttons).</p>
<p>Commands can be added in the following format:</p>
<p><code>/&lt;commandName1&gt;, /&lt;commandName2&gt;</code></p>
<p>For example:</p>
<p><code>/Slap, /Permit</code></p>
<p>Which means the command with the name <code>slap</code> will be added
first, then <code>permit</code> after that. You can use spaces,
linebreaks and/or commas as seperators between commands.</p>
<p>This is the syntax for specifying commands in the Context Menus/User Dialog:</p>
<dt><code>/Slap /Permit</code> or <code>Slap, Permit</code> or <code>Slap Permit</code></dt>
<dd>Commands can be specified with or without forward slash <code>/</code>, then the name
(without parameters) and space, linebreak or comma to seperate to the next command.</dd>
<dd><em>Custom Commands in the User Dialog require the <code>/</code> in front.</em></dd>
<dd>Prepending two forward slashes <code>//</code> will put the command
in the special submenu <code>More..</code> (for Context Menus) or
in a second line of buttons (for the User Dialog).</dd>
<dt><code>| Slap</code> or <code>|//Slap</code></dt>
<dd>Adding <code>|</code> (vertical bar) will add a seperator before the
menu item for the next command.
The <code>|</code> doesn't have to be directly in front of the command,
it simply applies to the following command.</dd>
<dd><em>Does not work for custom buttons in the User Dialog.</em></dd>
<dt><code>/Set_color</code> is displayed as <code>Set color</code></dt>
<dd>Underscores in command names are replaced with a space for display
in a Context Menu or on a button.</dd>
<p>In addition, you can define for the <strong>User Dialog Buttons</strong>:</p>
<dt><code>5, 2m, 10m, 24h</code></dt>
<dd>In addition to Custom Commands you can also specify Timeout Buttons
in the User Dialog. Times are added just like Custom Commands
(seperated by comma/space/linebreak). However they
can only be added to the first row of buttons. They are interpreted as
seconds by default, unless you add a suffix: <code>s</code> - seconds,
<code>m</code> - minutes, <code>h</code> - hours, <code>d</code> - days.</dd>
<dt><code>120s, 120</code> is displayed as <code>120s</code> and <code>2m</code></dt>
<dd>Both definitions create a button with a 120 seconds timeout, however
if you use a suffix, then the definition is used as button label
directly, otherwise the label is automatically created based on the
<dt><code>/Ban[B], /Unban[U], 2s[P]</code></dt>
<dd>You can add keyboard shortcuts to buttons, that can be used while the
dialog is open and focused. Add a single button in brackets (uppercase).
Everything that is understood by
<a href="">getKeyStroke()</a>
can be used. No spaces are allowed, however a plus (<code>+</code>) can
be used instead (which will be replaced with a space automatically).</dd>
<dt><code>/Slap[NUMPAD1|Np1], /Permit[NUMPAD2|]</code></dt>
<dd>Adding a vertical bar (<code>|</code>) after the shortcut will use
the text after it up to the closing bracket as label for the shortcut on the button (no
spaces are allowed). If you don't specify any text, then no label is
used for that shortcut.</dd>
<dd>If that text appears anywhere in the definition, then no labels will
be displayed on the buttons for the shortcuts, unless they are
explicitly defined.</dd>
<a name="Other">Other</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Inform me about new versions</dt>
<dd>Checks for new versions every few days and outputs a message about it.</dd>
<dt>Auto-Unhost when your stream goes live</dt>
sends the <code>/unhost</code> command to your channel if you started
your stream session in the last 15 minutes and the stream status
changes (usually from offline -> live).<br />
For this to work, you need to have joined the channel in Chatty,
either with the broadcaster account (so your own account if it's
your stream) or with an account that is an editor in the channel
(in which case you also have to add the channel to the
<code>autoUnhostStreams</code> setting, via
<code>/add autoUnhostStreams &lt;streamName&gt;</code>, in order to
tell Chatty that you are authorized/want to use the automatic <code>/unhost</code>
feature in that channel).</dd>
<dt>Prepend to window title</dt>
<dd>Add some arbitrary text to the beginning of the window title. This
can be useful if you run several instances of Chatty (to be able to
tell them apart more easily).</dd>
<h3>Write Stream Status</h3>
<p>You can let Chatty write information (title, game, viewercount) of a
certain stream to a file. The file will be written to the subfolder <code>exported</code> of the settings directory
(enter <code>/dir</code> to find out where that is). Stream information is
only written if Chatty gets that data, so for it to work properly you need
to currently have the channel of that stream open in Chatty. (When you change
the setting, data will be requested once for testing, but you have to be in
the channel for it to be updated regulary.)</p>
<p>To save stream information to a file, you have to define it in the
setting. Each line represents one stream/file and the content to write into
the file. The format for each line is:</p>
<p style="padding-left:10px;"><code>&lt;streamname&gt; &lt;filename&gt; [online/offline] &lt;content&gt;</code></p>
<p>The optional parameter <code>online/offline</code> defines whether to
write the given content to the file when the stream is online or offline. So
you could for example define one line for online, which writes the viewercount
and another for offline which writes "Offline" or maybe no content at all, which clears the file.
If you only define one for online, then
the file is not written if the stream is offline, so the previous info will
stay in there. If you ommit this parameter, then online is assumed.</p>
<p>The following codes in the content will be replaced with the appropriate data:</p>
<li><code>%title</code> - The title of the stream</li>
<li><code>%game</code> - The game of the stream</li>
<li><code>%viewers</code> - The current viewercount</li>
<li><code>%followers</code> - The current number of followers, only
updates correctly when the Followers Dialog for this channel is open
(Main Menu - Extra - Followers)</li>
<li><code>%subscribers</code> - The current number of subscribers, only
updates correctly when the Subscribers Dialog for this channel is
open (Main Menu - Extra - Subscribers)</li>
<li><code>%viewersf</code>, <code>%followersf</code>, <code>%subscribersf</code>
- The same as above, but formatted numbers (e.g. <code>1,532</code>)</li>
<p>Example which will write two files (if joined to #joshimuz):</p>
<p style="padding-left:10px;">
joshimuz title.txt %title (%viewers Viewers)<br />
joshimuz title.txt offline Stream offline<br />
joshimuz game.txt %game<br />
joshimuz game.txt offline
<p>If the stream is online, it writes the title and viewercount to <code>title.txt</code>
and the game to <code>game.txt</code>.
If the stream is offline it writes "Stream offline" to <code>title.txt</code> and empties
<a name="Advanced">Advanced</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>These settings should only be changed if you know what you're doing. You
can however reset any setting to the default by either deleting the settings
file or using <a href="help-setting_commands.html#server">setting commands</a>.</p>
<li><strong>Server</strong>: The default server to connect to</li>
<li><strong>Port</strong>: The default port(s) to connect to (can be
a list of ports, e.g. <code>6667,443</code>)</li>
<li><a name="Advanced-Userlist"><strong>Correct Userlist</strong></a>:
If this setting is enabled, the IRCv3 capability that enables joins/parts is send
on connect. This doesn't mean you have to <em>show</em> joins/parts in
chat, it just means joins/parts are received in the background to maintain the userlist.</li>
<p>The server/port values are used when connecting, unless the commandline
parameters <code>-server</code> and/or <code>-port</code> are used,
then the value that is given there is used instead (without it being shown
here). You should know if you set a server or port with a commandline
parameter, but you can also check that by using <code>/get server</code>
and <code>/get port</code>.</p>
<h3>Login Settings</h3>
<p>Manage the actual login data under <code>Main Menu - Login..</code>.</p>
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>Allow <code>-token</code> parameter to override existing token</dt>
<dd>When specifying <a href="help.html#launch">launch options</a> you
the <code>-token</code> parameter sets the login token used in
Chatty. If a token is already saved in Chatty, then the <code>-token</code>
parameter will have no effect, unless this setting is enabled.</dd>
<dd>Overriding the token can be any issue if external programs like the
Livestreamer GUI provide a token that has less access than the one
already saved in Chatty (e.g. doesn't allow you to change your
stream title).</dd>
<dd>If the saved token is already marked as a token set through the
<code>-token</code> parameter, then it will be overriden anyway.</dd>
<dd>If a token set through the <code>-token</code> parameter is in use,
it will be shown as such in the <code>Main Menu - Login..</code>
<h3>Whisper Feature</h3>
<div class="moreInfo">Help: <a href="help-whisper.html">Whisper Feature</a></div>
<h3><a name="Advanced-TC">Twitch Client Version</a></h3>
<p>The Twitch Client Version setting has been removed since Twitch Chat was
switched over to IRCv3 tags and commands (receiving of joins/parts is now
controlled by the <a href="#Advanced-Userlist">Correct Userlist</a> setting).</p>
<a name="Hotkeys">Hotkeys</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>You can add hotkeys for certain actions. In general, there
are the following types of hotkeys:</p>
<li><strong>Regular hotkeys</strong>, which will only trigger if the main Chatty
window has focus (or a popout window).</li>
<li><strong>Application-wide hotkeys</strong>, which will trigger anywhere in
<li><strong>Global hotkeys</strong>, which are supposed to trigger everywhere
on your computer (Windows only, Hotkey version required). However some hotkeys may
not work, so just try it out.</li>
<p>With the <strong>Enable global hotkeys</strong> setting you
can enable/disable the currently defined global hotkeys if your
Chatty version supports global hotkeys. It does <em>not</em> do
anything on it's own, it just toggles global hotkeys you defined
on and off, in case you only need them sometimes and they
interfer with other programs you use. You can also toggle that
setting in the main menu under <code>Extra - Options</code> or
use setting commands to change the <code>globalHotkeysEnabled</code>
setting directly.</p>
<p>If a dialog pops up that tells you that <strong>global hotkeys
have not been properly initialized</strong>, check out the
<a href="help-troubleshooting.html#jintellitype">Troubleshooting</a> page.</p>
<h3>Adding/Editing hotkeys</h3>
<p>When adding or changing a hotkey you have the following options:</p>
<li><strong>Action:</strong> The action to perform when the
hotkey is pressed. If you select <code>Custom Command</code>,
you have to enter the command to perform in the field below
(just the name of the command, see <a href="#Commands">Commands</a>).</li>
<li><strong>Hotkey:</strong> The key or key combination that
has to be pressed to perform the action, click into the field
and press the key or key combination you want to use.
<li>If the hotkey shows as being already used you may
still add it, but having more than one action defined
for the same hotkey will not trigger all the actions
when the hotkey is pressed, but a random one,
so it doesn't really make a lot of sense.
Adding it anyway can be sensible if you're currently
changing several hotkeys and will change the other
hotkey afterwards, so each key combination is only used
<li>Type:<ul><li><strong>Regular:</strong> Regular hotkey, which will only
trigger if the main window or a popout is focused.</li>
<li><strong>Application:</strong> Application-wide hotkey,
which will trigger if any Chatty component is focused.</li>
<li><strong>Global:</strong> Global hotkey, which will
trigger anywhere on your computer (only works with the hotkey
version of Chatty and if it loaded properly, Windows only).</li></ul></li>
<li><strong>Delay:</strong> The delay between performed actions,
in 1/10th of a second,
if this is 0 then there will be no delay required, otherwise
specifying a delay of e.g. <code>50</code> will execute the
action only once per 5 seconds, even if you keep the hotkey
pressed. This can be useful for actions you normally would
only want to execute once (e.g. running a commercial,
sending a message to chat) and
that you don't want to spam by accident.</li>
<a name="Completion">Completion</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>TAB Completion allows you to write the beginning characters
of a nickname in chat and then press TAB to complete it. To learn how to
use TAB Completion <a href="help.html#nickCompletion">check out the general help</a>.</p>
<h3>TAB Completion</h3>
<li><strong>Show popup:</strong>
If enabled, shows a small window with information about the
current completion if there is more than one matching result.
It shows at which result of how many you are when cycling
through results as well as a limited overview of which results
there actually are.</li>
<li><strong>Max Items Shown:</strong> How many items
(e.g. names that match what you entered) to show
in the popup at once. You can set this to 0 to not show any
<li><strong>Complete to common prefix</strong>:
Pressing TAB only completes up to the common prefix for
all found matches, giving you the opportunity to add
more characters and then press TAB again to refine the
results or just press TAB again to start cycling through
the results.
<br /><br />
With this
setting disabled, it immediately completes the first found
result, allowing you to directly cycle through by pressing TAB repeatedly.</li>
<li><strong>Sorting:</strong> Changes how the matching usernames
are sorted for completion (only applies to usernames,
not for other stuff like emotes or setting names which
are always alphabetical).
<li>Predictive: Gives names of users that were recently
active in chat higher priority, with users who send
a message that was highlighted the highest. This way
people you talk to probably appear under the first
few results.</li>
<li>Alphabetical: Sort names alphabetical.</li>
<li>Userlist: Sort names the same as in the userlist.</li>
<h3><a name="Completion-custom">Custom Completion Items</a></h3>
<p>Custom Completion allows you to add terms and their completion,
allowing you to not only complete names in chat (<kbd>TAB</kbd>) or emotes
(<kbd>Shift-TAB</kbd>) but also custom stuff you added to the list by prepending the term with a
point and using <kbd>Shift-TAB</kbd>.</p>
<p>Example: Add <code>chatty</code> as <em>Key</em> and
<code></code> as <em>Value</em>
and then in the inputbox type <code>.chatty</code> (notice the dot in front) and press
<kbd>Shift-TAB</kbd> to complete it to the URL.</p>
<p>Custom Completion items can only have one completion, so you
can't have <code>.chatty</code> complete to several things
as it could be the case with a nickname.</p>
<p>Besides the Settings Dialog, you can also use the
<code>/customCompletion</code> command to modify custom
completion items:</p>
<li><code>/customCompletion add &lt;item&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code> - Add an item</li>
<li><code>/customCompletion set &lt;item&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code> - Change an item that already exists</li>
<li><code>/customCompletion remove &lt;item&gt;</code> - Remove an item</li>
<p>Remember that you can also use TAB Completion for commands. Kappab</p>