2015-08-10 21:25:24 +02:00

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<title>Chatty Help - Setting Commands</title>
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<h1><a name="top">Setting Commands</a></h1>
<p><a href="#commands">Commands</a>
| <a href="#settings">Settings</a></p>
<p>There are a couple of commands that allow you to change settings from
the chat inputbox. (<em>You should probably roughly know what you're doing
before using these.</em>)</p>
<a name="commands">Commands</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<li><code>/set &lt;setting&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code> changes a setting</li>
<li><code>/get &lt;setting&gt;</code> shows the current value of a
<li><code>/reset &lt;setting&gt;</code> resets the setting to the
default (hard-coded) value</li>
<li><code>/clearsetting &lt;setting&gt;</code> sets string settings to
an empty string</li>
<li><code>/add &lt;setting&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code> adds item to a list
of strings/numbers</li>
<li><code>/remove &lt;setting&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code> removes item from
a list of strings/numbers</li>
<p><em>Tip:</em> You can use <a href="help.html#nickCompletion">TAB Completion</a>
for setting names when using it behind a setting command.</p>
<a name="settings">Settings</a>
<a href="#top" class="top">[back to menu]</a>
<p>The following are settings that can be changed using the setting commands.
A lot of those - but not all - can also be changed in the Settings Dialog,
which is more convient in some cases. This does not show all settings.</p>
<li>For Addressbook related settings, see <a href="help-addressbook.html#advanced">Addressbook Help</a>.</li>
<p>Settings with a <span class="settingExclusive">slightly darker background color</span>
are settings that are not available in the Settings Dialog and can only be
changed via commands (and sometimes also commandline options). Settings with
a <span class="settingNoCommandEdit">lighter color</span> can't (or are not recommended to) be changed
via setting commands, but are added to the list because their value can be
viewed with <code>/get</code>.</p>
<a href="#font">Font</a> |
<a href="#time">Time</a> |
<a href="#server">Server/Connection</a> |
<a href="#chat">Chat</a> |
<a href="#window">Window</a> |
<a href="#streamchat">Stream Chat</a> |
<a href="#streamhighlights">Stream Highlights</a> |
<a href="#debugging">Debugging</a> |
<a href="#bots">Bot Badges</a>
<table class="settings" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE">
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">dontSaveSettings</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Don't save settings when Chatty is closed (<code>-ds</code> commandline option).</td>
<td class="setting">timeoutButtons</td>
<td rowspan="3">String</td>
<td rowspan="3">See <a href="help-settings.html#commands-menu">Command Settings Help</a></td>
<td><em>too long</em></td>
<td>Buttons in the Userinfo dialog (not only timeout buttons)</td>
<td class="setting">userContextMenu</td>
<td>Custom entries in the User Context Menu</td>
<td class="setting">channelContextMenu</td>
<td>Custom entries in the Channel Context Menu</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">twitchnotifyAsInfo</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Show messages from user "twitchnotify" as info messages.
Turn off to show as regular message, so you can e.g. highlight
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">backupDelay</td>
<td>Number of days</td>
<td>How many days to wait between a <a href="help-guide_folders.html#backup">Backup</a></td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">backupCount</td>
<td>Number of backups</td>
<td>How many backups to rotate through</td>
<tr class="settingNoCommandEdit">
<td class="setting">hotkeys</td>
<td colspan="2"><em>Cannot be edited by command</em></td>
<td>The hotkeys that are currently defined</td>
<td class="setting">globalHotkeysEnabled</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Enable global hotkeys that are defined in the settings.
Disable this to temporarily turn off the global hotkeys you
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">imageCache</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Whether images (emotes, usericons) are cached in local
<h3><a name="font">Font</a></h3>
<table class="settings">
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE">
<td class="setting">font</td>
<td>Font name, e.g. <code>Arial</code> or <code>Arial Bold</code></td>
<td>The font used for the chat</td>
<td class="setting">fontSize</td>
<td>Font size, e.g. <code>14</code></td>
<td>The font size used for the chat</td>
<td class="setting">lineSpacing</td>
<td>Numbers between <code>-1</code> and <code>10</code> probably
make the most sense.</td>
<td>The space between chatlines</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">inputFont</td>
<td>Font name and size, as understood by <a href="">Font.decode()</a></td>
<td>Dialog 14</td>
<td>The font for the chat input box (should only be set to
Java logical fonts like <code>Dialog</code> or
<code>Monospaced</code>, otherwise fallback fonts in
chat may not work correctly*)</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">dialogFontSize</td>
<td>Font size or <code>-1</code> to keep default</td>
<td>Setting to customize the font size of dialogs, currently
experimentel and only for User Info Dialog.</td>
<p>* If a character isn't contained in the chat font you have
currently configured, Java will try to find it in the fallback
fonts. While still not all characters will be displayed this way, it
should work a lot better. You can also <a href="help-troubleshooting.html#font">add your own fallback fonts</a>
to improve the situation further. However, setting the input box
font to your chat font somehow breaks the fallback font mechanism,
resulting in less characters being able to be displayed (like in
versions before 0.7.3).</p>
<h3><a name="time">Time</a> <span style="font-size:0.5em;">Dr. Freeman..</span></h3>
<table class="settings">
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE">
<td class="setting">timestamp</td>
<td>Format as understood by
<a href="">SimpleDateFormat</a>
or <code>off</code></td>
<td class="settingDefault">[HH:mm]</td>
<td>The timestamp used for all lines in chat</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">timestampTimezone</td>
<td>As understood by <a href="">Timezone.getTimeZone()</a>
e.g. <code>GMT+2</code> or <code>PST</code></td>
<td class="settingDefault"><code><em>empty</em></code></td>
<td>The timezone used for the <code>timestamp</code></td>
<td class="setting">logTimestamp</td>
<td>Format as understood by
<a href="">SimpleDateFormat</a>
or <code>off</code></td>
<td class="settingDefault">[HH:mm:ss]</td>
<td>The timestamp used for all lines in the chatlog files</td>
<h3><a name="server">Server/Connection Settings</a></h3>
<table class="settings">
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE">
<td class="setting">serverDefault</td>
<td>The server address, host or IP</td>
<td class="settingDefault"></td>
<td>Default server to connect to, which can be changed in
the Settings Dialog and is saved between sessions</td>
<td class="setting">portDefault</td>
<td>One or more ports, seperated by comma</td>
<td class="settingDefault">6667,80</td>
<td>Default port to connect to, which can be changed in the
Settings Dialog and is saved between sessions</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">server</td>
<td>The server address, host or IP</td>
<td class="settingDefault"><em>empty</em></td>
<td>If set, overrides the <code>defaultServer</code>, can be
set by commandline options, not saved in between sessions</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">port</td>
<td>One or more ports, seperated by comma</td>
<td class="settingDefault"><em>empty</em></td>
<td>If set, overrides the <code>defaultPort</code>, can be
set by commandline options, not saved in between sessions</td>
<td class="setting">username</td>
<td>Your username</td>
<td class="settingDefault"><em>empty</em></td>
<td>Public part of the <a href="help.html#login">Login data</a>
to login into chat</td>
<td class="setting">token</td>
<td>OAuth token</td>
<td class="settingDefault"><em>empty</em></td>
<td>Secret part of the <a href="help.html#login">Login data</a>
to authorize with Twitch, don't show this to anyone. You
shouldn't change this directly, but use the <code>/changetoken</code>
command instead when manually setting the token.</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">spamProtection</td>
<td>messages/seconds, e.g. <code>10/20</code></td>
<td class="settingDefault">18/30</td>
<td>How many messages Chatty allows you to send to the server
in the given time, to prevent a ban from chat</td>
<td class="setting">membershipEnabled</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td class="settingDefault">true</td>
<td>Refers to the <code></code> IRCv3 CAP, which
enables sending a userlist and joins/parts, allowing for a
correct userlist in Chatty and showing of joins/parts in chat
(if separately enabled of course)</td>
<h3><a name="chat">Chat</a></h3>
<table class="settings">
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE">
<td class="setting">pauseChatOnMouseMove</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Enables the <a href="help.html#pausechat">Pause Chat</a>
<td class="setting">pauseChatOnMouseMoveCtrlRequired</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Require <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> to be pressed to start pausing
<td class="setting">commandOnCtrlClick</td>
<td>Command to run (only the command name)</td>
<td>The command to run when clicking on a user while holding
<h3><a name="window">Window</a></h3>
<table class="settings">
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE">
<tr class="settingNoCommandEdit">
<td class="setting">windows</td>
<td colspan="2"><em>Cannot be edited by command</em></td>
<td>The windows/dialogs positions/sizes as they where loaded
when you started Chatty (NOT necessarily the current ones).</td>
<td class="setting">tabOrder</td>
<td><code>normal</code>, <code>alphabetical</code></td>
<td>How tabs are added (in the order they are added or
<td class="setting">tabsMwheelScrolling</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Scroll through tabs with mousewheel.</td>
<td class="setting">tabsMwheelScrollingAnywhere</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Allow scrolling through tabs with mousewheel everywhere
on the tabpane where nothing else can be scrolled (mainly
the inputbox).</td>
<h3><a name="streamchat">Stream Chat</a></h3>
<table class="settings">
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE">
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">streamChatChannels</td>
<td>Channel name (with leading #) or empty</td>
<td>Forwards messages from the given channels to
<a href="help.html#streamchat">Stream Chat</a>.</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">streamChatMessageTimeout</td>
<td>Number of seconds, negative to disable</td>
<td>How long messages are displayed before they disappear
from Stream Chat.</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">streamChatBottom</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Start inserting messages at the bottom. Messages are
always inserted below previous messages, but disabling this setting
will make them <em>start</em> at the top. <em>Requires a
restart of Chatty after changing to take any effect.</em></td>
<td class="setting">streamChatResizable</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Whether the Stream Chat dialog is resizable by dragging
the edges.</td>
<h3><a name="streamhighlights">Stream Highlights</a></h3>
<table class="settings">
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE">
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">streamHighlightChannel</td>
<td>Channel name (with leading #) or empty</td>
<td>Allows moderators in the given channel to run the
!addStreamHighlight command.</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">streamHighlightChannelRespond</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>If this is enabled, Chatty sends a message to chat when
a moderator uses the !addStreamHighlight command. Otherwise
the response to the command is only shown locally.</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">streamHighlightCommand</td>
<td>The command to use for moderators</td>
<td>Change this to define the command that can be used by
mods to add stream highlights in the channel defined with
the <code>streamHighlightChannel</code> setting.</td>
<h3><a name="debugging">Debugging</a></h3>
<table class="settings">
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE">
<td class="setting">debugLogIrc</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Log raw IRC messages in the Debug Window.</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">debugLogIrcFile</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Log raw IRC messages to the debug_irc.log file in the
settings directory.</td>
<h3><a name="bots">Bot Badges</a></h3>
<table class="settings">
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE">
<td class="setting">botBadgeEnabled</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Show bot badge in chat for known bots.</td>
<tr class="settingExclusive">
<td class="setting">botNames</td>
<td>Name of the bot</td>
<td>some default names</td>
<td>List of locally defined known bots. You have to restart
Chatty for changes to take effect.</td>
<td class="setting">botNamesBTTV</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Use bot names from BTTV API. BTTV emotes have to be enabled for this to work.</td>
<td class="setting">botNamesFFZ</td>
<td colspan="2">Boolean</td>
<td>Use bot names from FFZ API. FFZ emotes have to be enabled for this to work.</td>