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<title>Chatty - Addressbook</title>
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<h1><a name="top">Addressbook</a></h1>
<a href="#editing">Editing Locally</a> (<a href="#commands">Commands</a>) |
<a href="#advanced">Advanced Usage</a> (<a href="#modcommands">Mod Commands</a>, <a href="#file">Change via file</a>)
<p>The addressbook allows you to add usernames and assign categories to
them, which can then be used in other places such as the <a href="help-settings.html#Usercolors">Usercolor settings</a>
or the <a href="help-settings.html#Highlight">Highlight settings</a>.
Categories cannot contain spaces and are all made lowercase when added/loaded from file.</p>
<h2><a name="editing">Editing Locally</a></h2>
<p>The addressbook can be edited in several ways:</p>
<li>The addressbook dialog (<code>&lt;Main Menu&gt; - Channels - Addressbook</code>)
where all entries are listed and you can add/edit/remove entries.</li>
<li>From the user context menu (when you click on a user, then <code>Addressbook</code>)
where the entry for this user can be directly added/edited/removed. There
you can just select/unselect the categories this user should be in
(although only the categories that are already used in the addressbook
are listed, so if you want to add a completely
new category, you have to add it once by manually editing an entry).</li>
<li>The commands that are listed below.</li>
<h3><a name="commands">Commands</a></h3>
<p>In addition to the addressbook dialog and user context menu, there are also some commands to
edit the addressbook. All commands are prefixed with <code>/ab</code>
(e.g. <code>/ab add &lt;name&gt;</code>) or alternatively <code>/users</code> (e.g. <code>/users add &lt;name&gt;</code>):</p>
<li><code>add &lt;name&gt;</code> - Adds a name</li>
<li><code>add &lt;name&gt; &lt;categories&gt;</code> - Adds a name and directly assigns it the given categories, or adds the
categories to the name if it already exists (categories are comma-seperated, without spaces)</li>
<li><code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;categories&gt;</code> - Sets the categories for this name, adding it if necessary, replacing
any present categories for this name</li>
<li><code>remove &lt;name&gt;</code> - Completely removes the given name</li>
<li><code>remove &lt;name&gt; &lt;categories&gt;</code> - Removes the given categories from this name, but leaves
the name</li>
<li><code>change &lt;name&gt; &lt;categoriesModification&gt;</code> - Prepend categories with <code>+</code>,
<code>-</code> or <code>!</code> to add, remove or toggle the categories respectively. You can specify more than
one set of categories, for example: <code>change test +a,b -c !d</code> adds a and b, removes c and toggles d</li>
<li><code>get &lt;name&gt;</code> - Shows the categories for this name</li>
<li><code>info</code> - Shows number of entries and used categories</li>
<p>Categories are given as a comma-seperated list without spaces, e.g. <code>cat1,cat2,cat3</code>.</p>
<p>The following commands edit all entries at once, so they should be used with care:</p>
<li><code>renameCategory &lt;currentName&gt; &lt;newName&gt;</code> - Renames a category, which means all occurences
of <code>currentName</code> are replaced with <code>newName</code> in all entries. This can also
be used to merge categories, if <code>newName</code> already exists.</li>
<li><code>removeCategory &lt;name&gt;</code> - Removes the category with the given name from all entries</li>
<h3>Command Examples</h3>
<dt><code>/ab add josh vip</code></dt>
<dd>Adds the category called <code>vip</code> to the user called <code>josh</code></dd>
<dd>(Also adds the user to the addressbook in the first place, if not already there)</dd>
<dd>(<code>josh</code>'s categories would now be: <code>vip</code>)</dd>
<dt><code>/ab set josh rainbow</code></dt>
<dd>Sets the categories of the user <code>josh</code> to <code>rainbow</code>, replacing
any previously associated categories</dd>
<dd>(<code>josh</code>'s categories would now be: <code>rainbow</code>)</dd>
<dd>(Also makes <code>josh</code> kind of colorful in chat, try it out with your own name Kappa)</dd>
<dt><code>/ab add josh vip</code></dt>
<dd>Adds the category called <code>vip</code> to the user <code>josh</code></dd>
<dd>(<code>josh</code>'s categories would now be: <code>rainbow,vip</code>)</dd>
<dt><code>/ab remove josh vip</code></dt>
<dd>Removes the category called <code>vip</code> from the user <code>josh</code>,
keeping the other categories untouched</dd>
<dd>(<code>josh</code>'s categories would now again be: <code>rainbow</code>)</dd>
<h2><a name="advanced">Advanced Usage</a></h2>
<p>The following features are a bit more advanced and should only be used if
you somewhat know what you're doing.</p>
<h3><a name="modcommands">Moderator Commands</a></h3>
<p>You can use this to let the moderators of your channel edit your addressbook.
Depending on what commands you allow them to use, this can be a powerful tool,
so make sure you keep an eye on what your moderators do.</p>
<p>The following settings affect the this feature (you have to change them
via setting commands):</p>
<dd>Set this to the channel you want this enabled in. You can reset the
setting to empty using the <code>/clearSetting</code> command to
disable the mod commands again.</dd>
<dd><code>/set abCommandsChannel #yourchannel</code></dd>
<dd>A comma-seperated list of commands you want the mods to be able to
use. Commands can be anything that is
listed in the <a href="#commands">Commands</a> section above. So for
example if you wanted to allow the <code>add</code> and <code>set</code>
commands, the setting value would be <code>add,set</code> (no spaces).</dd>
<dd><code>/set abCommands add,set</code></dd>
<dd><em>Default value for this is <code>add,set,remove</code>.</em></dd>
<p>If you set the settings accordingly, then the mods will be able to use
e.g. <code>!add name category</code> to add <code>name</code> to your
Addressbook with the category <code>category</code>. Chatty will output
a message about the change, similiar to when you enter the command yourself.
It does not send a message to chat, so if you want your moderators to see an
actual response, you need to have Chatty on stream (which means the response
is also affected by stream delay of course).</p>
<h3><a name="file">Change Addressbook via file</a></h3>
<p><em>This is a rather experimental feature, so it might not work reliably.</em></p>
<p>You can write Addressbook commands (one per line) to the <code>addressbookImport.txt</code>
file in the settings directory (enter <code>/dir</code> to find out what
your settings directory is). You can use any commands specified in the Commands section above, without
the <code>/ab</code> or <code>/users</code> prefix (since it's already
implied that they are Addressbook commands). For example:</p>
<pre>add darthclide level1
change nightbot !vip
set testi ignore</pre>
<p>To perform an import, enter the <code>/abImport</code> command and Chatty
will read the file and execute each command as if you would have entered
it in the input box. Information about the
command results is output in the debug window (<code>Extra - Debug window</code>)
and the debug log file.</p>
<p>You can also set the <code>abAutoImport</code> setting (<code>/set abAutoImport on</code>)
and the file will be read automatically within a few seconds when it is
detected to have been changed. You have to restart Chatty after changing
the <code>abAutoImport</code> value for it to take effect.
To make sure no data is lost, you should not
write to the file too often, or else it may already be overwritten once
changes are detected and the file contents are read and the commands performed.</p>
<p>It will also not be read automatically when you on start of Chatty,
so you should only apply changes while Chatty is running or
use the <code>/abImport</code> command to manually read the file once after
start. If you only change the file while Chatty is running, manually reading
the file should not be necessary.</p>
<p>Example: <a href="">mIRC script</a> to edit the Addressbook.</p>