2018-04-02 02:28:44 +02:00

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<title>Chatty - Twitch Chat Client</title>
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<h1><img src="icons2.png" style="margin-bottom: -5px;padding-right: 7px;" />Chatty</h1>
<ul id="menu">
<li><a href="#features">Features</a></li>
<li><a href="#requirements">Requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="#download">Download & Getting started</a></li>
<li><a href="#bugs">Feedback</a></li>
<li><a href="#faq">FAQ</a></li>
<p id="ago"></p>
<p style="clear:both;">Chatty is a Twitch chat client for everyone who appreciates a dedicated desktop application (similiar to a classic IRC client), but doesn't want to miss out on Twitch-specific features.</p>
<p class="announce">Note that Java 8 Update 161/162 (the current stable version) contains a <a href="">bug</a> that can lead to unusual high CPU usage (at least on Windows). To prevent this, either install a different Java version yourself or <a href="#download">download</a> the Standalone Version which still comes bundled with Java 8 Update 151.</p>
<h2 id="features">Features</h2>
<li>General Features
<li>Nick colors, emoticons, badges, chat info, stream status and viewercount display</li>
<li>With <a href="">FrankerFaceZ</a>-Support (Emoticons &amp; Custom Mod Icons) and <a href="">BetterTTV</a> emotes (no Personal Emotes though), including unified bot badge</li>
<li>Connect with OAuth (your Twitch account password is never entered in the application)</li>
<li>Basic Whisper Support (no history)</li>
<li>Chatlog, clickable links, TAB Completion (nicks, emotes, commands, custom), input history</li>
<li>Message Highlighting and Ignoring</li>
<li><a href="">SpeedRunsLive</a> Race Viewer</li>
<li>Viewer-centered Features
<li>Get notified when channels you follow go live and view a list of live streams</li>
<li>Follow and unfollow channels</li>
<li>View and insert your subemotes, channel-specific emotes, all global emotes and Twitch emotes you favorited</li>
<li>Easily open streams in your browser, or run <a href="">Livestreamer</a> (or the more up-to-date <a href="">Streamlink</a>) out of Chatty</li>
<li>Join several channels, popout individual channels to view them side-by-side</li>
<li>Streamer/Moderation-centered Features
<li>Set your stream title/game/communities (using presets/favorites) and run commercials</li>
<li>Add the current stream time to a file via hotkey or mod command to assist in making Stream Highlights</li>
<li>View a list with the 100 most recent followers/subscribers of your channel</li>
<li>Graph of how your viewercount developed over time this session</li>
<li>Click on nick in chat to open customizable moderation dialog, showing the last messages of this user (no banning the wrong user) and basic account info</li>
<li>AutoMod support to approve/deny filtered messages</li>
<li>Choose your font, customize colors, timestamp, how bans are shown, joins/parts and more</li>
<li>Customize usercolors based on user-type (mod, sub, turbo..), specific usernames or colors (replace colors)</li>
<li>Customize usericons (badges), replace default ones or add your own for specific users</li>
<li>Disable specific emotes, replace emotes with your own locally, change scaling all emotes in chat or the Emote Dialog</li>
<li>Create custom commands and add them to context menus or the user dialog</li>
<li>Add or remove regular, app-wide or global hotkeys according to your needs</li>
<li>Extensive settings dialog to adjust the features to your needs</li>
<img src="chatty_screenshot.png" style="margin-bottom:5px;" />
<h2 id="requirements" style="clear:both;">Requirements</h2>
<p>You need to have the Java 8 JRE or later installed (unless you're using the Windows Standalone version). <a href="">Download Java</a> if you need it.</p>
<h2 id="download">Download & Getting started</h2>
<li><a href=""><strong>Download Version 0.9.1</strong></a>
(all OS)</li>
<li>With global hotkey support (Windows only):<ul>
<li><a href="">Download Version 0.9.1 (for 32bit-Java)</a>
<li><a href="">Download Version 0.9.1 (for 64bit-Java)</a>
<li>Standalone Bundle (Windows executable, includes JRE, no installed Java required):<ul><li><a href="">Download Version 0.9.1 Windows Standalone</a></li></ul></li>
<li>Previous versions and source code are on <a href="">GitHub</a></li>
<p>Extract the .zip into a folder of your choice and start Chatty.jar (or the Chatty.exe in case of the standalone).</p>
<p>When you start Chatty the Connect Dialog should come up. Click <code>Create login..</code> and <code>Request login data</code> and follow the instructions to authorize Chatty to connect to chat for you. There is also a short
<a href="help/help-getting-started.html"><strong>Getting Started Guide</strong></a>.</p>
<p>There is some <a href="help/help.html">help</a> available (you can find the same in the program itself). There is also a <a href="changes.txt">changelog</a>.</p>
<p>You can use <a href="Chatty_banner_320px.png">this banner</a> if you like Chatty and want to promote it. Just link to <code></code> please. :)</p>
<h2 id="bugs">Feedback (Feature requests, Bug reports)</h2>
<p>This is my first slightly bigger program, so go easy on me. ;) But if you find any bugs or have any other feedback, feel free to tell me. You can <a href="">message me on Twitch</a>, write me an <a href="">e-mail</a> or use <a href="">Twitter</a>.</p>
<p>Please tell me about bugs or else I can't fix them. Please describe exactly <em>what</em> happened and <em>how</em> it happened, since this is absolutely necessary to find out what went wrong (just saying "it doesn't work" or "it won't load" can mean a lot of things). You should also copy the debug.log file in your settings directory (type /openDir to open it, or /dir if that doesn't work) before it is overwritten, in case it could be helpful to find the bug.</p>
<h3>Known issues</h3>
<li>Sometimes users aren't correctly sorted in the userlist</li>
<li>Windows: Dragging the upper edge to maximize the window vertically doesn't resize the contents of the window.
This may be a Java Bug that I cannot fix. Workaround: Try double-clicking the upper edge instead of dragging it.</li>
<h2 id="faq">FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)</h2>
<dt>I have an issue with Chatty, what do I do?</dt>
<dd>Read the <a href="help/help-troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting</a>. If you can't solve the issue with that information <a href="help/help.html#contact">write a message</a>.</dd>
<dt>Does Chatty support other streaming services like YouTube or</dt>
<dd>Unfortunately not, and it's not currently planned either. Chatty is designed around Twitch and adding support for other services wouldn't be a trivial task.</dd>
<dt>Why does Chatty report "Stream offline", even though the stream clearly didn't go offline?</dt>
<dd>Sometimes the Twitch API will return a stream as offline, even though it isn't. Chatty checks the API twice before reporting a stream as offline, but if both checks return false data, then a false offline report will happen.</dd>
<dt>Why does the userlist not show all users correctly?</dt>
<dd>First of all check that <code>Settings - Advanced - Correct Userlist</code> is enabled. Even then, the userlist in Twitch Chat shouldn't be taken too seriously. <a href="">Read more about the userlist..</a></dd>
<dt>Is there any help/documentation?</dt>
<dd><a href="help/help.html">Yes.</a></dd>
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