2016-04-26 21:14:25 +02:00

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<title>Chatty - Using a Bouncer</title>
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<h1><a name="top">Using a Bouncer</a></h1>
<p>Chatty is tailored towards Twitch Chat and is not a general IRC client,
so using a Bouncer may not work correctly or may cause unexpected
behaviour. Nevertheless, if you want to try if it works for you, this
page should get you started.</p>
<h2>Connecting to the Bouncer</h2>
<p>By default Chatty will connect to the server/ports that are set in the
settings, using the store OAuth token. To connect to a Bouncer you need
to change both the server and port and tell Chatty to use the Bouncer
password instead.</p>
<p>You will need to start Chatty with some <a href="help.html#launch">launch options</a>.
You can create a <a href="help-guide_create_shortcut.html">shortcut</a>
or .bat file for that.</p>
<dl class="defList">
<dt><code>-server &lt;host/ip&gt;</code></dt>
<dd>This will overwrite the Server in the settings for this session (but
not change the setting). Set this to the IP/Host of your Bouncer.</dd>
<dt><code>-port &lt;port&gt;</code></dt>
<dd>Same as server, set this to the port of your Bouncer.</dd>
<dt><code>-password [password]</code></dt>
<dd>Set this to the password of your Bouncer. The password is not saved
in between sessions which is why you need this option.</dd>
<p>If your bouncer uses special names starting with <code>*</code> like
<code>*status</code>, this will open an extra Tab in Chatty. You can
also use the <code>/msg</code> command to directly write to that name
(e.g. <code>/msg *perform list</code>).</p>
<p>If you want to connect via SSL to your Bouncer you will have to add the
port you use for connecting to the list of ports that Chatty will try to
connect to via SSL (<code>/add securedPorts &lt;port&gt;</code>). Note
that the Certificate has to be trusted by Java to work (otherwise you
have to add it to your local Java installation yourself). This can
especially be an issue with self-signed Certificates.</p>
<h2>Configuring the Bouncer</h2>
<p>You have to configure your Bouncer to connect to Twitch Chat. There are
probably guides out there how to configure your Bouncer. In regards to
connecting to Twitch Chat in particular you can use one of the guides
for regular IRC clients and apply it to the Bouncer.</p>
<p>In addition to that, the Bouncer will need to send the following raw
commands after connecting to Twitch Chat, which will make it send info
like usercolors, emotes, user status and much more:</p>
CAP REQ</pre>
<p>To receive a userlist at all, you also need to send the following (even
then Twitch Chat will only send the userlist on join and then update it
via JOINs/PARTs, and under some circumstances it may not send a userlist
at all):</p>
CAP REQ</pre>
<p><em>Note:</em> Channel names on Twitch Chat must be all-lowercase (Chatty
will automatically change the case accordingly, but if you configure
channels to join through the Bouncer directly you have to be careful
with this).</p>
<p>See <a href="">more information on Twitch Chat</a>.
<li>The Channel State (Subonly, Slowmode, ..) won't always be correct
because the Bouncer won't send the state on join if the channel is
already joined on the Bouncer.</li>
<li>Receiving Whispers may not work, depending on whether the Bouncer
forwards the WHISPER command to Chatty.</li>