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<title>Chatty - Custom Commands / Context Menus</title>
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<h1><a name="top">Custom Commands / Context Menus</a></h1>
<p>Under <code>Settings - Commands</code> you can add Custom Commands and
customize some Context Menus (and the User Info Dialog) with your own entries.</p>
<p>Check out <a href="">YouTube</a>
for various video tutorials.</p>
<a href="#custom-commands">Custom Commands</a>
<li><a href="#restrict-channel">Restrict to channel</a></li>
<li><a href="#anonymous-custom-commands">Anonymous Custom Commands</a></li>
<li><a href="#chain-commands">Chaining Commands</a></li>
<li><a href="#foreach">Foreach</a></li>
<li><a href="#runin">Run command in specific channel</a></li>
<a href="#replacements">Replacements</a>
<li><a href="#simple-replacements">Simple Replacements</a></li>
<li><a href="#escaping">Escaping / Literal Text</a></li>
<li><a href="#parameters-context">Pre-defined Parameters</a></li>
<li><a href="#functions">Functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#custom-replacements">Custom Replacements</a></li>
<a href="#menus">Custom Context Menus / User Dialog Buttons</a>
<li><a href="#commands-list">Format 1: List Custom Command Names</a></li>
<li><a href="#inline-commands">Format 2: Inline-Commands</a></li>
<li><a href="#submenus">Format 3: Submenus</a></li>
<li><a href="#separators">Separators</a></li>
<li><a href="#shortcuts">Shortcuts</a></li>
<li><a href="#positioning">Positioning</a></li>
<li><a href="#label-commands">Dynamic Labels</a></li>
<li><a href="#menu-restrictions">Optional Menu Entries</a></li>
<li><a href="#special-commands">Special Commands</a></li>
<h2><a name="custom-commands">Custom Commands</a></h2>
<p>Custom commands allow you to specify aliases for anything you could also
enter directly into the inputbox, like chat messages or regular
commands (with the exception of other custom commands, which is a
limitation implemented to prevent infinite loops).</p>
<p>To add a Custom Command add a new entry to the list labeled
"Custom Commands", in the following format:</p>
<p><code>/&lt;commandName&gt; &lt;what the command should do&gt;</code></p>
<p>Everything up to the first space is the <em>name</em>
of the command, and everything after the first space is what the command
will do or execute. For example:</p>
<p><code>/hello Hello World!</code></p>
<p>If you added that to the Custom Commands list and
enter <code>/hello</code> in the inputbox, then it would send
<code>Hello World!</code> to chat, just as if you would have written it
yourself and pressed Enter.</p>
<p>Any entry in the "Custom Commands" list starting with a <code>#</code>
will be completely ignored. For example:</p>
<p><code># Hello World!</code></p>
<p>See <a href="#replacements">Replacements</a> for more advanced usage.</p>
<h3><a name="restrict-channel">Restrict to channel</a></h3>
<p>Adding a <code>#</code> and a channel name you can restrict the command
to that channel:</p>
<p><code>/hello#joshimuz Hello Joshimuz Chat!</code></p>
<p>This <code>/hello</code> command would only be executed in #joshimuz,
however if you still have the version without a channel in the Custom
Commands list as well, it will fallback to that in other channels. This
way to can add variations of commands for specific channels.</p>
<h3><a name="anonymous-custom-commands">Anonymous Custom Commands</a></h3>
<p>Custom Commands that aren't defined in the Custom Commands list do not
have a name and can thus only be executed from the context they are
defined, for example when adding <a href="#inline-commands">Inline-Commands</a>
to the User Dialog or Context Menus.</p>
<p>You can also execute Anonymous Custom Commands directly from the
inputbox, by prepending <code>//</code>, which allows you to use
<dl class="defList">
<dt><code>/echo Open Channels: $(chans)</code></dt>
<dd>Executes as a normal command (nothing replaced)</dd>
<dd>Outputs <code>Open Channels: $(chans)</code></dd>
<dt><code>//echo Open Channels: $(chans)</code></dt>
<dd>Executes as an Anonymous Custom Command</dd>
<dd>Outputs <code>Open Channels: joshimuz lotsofs cirno_tv</code></dd>
<h3><a name="chain-commands">Chaining Commands</a></h3>
<p>Executing several commands in a row is not a feature of Custom Commands,
although the <a href="help-builtin_commands.html#commands-chain">/chain command</a> can
be used to achieve something like that.</p>
<h3><a name="foreach">Foreach</a></h3>
<p>The <a href="help-builtin_commands.html#commands-foreach">/foreach command</a> can be used
to run the same command for each entry of a space-separated list, for
example a list of channels from the <code>$1-</code> replacement.</p>
<h3><a name="runin">Run command in specific channel</a></h3>
<p>The <a href="help-builtin_commands.html#commands-runin">/runin command</a> can be used
to run a command in a specific open channel.</p>
<h2><a name="replacements">Replacements</a></h2>
<li><a href="#simple-replacements">Simple Replacements</a></li>
<li><a href="#escaping">Escaping / Literal Text</a></li>
<li><a href="#parameters-context">Pre-defined Parameters</a></li>
<li><a href="#functions">Functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#custom-replacements">Custom Replacements</a></li>
<p>Anything starting with <code>$</code> in the <code>&lt;what the command
should do&gt;</code> section is treated as some sort of replacement.
Each replacement must contain an <strong>identifier</strong>
which identifies what the replacement should be replaced with.</p>
<p>For the <strong>short notation</strong> the identifier is written
directly after the dollar sign: <code>$&lt;identifier&gt;</code> .
In thise case it may only consist of a number and an optional dash:
<code>$&lt;1-9&gt;[-]</code> . Numeric identifiers refer to the parameters
supplied to the command.</p>
<p>For the <strong>regular notation</strong> the identifier is written after
the <code>$</code> in parentheses: <code>$(&lt;identifier&gt;)</code> .
This type of notation makes a more clear distinction between replacement
and the rest of the (literal) text and may contain numbers (including higher than 9)
and other identifiers, depending on the context.</p>
<p>Put <code>$$</code> (the <code>$</code> twice) for any
<strong>required replacement</strong> (for example <code>$$1</code> ),
which means the whole Custom Command will only be run if that replacement
turns into a non-empty value. This can be used to make sure that a
parameter that is necessary for the command to make sense is actually
being supplied.</p>
<h3><a name="escaping">Escaping / Literal Text</a></h3>
<p>If you want to use a dollar sign <code>$</code> literally, without it
beginning a replacement, you can escape it with a backslash:
<code>\$</code>. A backslash will always interpret the following
character as a regular character without a special meaning, while
the backslash itself will not show up in the result.</p>
<p>Example: <code>$replace($1-,(\\w+),(\$1\),regRef)</code></p>
<p>This <a href="#functions">function</a> (surrounds all
consecutive word characters with brackets) contains some escaping:</p>
<li>The <code>(\\w+)</code> turns into the plain text <code>(\w+)</code>. The backslash needs to be escaped so
it actually shows up for the regex.</li>
<li>The <code>(\$1\)</code> turns into the plain text <code>($1)</code>. The dollar sign is used for the regex,
not an actual Custom Command replacement and the closing bracket
needs to be escaped here because the following function parameter is
optional, so the bracket would close the function.</li>
<p>Alternatively you can use <code>$"&lt;literal text&gt;"</code> which
interprets everything inside the quotes as literal text without any
special meaning. To use a quote inside the literal text, it can be
doubled: <code>$"This is a dollar sign: ""$"""</code> turns into the
plain text <code>This is a dollar sign: "$"</code>. Instead of <code>"</code>
you can also use <code>`</code> (backquote) or <code>'</code> (single quote):
<code>$`This is a dollar sign: "$"`</code> is equivalent to the above.</p>
<p>The previous example could also be written like this: <code>$replace($1-,$"(\w+)",$"($1)",regRef)</code></p>
<h3><a name="simple-replacements">Simple Replacements</a></h3>
<p>A basic use of replacements is using the <strong>short notation</strong>
to put in parameters supplied when executing the command. Consider this
Custom Command:</p>
<p><code>/slap /me slaps <strong>$$1</strong> around a bit with a large trout</code></p>
<p>Then, when you enter <code>/slap moobot</code> in the inputbox, it will
replace <code>$$1</code> with the first word after the command, which in
this case would be <code>moobot</code>, making the resulting command:</p>
<p><code>/me slaps <strong>moobot</strong> around a bit with a large trout</code></p>
<p>This is the syntax for specifying parameters (word in this context means
anything separated by a space):</p>
<dt><code>$1, $2, $3</code></dt>
<dd>First word, second word, third word etc.</dd>
<dd><code>$(1), $(2), $(3)</code> is the equivalent in the regular notation</dd>
<dd>First word, and all the words after it</dd>
<dd><code>$2-, $3-</code> is also possible</dd>
<dd><code>$(1-), $(2-), $(3-)</code> is the equivalent in the regular notation</dd>
<dd>First word, but required, meaning the command will only be executed
if this parameter is actually present</dd>
<dd><code>$$2, $$3-</code> is also possible</dd>
<dd><code>$$(1), $$(2), $$(3-)</code> is the equivalent in the regular notation</dd>
<p>The short notation ( <code>$1</code> ) only works for the numbers 1 to 9,
which usually should be enough. For other kinds of replacements you must
use the regular notation including parentheses: <code>$(10)</code> .</p>
<h3><a name="parameters-context">Pre-defined Parameters</a></h3>
<p>Custom Commands can be used in a number of different places. Depending on
the context there are different pre-defined parameters available. The
following table shows which identifiers can be used in which
context. To use an identifier put it in a replacement, for example
<code>$(chan)</code> or <code>$$join(1-,/)</code>.</p>
<table class="settings" cellspacing="1">
<th rowspan="4"><em>All</em></th>
<td>The current channel context (without leading #)</td>
<td>The stream name of the current channel context (different from
<code>chan</code> for Chatrooms)</td>
<td>All currently open regular channels (separated by spaces,
without leading #)</td>
<td><a href="#stream-identifiers">Stream Info (e.g. uptime, stream title) identifiers</a></td>
<!-- User Context Menu -->
<th rowspan="6">User Context Menu</th>
<td>Name of the user</td>
<td><a href="#user-identifiers">Various user-related identifiers</a></td>
<td>Message text of the selected message (depending on the line in
chat you opened the User Contex Menu from, not available for
your own messages)</td>
<td>Message time of the selected message (depending on the line in
chat you opened the User Contex Menu from, not available for
your own messages), as milliseconds since
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, intended to be used with <code>$datetime()</code>,
e.g. <code>$datetime(datetime,,,$(msg-time))</code></td>
<td>Message id of the selected message (depending on the line in
chat you opened the User Contex Menu from, not available for
your own messages)</td>
<td>Message id of the selected message filtered by AutoMod, for
approving or denying the message (when opened by clicking on
an appropriate message in chat)</td>
<!-- User Dialog -->
<th rowspan="8">User Dialog</th>
<td><em>All from User Context Menu</em></td>
<td>See above</td>
<td><code>2-</code>, <code>reason</code></td>
<td>Ban reason (if selected)</td>
<td>Message text of the selected message (<code>&gt;</code> in front
of message, depending on the line in chat you opened it from,
not available for your own messages)</td>
<td>Message time of the selected message (<code>&gt;</code> in front
of message, depending on the line in chat you opened it from,
not available for your own messages), as milliseconds since
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, intended to be used with <code>$datetime()</code>,
e.g. <code>$datetime(datetime,,,$(msg-time))</code></td>
<td>Message id of the selected message (<code>&gt;</code> in front
of message, depending on the line in chat you opened it from,
not available for your own messages)</td>
<td>Message id of the selected message filtered by AutoMod, for
approving or denying the message (when opened by clicking on
an appropriate message in chat)</td>
<td><code>followage</code> /
<td>How long ago (e.g. <code>3.2 years</code>) the user has followed
/ has created the Twitch account (only if available)</td>
<td><code>followdate</code> / <code>accountdate</code></td>
<td>The date (e.g. <code>2012-09-15 17:19:29 +0200</code>) the user
has followed / has created the Twitch account (only if available)</td>
<!-- Channel Context Menu -->
<th>Channel Context menu</th>
<td>Name of the currently active channel (without leading #)</td>
<!-- Streams Context Menu -->
<th>Streams Context menu</th>
<td>Names of selected streams</td>
<!-- Hotkey -->
<td>The currently <a href="help.html#userselection">selected user</a> (if present)</td>
<!-- Text Context Menu -->
<th>Selected Text Context menu</th>
<td><code>1-</code>, <code>msg</code></td>
<td>The selected text</td>
<!-- Admin Context Menu -->
<th rowspan="4">Admin Context menu</th>
<td>The stream title currently set in the Admin Dialog</td>
<td>The game (category) currently set in the Admin Dialog</td>
<td>The tags currently set in the Admin Dialog (ids, comma-separated)</td>
<td>The tags currently set in the Admin Dialog (display names, comma-separated)</td>
<h3><a name="user-identifiers">User-related Identifiers</a></h3>
<p>These are available where a user is involved, such as the User Dialog and
User Context Menu. In some contexts they may also be available with the
<code>my-</code> prefix for your own user info (e.g. <code>my-full-nick</code>).</p>
<li><code>nick</code> - Name of the user, maybe capitalized</li>
<li><code>display-nick</code> - Same as <code>nick</code>, but may not match the regular username (spaces, completely different)</li>
<li><code>display-nick2</code> - Same as <code>display-nick</code>, but contains the regular username in parentheses if necessary</li>
<li><code>custom-nick</code> - Same as <code>display-nick</code>, but may also be the <a href="help.html#customNames">Custom Name</a> you set</li>
<li><code>full-nick</code> - The same name that is displayed in the userlist (includes status symbols)</li>
<li><code>full-nick2</code> - Same as <code>full-nick</code>, but contains the regular username in parentheses if necessary</li>
<li><code>special-nick</code> - Returns <code>true</code> if the user has a display name not matching the regular username</li>
<li><code>user-id</code> - The Twitch ID of the user (if available)</li>
<li><code>twitch-badges</code> - A textual representation of the Twitch badges (if available)</li>
<li><code>twitch-badge-info</code> - Another textual representation of the Twitch badges (if available)</li>
<li><code>user-stream</code> - The name of the stream the user talked in</li>
<li><code>user-stream-id</code> - The id of the stream the user talked in</li>
<li><code>user-channel</code> - The name of the channel the user talked in (with leading # if applicable)</li>
<h3><a name="stream-identifiers">Stream Info Identifiers</a></h3>
<p>The stream info is of the current channel context, if available.</p>
<li><code>streamstatus</code> - Stream Status ("Title (Game)" or "Offline")</li>
<p>Only available if live:</p>
<li><code>streamtitle</code> - Stream Title</li>
<li><code>streamgame</code> - Stream Game</li>
<li><code>streamviewers</code> - Number of viewers</li>
<li><code>streamuptime</code> - Stream Uptime, ignoring short breaks as shown in the Chatty titlebar</li>
<li><code>streamuptime2</code> - Actual Stream Uptime as reported by Twitch directly</li>
<h3>Pre-defined Parameters Example</h3>
<dl class="defList">
<dt><code>/streaminfo /echo [Stream Status] $(streamstatus) [Uptime] $(streamuptime)</code></dt>
<dd>Entering <code>/streaminfo</code> outputs an info message (only for
you) with the current stream status and uptime.</dd>
<p>In addition, there is an implicit channel context, which means channel-aware
commands like <code>/ban</code> are executed in the appropriate channel.</p>
<h3><a name="functions">Functions</a></h3>
<p>Functions are replacements, however they have a function name before the
identifier (there is no short notation for functions):</p>
<p><code>$&lt;functionName&gt;(&lt;identifier&gt;,&lt;some parameters&gt;,[optional parameters])</code></p>
<p class="note"><em>Note:</em> The <code>&lt;identifier&gt;</code> parameter
means anything not starting with <code>$</code> is interpreted as the
identifier only. You can think of it as an extension to the regular
<code>$(1-) -> $<u>join</u>(1-<u>,/</u>)</code></p>
<p>Functions by topic (ones marked with * are not available in every context):</p>
<a href="#func-if">$if()</a>,
<a href="#func-ifeq">$ifeq()</a>,
<a href="#func-switch">$switch()</a>,
<a href="#func-is">$is()</a>*
<a href="#func-join">$join()</a>,
<a href="#func-lower">$lower()</a>,
<a href="#func-upper">$upper()</a>,
<a href="#func-trim">$trim()</a>,
<a href="#func-quote">$quote()</a>,
<a href="#func-replace">$replace()</a>,
<a href="#func-rand">$rand()</a>,
<a href="#func-sort">$sort()</a>,
<a href="#func-input">$input()</a>
<a href="#func-randnum">$randnum()</a>,
<a href="#func-calc">$calc()</a>,
<a href="#func-round">$round()</a>
<a href="#func-request">$request()</a>*,
<a href="#func-urlencode">$urlencode()</a>,
<a href="#func-json">$json()</a>
<a href="#func-datetime">$datetime()</a>,
<a href="#func-get">$get()</a>*
<p>The following functions are always available:</p>
<dl class="defList">
<dt><a name="func-if"><code>$if(&lt;identifier&gt;,&lt;output if exists&gt;,[output if not])</code></a></dt>
<dd>If the value the identifier refers to exists (non-empty), it will
return the first function parameter, the second otherwise.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$if(1,$1,nope)</code> with command parameters <code>cheese cake</code> turns into <code>cheese</code>,
with no parameters turns into <code>nope</code>, the optional <code>[output if not]</code> function parameter.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-ifeq"><code>$ifeq(&lt;identifier&gt;,&lt;comparison&gt;,&lt;output if equal&gt;,[output if not])</code></a></dt>
<dd>Similar to <code>$if</code>, but instead of just checking for the
existence of a parameter it compares it to a given value
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$ifeq(1,cheesecake,yummy)</code> with parameters
<code>cheesecake</code> turns into <code>yummy</code>, with parameters
<code>cheese cake</code> turns into an an empty string, since the
optional <code>[output if not]</code> has not been specified.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-switch"><code>$switch(&lt;identifier&gt;,&lt;case1&gt;:&lt;result1&gt;,..,[casen]:[resultn],[default])</code></a></dt>
<dd>Similiar to a switch statement in programming, or one or several <code>$ifeq()</code> functions.
Compares the value associated with the identifier with the case values and returns the following
result if it matches. If none of the case values match, it will return the default, or an empty value.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>/set fontSize $switch($get(fontSize),25:50,50:18,25)</code> when added
as a Custom Command alternates between font sizes 18, 25 and 50.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-join"><code>$join(&lt;identifier&gt;,&lt;separator&gt;)</code></a></dt>
<dd>Joins together the arguments the identifier refers to, using the
given separator.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$join(1-,/)</code> with <code>1-</code> referring to
<code>flour sugar eggs</code> turns into <code>flour/sugar/eggs</code></dd>
<dd>This effectively replaces spaces in the parameters with the separator.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-lower"><code>$lower(&lt;identifier&gt;)</code></a></dt>
<dd>Makes the given input lowercase.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$lower(1)</code> with <code>1</code>
referring to <code>Fremily</code> turns into <code>fremily</code>.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-upper"><code>$upper(&lt;identifier&gt;)</code></a></dt>
<dd>Makes the given input uppercase.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$upper(1)</code> with <code>1</code>
referring to <code>Fremily</code> turns into <code>FREMILY</code>.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-trim"><code>$trim(&lt;input&gt;)</code></a></dt>
<dd>Removes leading and trailing space (U+0020 and lower, using the
<a href="">String.trim()</a> method).</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$trim( abc )</code> turns into <code>abc</code>.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-quote"><code>$quote(&lt;input&gt;,[quote character])</code></a></dt>
<dd>Add quotes around the input. Any quotes in input will be doubled.
A custom quote character can be specified, by default a double-quote
(<code>"</code>) is used.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$quote(51° 28' 38" N)</code> turns into
<code>"51° 28' 38"" N"</code> and <code>$quote(51° 28' 38" N,')</code>
turns into <code>'51° 28'' 38" N'</code>.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-replace"><code>$replace(&lt;input&gt;,&lt;search&gt;,&lt;replace&gt;,[method])</code></a></dt>
<dd>Search and replace in text.</dd>
<dd>Especially when using Regex, remember
escaping <code>\</code> (<code>\\</code>) and <code>$</code> (<code>\$</code>)
when they should e.g. be used in regex rather than interpreted as special Custom Command characters.
Instead of escaping each special character individually, you can also
use <a href="#escaping">Literal Text</a>.</dd>
<dd>Methods are:
<ul style="margin-top:0">
<li><em>Not specified</em> - Literal case-insensitive search</li>
<li><code>cs</code> - Literal case-sensitive search</li>
<li><code>reg</code> - Regular Expression search</li>
<li><code>regRef</code> - Regular Expression search, with references to groups via <code>\$1</code><br />
Note: The "replace" text basicially gets fed to the <a href="">String.replaceAll()</a> method as "replacement". The <code>$1</code> in this case does not refer to a Custom Command replacement, but something that the replaceAll() method uses, so it needs to be escaped in the Custom Command function, either by using <code>\$1</code> or using <a href="#escaping">Literal Text</a>. In addition, if <code>$</code> or <code>\</code> should show up literally instead of being interpreted by the replaceAll() method then they need to be escaped again (e.g. <code>$replace(..,..,Dollar: \\\$1 Ref: \$1,regRef)</code>, whereas <code>Dollar: \$1 Ref: $1</code> would be given to the replaceAll() method).</li>
<li><code>regFirst</code>, <code>refFirstRef</code> - Same as above, but only replace first occurence</li>
<li><code>regCustom</code> - Regular Expression search, the replace parameter has access to match values and is
executed for each match (<code>$1-</code> full match, <code>$(g1)</code> first group in the search regex
if available, <code>$(g2)</code> second group, ..).</li>
<li><code>regFunc</code> - Regular Expression search, the replace must be the name
of a Custom Replacement which is called with the same values as <code>regCustom</code>
(doesn't always work in Custom Commands, can use <code>regCustom</code>
with e.g. <code>$(_&lt;name&gt;,$1-)</code> instead).</li>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$replace(A b and another B,b,bee)</code> turns into <code>A bee and another bee</code></dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$replace(Was timed out for 30 seconds,.*?(\\d+) seconds,Number of seconds: \$1,regRef)</code> turns into <code>Number of seconds: 30</code></dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$replace($1-,$"~([a-z]+)~",<span style="text-decoration: underline">$replace($(g1),$"(\w)",$"$1+",regRef)</span>,regCustom)</code> adds <code>+</code> behind every character surrounded by <code>~</code> (the inner <code>$replace()</code> is in the <code>replace</code> parameter and executed for each match)</dd>
<dt><a name="func-rand"><code>$rand([output1],[output2],[output3],..)</code></a></dt>
<dd>Randomly chooses one of the outputs.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$rand(cheesecake,strawberry cake,$1-)</code>
with <code>1-</code> referring to <code>apple pie</code> turns into
either <code>cheesecake</code>, <code>strawberry cake</code> or
<code>apple pie</code>.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-randnum"><code>$randnum(&lt;from&gt;,&lt;to&gt;)</code> or <code>$randnum(&lt;to&gt;)</code></a></dt>
<dd>Randomly chooses a number in the given range (inclusive). If only
one number is given, it the range is 0 to the given number. If the
"from" is not a number, it defaults to 0, if the "to" is not a
number it defaults to a really big number.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$randnum(600,800)</code> chooses a random
number between 600 and 800.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$randum($$1)</code> chooses a random number
between 0 and what is the first parameter.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-calc"><code>$calc(&lt;simple math expression&gt;)</code></a></dt>
<dd>Limited support for performing calculations, with binary operators
(<code>* / % + -</code>) and functions (<code>sqrt() sin() cos() tan()</code>).</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>//echo $calc(2^3) $calc( (3+4\) / 2)</code>
when entered into the inputbox returns <code>8 3.5</code> (note the
parentheses in the second, as well as how the closing parenthesis
needs to be escaped).</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>//echo $calc($"sqrt(81) * (1 + 4/2)")</code> outputs <code>27</code>
(this uses <code>$" "</code> to specify <a href="#escaping">literal text</a>
instead of escaping the parenthesis with a backslash).</dd>
<dt><a name="func-round"><code>$round(&lt;number&gt;,[numDecimalPlaces],[roundingMode],[minNumDecimalPlaces])</code></a></dt>
<dd>Round a number to the given amount of decimal places,
with a <a href="">rounding mode</a>
of empty (half-up), <code>ceil</code>, <code>floor</code>,
<code>up</code>, <code>down</code> or <code>half-down</code>, with
the given number of minimum decimal places (fills with 0).</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>//echo $round(1.335)</code> outputs <code>1</code></dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>//echo $round(1.335,2)</code> outputs <code>1.34</code></dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>//echo $round(345.5,3,floor,3)</code> outputs <code>345.500</code> (fills up to 3 decimal places)</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>//echo $round(2.565,2,,2)</code> outputs <code>2.57</code> (uses default rounding mode)</dd>
<dt><a name="func-urlencode"><code>$urlencode(&lt;input&gt;)</code></a></dt>
<dd>Uses <a href="">UrlEncoder.encode()</a>
to prepare the input to be used in a URL query parameter.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$urlencode($(msg))</code> in User Dialog
encodes the currently selected message.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-sort"><code>$sort(&lt;input&gt;,[type],[separator])</code></a></dt>
<dd>Sorts the given input alphabetically. The sort type can be "abc"
(default) for case-insensitive sorting or "Abc" for case-sensitive
sorting. The separator is what separates the parts that are sorted,
by default a space.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$sort(B c a)</code> turns into <code>a B c</code></dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$sort(B c a,Abc)</code> turns into <code>B a c</code></dd>
<dt><a name="func-input"><code>$input([message],[intial],[type])</code></a></dt>
<dd>Requests text input from the user by showing an input dialog.
Execution is paused while the dialog is open. The user may enter an
empty value (the result is just empty) or cancel the dialog (the
command will not be executed).</dd>
<dd>The <code>message</code> is shown in the input dialog, the <code>initial</code>
text will already be in the input field when the dialog opens. The
<code>type</code> can be set to <code>simple</code> to use the
previously default simple input dialog.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$input()</code></dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$input(Enter a number please)</code></dd>
<dt><a name="func-datetime"><code>$datetime([format],[timezone],[locale],[unix time])</code></a></dt>
<dd>Outputs the current date/time. You can optionally give a format
pattern (based on <a href="">DateTimeFormatter</a>),
a timezone (based on <a href="">ZoneId</a>,
although something like "New York" should also work) and a locale
(a language tag such as "en"). The optional unix time parameter must
be in milliseconds.</dd>
<dd>Predefined formats:
<ul style="margin-top:0">
<li>Short: <code>date</code>, <code>time</code>, <code>datetime</code></li>
<li>With timezone: <code>date2</code>, <code>time2</code>, <code>datetime2</code></li>
<li>Locale-specific: Append <code>_short</code>, <code>_medium</code>,
<code>_long</code> or <code>_full</code>, e.g. <code>datetime_full</code></li>
<dl style="margin-top:0">
<dd><code>Wednesday, March 13, 2019 3:11:48 PM CET</code></dd>
<dd>(Default format depends on the locale, in this case using the system default.)</dd>
<dd><code>Mittwoch, 13. März 2019 15:12 Uhr MEZ</code></dd>
<dd>(Default format depends on the locale, in this case explicitly specified.)</dd>
<dd>(Using one of the pre-defined formats "<code>time</code>".)</dd>
<dd><code>2019-03-12 15:31:45 PDT GMT-0700</code></dd>
<dd>(Using the more verbose "<code>datetime2</code>" pre-defined format, with a timezone specified.)</dd>
<dd><code>mercoledì 13 marzo 2019 15.32.03 CET</code></dd>
<dd>(Using one of the locale-specific pre-defined formats, with timezone and locale specified.)</dd>
<dd><code>Wednesday, March 13, 2019 2:16:36 PM GMT</code></dd>
<dd>(Empty format to be able to specify timezone.)</dd>
<dt><code>$datetime(HH:mm:ss zzzz,Tokyo,en)</code></dt>
<dd><code>07:50:20 Japan Standard Time</code></dd>
<dd>(Output is usually based on your system language, but you
can also explicitely specify it.)</dd>
<dt><code>$datetime(eeee\, dd. MMMM yyyy,,de)</code></dt>
<dd><code>Dienstag, 12. März 2019</code></dd>
<dd>(Custom format, <code>,</code> escaped since it normally
separates function parameters, empty timezone in order to be
able to specify locale.)</dd>
<dd><code>2022-03-10 19:34:35 MEZ GMT+0100</code></dd>
<dd>(Preset format, with timezone, no locale, with a time
specified in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.)</dd>
<dt><a name="func-json"><code>$json(&lt;input&gt;,&lt;output&gt;)</code></a></dt>
<dd>Parse the JSON in <code>&lt;input&gt;</code> and use in <code>&lt;output&gt;</code>,
where <code>$j(&lt;path&gt;,[default],[sub],...)</code> can be used to access specific values.
The JSON input could e.g. come from the <code>$request()</code>
<dd>If the path isn't formatted correctly or the JSON is invalid the
command may not work. Check out the Debug Log (e.g. Extra - Debug
window) to find out what went wrong.</dd>
<dd>The <code>&lt;path&gt;</code> specifies what value to return from
the <code>$j(&lt;path&gt;,[default])</code> function, whereas the optional <code>[default]</code>
value will be returned if the path is not valid or points to an empty value.</dd>
<dd>In the <code>&lt;path&gt;</code> you specify keys of JSON objects
separated by <code>-></code> (e.g. <code>key1->key2->key3</code>) or
indices of JSON arrays in brackets <code>[ ]</code> (e.g. <code>key1[0]</code>
for the first element of the array key1). Additionally the brackets <code>[ ]</code>
can contain:
<li><code>last</code> for the last entry of an array</li>
<li><code>size</code> to return the number of elements</li>
<li><code>sort</code> to sort an array (mainly works for strings)</li>
<li><code>filter:&lt;path&gt;[=regex]</code> to select only
certain array items/object values based on whether a path exists or if a
regex is provided the value of the path</li>
<li><code>collect:&lt;path&gt;[=regex]</code> iterates over an
array/object values and for each element resolves the path and combines
the resulting values into an array</li>
<li><code>combine:&lt;path&gt;[=regex]</code> iterates over an
array/object values and for each element resolves the path and for each
resulting value that is an array adds all of the array
values into a single result array</li>
<li><code>unique</code> removes duplicate elements from an array</li>
<li><code>join[:delimiter]</code> turns an array into a string
by joining all elements together using the given delimiter
(or "<code>, </code>" if none is provided)</li>
<li><em>Note:</em> The regex and delimiter can be quoted using
<code>'</code> (for example <code>[collect:abc='[a-z]+']</code>
so that the <code>]</code> in the regex doesn't get mistaken
as the end of the regex). To use a <code>'</code> in a quoted
section you have to double it <code>''</code>.</li>
<dd>The optional <code>[sub]</code> values can contain additional <code>$j()</code>
replacements, which are applied to the result of the path or previous <code>[sub]</code>
parameter. If prefixed with <code>each:</code> it will be applied
to each element on an array/object and the result collected into
an array (for objects the <code>$(key)</code> replacement and
for arrays the <code>$(index)</code> replacement is available).</dd>
<dd><br /><em>Examples</em> with the following JSON as input:
{"title":"book1", "author":"author1", "tags":["tag1","tag2"]},
{"title":"book2", "author":"author2", "tags":["tag1"]},
{"title":"book3", "author":"author2", "tags":["tag1", "tag3"]},
{"title":"book4", "author":"author2"}
"author1":{"name":"name1", "age":24},
"author2":{"name":"name2", "age":62}
"numBooks": 4,
"numAuthors": 2
<dt><code>$json($get(var,j),There are $j(numBooks) books of $j(numAuthors) authors.)</code></dt>
<dt><code>$json($get(var,j),There are $j(books[size]) books of $j(books->[collect:author][unique][size]) authors.)</code></dt>
<dd><code>There are 4 books of 2 authors.</code></dd>
<dd>Reading the "num" values provided in the JSON or determining
the same information from the "books" array.</dd>
<dt><code>$json($get(var,j),The last book is called $j(books[last]->title) by $j(books[last]->author).)</code></dt>
<dd><code>The last book is called book4 by author2.</code></dd>
<dt><code>$json($get(var,j),The first book is $j(books[0]))</code></dt>
<dd><code>The first book is {"author":"author1","title":"book1","tags":["tag1","tag2"]}</code></dd>
<dd>If the end of the specified path is a JSONArray or JSONObject
it will be returned as a JSON encoded String.</dd>
<dt><code>$json($get(var,j),$j(books[10]->title,Book not found))</code></dt>
<dd><code>Book not found</code></dd>
<dd>Since the index <code>10</code> does not exist, the default
value <code>Book not found</code> is returned. If no default
value is provided an empty string would be returned.</dd>
<dt><code>$json($get(var,j),Books of author2: $j(books[filter:author=author2][collect:title]))</code></dt>
<dd><code>Books of author2: ["book2","book3","book4"]</code></dd>
<dt><code>$json($get(var,j),Tags of author2: $j(books[filter:author=author2][combine:tags][unique]))</code></dt>
<dd><code>Tags of author2: ["tag1","tag3"]</code></dd>
<dt><code>$json($get(var,j),Tags of author2: $j(books[filter:author=author2][combine:tags][unique][join]))</code></dt>
<dd><code>Tags of author2: tag1, tag3</code></dd>
<dd><code>name1, name2</code></dd>
<dt><code>$json($get(var,j),$j(authors,,each:$(key): $j(name) \(age $j(age)\),$j([sort][join])))</code></dt>
<dd><code>author1: name1 (age 24), author2: name2 (age 62)</code></dd>
<dd>The <code>[sub]</code> parameters of <code>$j()</code> are used here:
// Path to "authors" JSON object
// Skip the optional "[default]" parameter
// Apply to each entry of "authors" and collect result in an array
each:$(key): $j(name) \(age $j(age)\),
// Sort and join array created from previous parameter
You can test these examples yourself if you store the JSON in the
variable "j" using the command <code>/set var j copyJSONfromabove</code>
and then use the <code>//echo $json($get(var,j),...)</code> command
in the chat inputbox
to output an info message with the result in chat. Pasting the JSON
directly into the <code>$json()</code> function would require
escaping the <code>,</code> characters to work.
<p>The following functions are only available in some contexts:</p>
<dl class="defList">
<dt><a name="func-is"><code>$is(&lt;match input&gt;)</code></a></dt>
<dd>Outputs <code>true</code> if the match succeeds, nothing otherwise.
The <code>match input</code> is in the <a href="help-settings.html#Highlight_Matching">Highlight</a>
format, although what can actually be matched against depends on
where the command is ran from, for example the user or message text
is only available from the User Dialog or User Context Menu.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$if($is(mystatus:bm),I'm a mod,Not a mod)</code>
will output <code>I'm a mod</code> in channels where you are the
broadcaster or a moderator, <code>Not a mod</code> otherwise.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-get"><code>$get(&lt;settingName&gt;,[key])</code></a></dt>
<dd>Returns the value of a setting. Different setting types return
differently formatted values. There is no comprehensive list of
settings, unless you count the <a href="">Chatty source</a>.</dd>
<dd>One intended use for this is the special setting <code>var</code>,
where you can set a string value using setting commands
(<code>/set var foo bar</code>) and then retrieve the value with
this function (<code>$get(var,foo)</code> returns <code>bar</code>).</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>//echo $get(username)</code> returns the
name you are logged into Chatty with.</dd>
<dd><em>Example:</em> <code>$if($get(ontop),ONTOP)</code> will return
<code>ONTOP</code> only if "View - Always on top" is enabled.</dd>
<dt><a name="func-request"><code>$request(&lt;url&gt;,[options])</code></a></dt>
<dd>Performs a GET request on the given http/https URL and returns the
body of the reponse interpreted as UTF-8 encoded text. If an error
occurs the response will be empty.</dd>
<li><code>error</code> - A request error will return an error
message instead of an empty response.</li>
<li><code>trim</code> - Remove leading and trailing space from
the request result. This may be useful if a request returns
any spaces or linebreak characters that cause issues with
what you're using it with. Same as the <a href="#func-trim"><code>$trim()</code></a>
<dd><em>Note:</em> Normally Custom Commands are performed instantaneously, however the
replacements for any Custom Command that contains the <code>$request()</code>
function will be performed asynchronously so that it can complete
the request without freezing the GUI. This means the result of the
Custom Command may be run seconds or more later.</dd>
<dd><em>Tip:</em> Open "Extra - Debug window" to view debug output of
the requests being performed.</dd>
<p class="note"><em>Tip:</em> Enter e.g. <code>//echo $datetime()</code>
into the chat inputbox to test a function directly, use arrow up/down
keys to cycle through previous inputs. Of course you won't be able to
use some context dependant parameters this way.</p>
<p>Examples of Custom Commands with these functions:</p>
<dl class="defList">
<dt><code>/slap /me slaps $$1 around a bit with a large $if(2,$2,trout)</code></dt>
<dd>Entering <code>/slap Nightbot</code> turns into <code>/me slaps Nightbot around a bit with a large trout</code></dd>
<dd>Entering <code>/slap Nightbot cheesecake</code> turns into <code>/me slaps Nightbot around a bit with a large cheesecake</code></dd>
<dt><code>/mt /openUrlPrompt$$join(1-,/)</code></dt>
<dd>Entering <code>/mt</code> outputs an "insufficient parameters" message
because the <code>$$join</code> is required to return something,
which it can't from the identifier <code>1-</code> if there are no
<dd>Entering <code>/mt joshimuz lotsofs</code> opens the URL <code></code></dd>
<p class="note"><em>Note:</em> A backslash can be used to escape parenthesis
in function parameters. Example: <code>$if(streamuptime,$(streamuptime),(n/a\))</code>.
In this example only the closing one after <code>n/a</code> has to be
escaped, because the opening one doesn't have a special meaning in this
context and the ones around <code>streamuptime</code> have a special
meaning that takes precedence (opening/closing the replacement).</p>
<h3><a name="custom-replacements">Custom Replacements</a></h3>
<p>You can create your own identifiers for replacements by adding an entry
to the Custom Commands list starting with an underscore:</p>
<p><code>_m $ifeq(1,$(chan),,$$1: )</code></p>
<p>Instead of a command, this creates an identifier that can be used in a
<p><code>/faq $(_m)FAQ:</code></p>
<p>When the <code>/faq</code> command is run, the <code>$(_m)</code> gets
replaced with whatever is defined in <code>_m</code>, in this case it
creates a mention if the first parameter isn't equal to the current
<p>The data that can be accessed via replacements is the same as in the
command it is used in, so in this example the text provided after the
<code>/faq</code> is available via the <code>$1-</code> replacement.</p>
<p>Optionally you can also provide a second parameter in a Custom Replacement
that overwrites the default value of the <code>$1-</code> replacement:</p>
<p><code>/faq $(_m,$(custom-nick))FAQ:</code></p>
<p>This will make whatever value is contained in <code>$(custom-nick)</code>
available in <code>$1-</code> instead of the default.</p>
<p class="note"><em>Note:</em> Custom Replacement identifiers always start
with an underscore.</p>
<p class="note"><em>Note:</em> Custom Replacements don't work when placed
inside eachother. So for example in <code>_abc Abc: $(_m)</code> the <code>$(_m)</code> will
always be empty (whether it's defined in the Custom Commands list or not).</p>
<h2><a name="menus">Custom Context Menus / User Dialog Buttons</a></h2>
<li><a href="#commands-list">Format 1: List Custom Command Names</a></li>
<li><a href="#inline-commands">Format 2: Inline-Commands</a></li>
<li><a href="#submenus">Format 3: Submenus</a></li>
<li><a href="#separators">Separators</a></li>
<li><a href="#shortcuts">Shortcuts</a></li>
<li><a href="#positioning">Positioning</a></li>
<li><a href="#label-commands">Dynamic Labels</a></li>
<li><a href="#menu-restrictions">Optional Menu Entries</a></li>
<li><a href="#special-commands">Special Commands</a></li>
<p>Under <code>Settings - Commands</code> there are several settings that
allow you to add additional entries/buttons in a few different places:</p>
<dl class="dl-settings">
<dt>User Context Menu</dt>
<dd>Entries get appended to the menu that opens when you right-click on
a user in chat or the userlist.</dd>
<dt>Channel Context Menu</dt>
<dd>Entries get appended to the menu that opens when you right-click on
the chat.</dd>
<dt>Streams Context Menu</dt>
<dd>Entries get appended to any menu that contains a "Twitch Stream"
submenu (for example the User Context Menu, Live Streams Dialog
Context Menu).</dd>
<dt>User Dialog Buttons</dt>
<dd>Defines which buttons are visible in the dialog that opens when you
click on a user in chat (or double-click in the userlist). Note
the <a href="#special-commands">Special Commands</a> you can use for
this setting.</dd>
<p>All those settings share the same format (with some slight differences
noted separately). A setting can contain several lines, and each line can contain one of the
available formats:</p>
<div class="codeblock"><pre>
/Ban[B] /Unban[U] 5s[1] 2m[2] 10m[3] 30m[4]
Spoiler[S]=/timeout $$1 600 No spoilers
./Message /Report
.Warn User=$$1: Plz no spammerino</pre></div>
<p class="note"><em>Note:</em> Command Names/Labels may not contain the
characters <code>[ ] { }</code> except for their special meaning of
<a href="#shortcuts">Shortcuts</a> and <a href="#positioning">Positioning</a>.</p>
<h3><a name="commands-list">Format 1: List Custom Command Names</a></h3>
<p>You can list the name of several Custom Commands in one line, for example:</p>
<p><code>/Slap /Permit</code></p>
<p>Which means the command with the name "slap" will be added first, then
"permit" after that. These must be existing commands, either pre-defined
Chatty commands or Custom Commands you added yourself.</p>
<p>Note that you may only specify the command names, no parameters. The
parameters will be supplied automatically depending on the <a href="#parameters-context">context</a>. For
example when you have <code>/Slap</code> added to the User Dialog and
then open the dialog on the user <code>tailsgaming</code> and click the
"Slap" button, it's as if you entered <code>/slap tailsgaming</code>.</p>
<dl class="defList">
<dt><code>/Slap /Permit</code></dt>
<dd>Command names should be prepended with a forward slash <code>/</code>
(although it may also work without).</dd>
<dd>Prepending two forward slashes <code>//</code> will put the command
in the special submenu <code>More..</code> (for Context Menus) or in
a second line of buttons (for the User Dialog).</dd>
<dt><code>/Set_color</code> is displayed as <code>Set color</code></dt>
<dd>Underscores in commands are replaced with a space for display in a
Context menu or on a button.</dd>
<p>In the same line, you can also specify <strong>Timeout Buttons</strong>:</p>
<dl class="defList">
<dt><code>5 2m 10m</code></dt>
<dd>Times are added just like Custom Commands, except that they must not
start with a slash <code>/</code> and must be a number followed by
an optional suffix. They are interpreted as seconds by default,
unless you add a suffix:
<code>s</code> - seconds, <code>m</code> - minutes,
<code>h</code> - hours, <code>d</code> - days.</dd>
<dt><code>120s 120</code> is displayed as two buttons with the label <code>120s</code> and <code>2m</code></dt>
<dd>Both definitions create a button with a 120 seconds timeout, however
if you use a suffix, then the definition is used as button label
directly, otherwise the label is automatically created based on the
<h3><a name="inline-commands">Format 2: Inline-Commands</a></h3>
<p>You can define commands directly in the setting, without having to add
them as a named Custom Command first. The syntax for this is:</p>
<p><code>&lt;label with spaces&gt;=&lt;what the command should do&gt;</code></p>
<p>Note that as opposed to Custom Command names the label may contain spaces,
and for that purpose the separating character is an equals sign <code>=</code>.
The label may not contain an equals sign itself. Example:</p>
<p><code>Warn User=$$1: Plz no spammerino</code></p>
<p>As with Custom Commands, the <code>&lt;what the command should do&gt;</code>
part can contain <a href="#replacements">replacements</a> using
identifiers for the current <a href="#parameters-context">context</a>.</p>
<h3><a name="submenus">Format 3: Submenus</a></h3>
<p>Any line starting with <code>@</code> defines a custom submenu. Any
following lines that start with a dot <code>.</code> will then be put in
that menu (both command name lists and inline commands). For example:</p>
<div class="codeblock"><pre>
./No_Spam /No_Spoilers
.Spoiler=/timeout $$1 600 no spoilers
<p>For <strong>Context Menus</strong> you can add submenus with custom names
(only 1 level though), or even add entries to existing submenus by
specifying the name (for example <code>@Twitch Stream</code>).</p>
<p>For <strong>User Dialog Buttons</strong> there are no named submenus,
however this notation can be used to put the buttons in separate rows.
Any submenu name starting with <code>a</code> will create a row on the
top, all other ones on the bottom. The menu name <code>a1</code> is the
default for buttons that don't have a menu defined, and <code>b1</code>
is the default for the <code>//Command</code> notation. Example:</p>
<div class="codeblock"><pre>
/Ban /Unban
.Spoiler=/timeout $$1 600 no spoilers
.5s[1] 2m[2] 10m[3] 30m[4]
<p>In this case the <code>Ban</code> and <code>Unban</code> commands are in
the default <code>a1</code> row, which means they are in the same row as
the <code>Spoiler</code> button (these are just different ways of
writing it). This also adds a second top row <code>a2</code> for the
timeout buttons as well as a single bottom row for the <code>Slap</code>
<h3><a name="separators">Separators</a></h3>
<p>In <strong>Context menus</strong> you can add separators between entries.
When you use a <a href="#commands-list">commands list</a>, you can add
a vertical bar (<code>|</code>) between entries.</p>
<p>You can also add a separator by adding a single dash (<code>-</code>) on
it's own line.</p>
<p>Example (separator before <code>Timeout</code> menu, before <code>Message</code>
and before <code>Vods</code>):</p>
<div class="codeblock"><pre>
/Ban /Purge
.5s 10m
/Message /Report | /Vods
<h3><a name="shortcuts">Shortcuts</a></h3>
<p>You can add a shortcut to the end of a label or command name by enclosing
it with <code>[ ]</code> (square brackets):</p>
<p><code>/Ban[B]</code> or <code>Spoiler[S]=/timeout $$1 ..</code>
(depending on the line format)</p>
<p>For <strong>User Dialog Buttons</strong> those can be used while the
dialog is open and focused. They are interpreted by
<a href="">getKeyStroke()</a>
which means anything that function understands can be used. However
spaces are not allowed, so a plus sign <code>+</code> can be used instead.
Examples: <code>alt+Q</code>, <code>shift+1</code>, <code>INSERT</code></p>
<p><em>Note:</em> The lowercase/uppercase matters for it to be parsed
<p>Adding a vertical bar <code>|</code> after the shortcut will use the text
after it as label for the shortcut on the button (no spaces allowed). If
you include the <code>|</code> but don't specify any text, then no label
will be displayed for that shortcut:</p>
<p><code>/Slap[NUMPAD1|Np1] /Permit[NUMPAD2|]</code></p>
<p>For the User Dialog Buttons you can also include the string
<code>nokeylabels</code> anywhere in the setting, which removes any
labels for the shortcuts, unless they are explicitly defined.</p>
<p>For <strong>Context Menus</strong> a single character can be used as a
Mnemonic, for quick access to menu entries. For this purpose, submenus
may also contain the same syntax: <code>@Rules[R]</code> (which would
allow you to open that submenu by pressing R on your keyboard when the
context menu is open).</p>
<h3><a name="positioning">Positioning</a></h3>
<p>You can define an absolute position in the menu the entry should appear
at by enclosing it with <code>{ }</code> (curly brackets) at the end of
the label or command name (but before a shortcut if there is any):</p>
<p><code>Mention{1}=/insertword $$1: \</code></p>
<p>This will put the <code>Mention</code> menu entry at the <em>second</em>
position in the menu (counting starts from 0).</p>
<p>Another example:</p>
<div class="codeblock"><pre>
@Twitch Stream[s]
.Slap=/me slaps $$1 around a bit with a large trout
@Really Important{0}
<p>This puts the <code>Videos</code> entry into the pre-defined
<code>Twitch Stream</code> submenu at the third position in the submenu
(also adding the accelerator key <code>s</code> to the menu and
<code>v</code> to the entry).</p>
<p>It also adds the <code>Important</code> submenu at the first position
(since it hasn't been added yet) and after that adds the
<code>Really Important</code> submenu at the first position as well,
moving down <code>Important</code>. This demonstrates that the
positioning is based on the current state of the menu, so it can matter
<em>when</em> you add entries with absolute positioning.</p>
<h3><a name="label-commands">Dynamic Labels using Custom Commands</a></h3>
<p class="note"><em>Note:</em> This feature must be enabled in the Settings
under "Commands" (otherwise replacements in labels have no effect).</p>
<p>You can use Custom Command replacements in the label of <a href="#inline-commands">inline commands</a>
or submenus. The label is updated:</p>
<li>For context menus, when opening the menu</li>
<li>For the User Dialog, when performing an action that opens/updates
the dialog, like clicking a user in chat</li>
<p>For example if you have a counter command that increases a number, it
could show the current number in the menu entry label by reading it from
the settings via <a href="#func-get"><code>$get()</code></a>:</p>
<div class="codeblock"><pre>
Increase counter ($get(var,c))=/set2 var c $calc($get(var,c) + 1)
<p>You can also use this to hide an entry, by adding a required replacement,
like <code>$$is(mystatus:M)</code>, which will cause the entire label to
be empty if you are not a mod in the channel and thus will not be added
to the menu. Just adding <code>$$is(mystatus:M)</code> will add <code>true</code>
if you are a mod, so you can wrap it in an <code>$if()</code> (in this
example it's a submenu called "Mod Menu"):</p>
<div class="codeblock"><pre>
@$if($$is(mystatus:M),Mod Menu)
<p><em>Note:</em> Compared to <a href="#parameters-context">identifiers</a>
for regular commands, some information may be missing in the context of
labels and <a href="#menu-restrictions">restrictions</a>.</p>
<h3><a name="menu-restrictions">Optional Menu Entries (Restrictions)</a></h3>
<p class="note"><em>Note:</em> This feature must be enabled in the Settings
under "Commands" (otherwise added restrictions have no effect).</p>
<p>You can add restrictions to individual menu entries or a group of
entries. The restriction is applied (entries added or removed):</p>
<li>For context menus, when opening the menu</li>
<li>For the User Dialog, when performing an action that opens/updates
the dialog, like clicking a user in chat</li>
<p>The restriction must always be on it's own line and start and
end with a square bracket, which contain a Custom Command that is
surrounded by spaces. If the Custom Command returns a non-empty value
the menu entries will show up, otherwise they are hidden.</p>
<dl class="defList">
<dt><code>[ &lt;restriction using custom command&gt; ]</code></dt>
<dd>Only affects the following menu entry. A similar effect can be
achieved by using <a href="#label-commands">Label Commands</a>.</dd>
<dt><code>[&lt;name&gt; &lt;restriction using custom command&gt; ]</code></dt>
<dd>Opens up a section, like an HTML tag. The <code>&lt;name&gt;</code>
is used to identify where the section ends. Different restrictions
can be nested inside eachother, causing them all to be applied to
the affected menu entries.</dd>
<dd>Ends a section that has the given name.</dd>
<div class="codeblock"><pre>
[mod $is(mystatus:M) ]
.Emoteonly Off[O]=/emoteonlyoff
.Subsonly Off[D]=/subscribersoff
[ $ifeq($datetime(M),9,true) ]
[ $is(chan:joshimuz\,botimuz) ]
/JoshFAQ /JoshSub
<p>The "Modes" submenu, the "Clear" command and the "Subtember" command only
show when you are a mod in the channel. The <a href="#func-is"><code>$is()</code></a>
function uses <a href="help-settings.html#Highlight_Matching">Highlight syntax</a>
and returns an empty value if it doesn't match. It's that Custom Command
part that defines the actual restriction, the "mod" in <code>[mod&nbsp;...&nbsp;]</code>
is arbitrarily named, it just has to match the closing <code>[/mod]</code>.</p>
<p>The "Subtember" command has an additional requirement though, defined
directly above it, which uses the functions <a href="#func-ifeq"><code>$ifeq()</code></a> and <a href="#func-datetime"><code>$datetime()</code></a> to
only show the menu entry when the month is September.</p>
<p>The "/JoshFAQ" and "/JoshSub" commands only show in the channel #joshimuz
or #botimuz. Note that the <code>\,</code> between the channel names
requires the backslash to <a href="#escaping">escape</a> the comma,
meaning it tells the Custom Command parser that the comma isn't meant as
a function parameter separator, but rather to separate the channels in
the Highlighting syntax.</p>
<p><em>Note:</em> Compared to <a href="#parameters-context">identifiers</a>
for regular commands, some information may be missing in the context of
<a href="#label-commands">labels</a> and restrictions.</p>
<h3><a name="special-commands">Special Commands</a></h3>
<p>In the User Dialog Buttons setting you can use some special commands:</p>
<li>Add the command <code>/modunmod</code> to ada a <strong>Mod/Unmod-Button</strong>
which automatically changes depending on the selected user and
whether you are the broadcaster on the channel (so the button
doesn't always show up).</li>
<li>The commands <code>/Automod_approve</code> and <code>/Automod_deny</code>
only appear as buttons when you opened the User Dialog by clicking
on the username of a message rejected by AutoMod.</li>
<p>To make use of these you only need to enter the command, you don't need
any parameters (Chatty will take care of that). For example simply add
<code>/Modunmod</code> or <code>Approve=/Automod_approve</code> to add
it to the layout (using the syntax shown on this help page). Chatty will
then recognize the command names and the buttons will only show up when
they are needed.</p>