+ This page is primarily meant for developers, but some of you might be looking at this to use it with bots or similar.
+ In that case you're probably really confused as to how to use this, so this is an attempt to explain a few things for some of you.
+ If you have any questions, then feel free to contact me via the information on my
contact page, and I will attempt to reply to the best of my ability.
Query string (aka "QS") parameters:
+ -
+ QS parameters are normally key/value pairs.
+ Example: channel=decicus
+ -
+ QS parameters that do not have a value are specified with just the key name, but can optionally be specified with a value.
+ Example: list
instead of list=value
+ -
+ To specify a QS parameter, you put a
after the main URL and specify your key or key/value.
+ Full URL example: /twitch/uptime?channel=decicus
+ -
+ If you wish to specify more than one QS parameter, place an
between each key or key/value pair.
+ Full URL example: /misc/currency?from=USD&to=NOK&value=25