excerpt: "Hope everyone has had an amazing week while the server was down. I know many of you were missing 2009scape and I'm happy to say we are back
and now with a new update. To apoligize for the down time we are giving <b>five credits</b> to each person who claims them in #claim-to-fame in discord.
Under the community tab on the website you can find links to discord. If you"
<divclass="title thrd">Working Behind the scenes
<tdclass="commands center">
<ulclass="flat first-child">
<li><ahref="./archives.html"><imgalt=""src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"/> Up to Legacy Update List</a></li>
Hope everyone has had an amazing week while the server was down. I know many of you were missing 2009scape and I'm happy to say we are back
and now with a new update. To apoligize for the down time we are giving <b>five credits</b> to each person who claims them in #claim-to-fame in discord.
Under the community tab on the website you can find links to discord. If you do not believe in the politics
of discord here is a link to the <ahref="https://matrix.to/#/#09-claimtofame:matrix.org">#claim-to-fame</a> for matrix.
<b>I wanted to point out that we hardly ever have down time this was something out of our Host's control and this isn't a common thing that happens so
do not worry one bit.
I would also like to state that x10 & x20 accounts will have a postponed squish for the five days that were missed due to the server being down.
The new date for the squish is <b>October 11th</b> instead of October 4th.. If you are not aware of the squish you probably weren't here for the news post
so it won't really matter for your account.
<b><u>Tormented Demon Overhaul</u></b>
</p><p> The hardest pvm boss of the era was very bugged and needed quite a few fixes. This has all changed now and you will get
the experience you remember from the era.
<li>Added a kill counter for Tormented demons replacing Bork in the ::stats command.</li>
<li>Corrected the damage reduction of the Tormented Demon's fire shield</li>
<li>Tormented demons now correctly retaliate if attacked while non-aggressive</li>
<li>Explicitly set the combat style from the NPC config instead of assuming the default is melee</li>
<li>Add the roar animation each time TDs change attack styles</li>
<li>Special attacks now have proper types (so they no longer ignore prayer) and give experience</li>
<li>Corrected the Tormented Demon's threshold for switching prayer type</li>
<li>Increased Tormented Demons aggro range</li>
<li>Corrected the Tormented Demon's threshold for switching prayer type</li>
<li>Corrected all Tormented Demon spawns inside the AGT</li>
<li>The "gnarlier" WGS model variant of Tormented Demon will also be able to spawn in the AGT</li>
<b><u>Other Additions</u></b>
<li>Added proper music for the Ancient Guthix Temple.</li>