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14-Jul-2010 22:44:32
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Sorry for the abbreviation in my title, I couldn't fit the full title of this game in there. Not like it really matters though, since apparently its subtitle is now its primary focus. <br> <br>I've seen threads like this previously, but people would say &quot;stop complaining, it's not been that long, the hunter/summoning/[insert similar concept here] theme was on for awhile.&quot; It's been over two months now, and frankly I'm sick of seeing the subtext. I can understand leaving the three generic adventurers that are supposedly featuring in upcoming quests-that serves a purpose at least. Why must I constantly be reminded, however, of an update that has thoroughly disappointed me to this point? <br> <br>It has been roughly a month since I completed a dungeon, and as it stands the only inclination I have to finish one is to get to level 30 to have all of my levels ranked on the high scores list again. I thought this was RuneScape, plain and simple. This may seem inane to most of you, but it frustrates me. Releasing a meta-runescape &quot;skill&quot; (minigame) and acting like it's your best work ever does not make it so. I might not enjoy farming, but at least the skill serves a purpose. It frustrates me beyond belief at times, and can often bore me to tears, but I'd rather farm any day of the week than do a dungeon, because I can do it solo without any penalty. Every time I visit the RuneScape homepage, I am reminded of just how little Jagex cares about my concerns about forcing me to play as part of a team. Even if they never change solo exp rates, the least they could do is stop showboating it in front of me like it's the greatest thing since canned beer.
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15-Jul-2010 01:26:08
<br/>Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 01:27:52 by Desiderius
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When a lot of skills were first introduced, they acted like a minigame. Agility is an example. The reward of leveling agility meant more places to train agility. There wasn't really a use for it outside of completing courses. As you can see, as time passed, this changed. Not in 1 month or 2, but in years. <br> <br>Runescape *is* making updates to Dungeoneering. If you care to read the BTS, it shows that an update is coming next week that will make Dungeoneering useful out of Daemonheim. <br> <br>They are probably happy that they released dungeoneering after all this time. While they act like it's the best thing ever, you act as if it's complete.
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15-Jul-2010 01:43:30
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OP got owned in the first reply. <br> <br>Though I will admit that it makes it feel like an expansion pack rather than part of RuneScape itself.
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15-Jul-2010 02:37:52
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I'll c/p what I said in another thread-one that the first replier actually commented in as well, although it was before I replied myself. <br> <br>&quot;The agility example is noted, and it is apt, but what makes this a skill, more so than the rewards system, is the fact that it has to be done as a group. People like to make the claim that since Jagex claims it is a skill, that makes it so. False. Websters can tell me that the color maroon is bright and the color of grass, but that does not make it so. They make dictionaries, who am I to tell them differently? Dungeoneering, as of right now, is a minigame, and to claim otherwise is to cheat yourself. Perhaps in the future it will be a skill-I hope it is, I enjoy leveling my skills [alone]-but it is not a skill currently.&quot; <br> <br>Hardly &quot;owned,&quot; at any rate. And also, in the agility example: you didn't earn tokens to be able to use a shortcut once, you achieved a level and were able to use it, even if there were only a few out at the beginning. I also never claimed that training it in a specific spot made it an activity; you can't thieve in any place, nor can you find creatures to hunt at random (excluding the occasional impling). <br> <br>But that's not what this thread was about, anyway. Jagex can call their minigame a skill if they like, it is their game, even if they're lying about it (you might disagree with me, but it's my opinion). I'm just tired of seeing &quot;Dungeons of Daemonheim&quot; every time I log on-it really is a constant reminder of a skill I was genuinely excited about for months and was terribly disappointed with when it was released. Maybe this week's update will fix it-I could live with it if solo exp is fixed, but odds of that are quite slim, since Jagex themselves said they wanted it to be a &quot;team&quot; thing (not activity, since that would be actually naming the beast).
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15-Jul-2010 03:11:13
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You're reply is starting to sway me; although, I won't form a full opinion until a year passes from when they released Dungeoneering.
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15-Jul-2010 17:46:33
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Fair enough-everyone is welcome to any opinion they choose, I'm just saying that I'm ready for the &quot;dungeons of daemonheim&quot; business to be over, as it has quite literally been more than two months at this point. I log into runescape.***, not runescapedungeonsofdaemonheim.***. They can keep dungeoneering as it currently is if they desire-I won't play it, but it's only one facet of the game. The title is just something I see a lot, and I don't care to be reminded of such a large letdown.
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15-Jul-2010 18:03:02
<br/>Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 18:04:28 by Ax<41>Avatar
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Much as I enjoy the skill (it appears on the skill list, so I'm just going to call it a skill) I do concur that it has been a bit too long that the runescape logo on the site has been displayed together with a blatant promotion for just one aspect of the game. <br> <br>Maybe one far away day even the title of the website will be <br> <br>RuneScape: Dungeons of Daemonheim - MMORPG - The No.1 Free Online Multiplayer Game
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17-Jul-2010 04:18:16
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Hehe, was thinking of that myself as I posted before. Wouldn't surprise me, honestly.
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18-Jul-2010 03:30:12
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Oytray1000, I'm not concerned about the time frame. Dungeoneering is Jagex main push for RuneScape for the year. It's only been out about three months. If the subtitle remains for a few more months, that seems to be in scale with the work Jagex is putting into it. <br> <br>Desiderius, as the updates come in, I hope dungeoneering becomes better integrated as other aspects of RuneScape have been. <br> <br>Auchrain: dungeoneering as expansion pack. That's a nice interpretation. <br> <br>Last year's theme for Jagex was consolidation, that is, fixing and completing things. This year's is dungeoneering. I wonder what next year's will be.
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18-Jul-2010 07:12:49
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Their main push, truly? If so, why has it taken two months to release version 1.5 of a skill that obviously needed fixes at the start? The huge outcry of solo dungeoneers was pretty evident, and the poll Jagex posted spoke volumes about that additionally. Maybe it's simply somewhere I haven't seen (easily possible, I admit), but I've seen no indication that 2010 is the year they focus on dungeoneering. All I recall is that they called this the &quot;year of awesomeness,&quot; which hardly resonates with me as being the year of dungeoneering, although I am admittedly biased in that respect. <br> <br>So...no, I still don't see why the subtitle remains. As I said, I can understand the adventurers, since they are future content, but dungeoneering has come (and I wish it would go).
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