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16-Jun-2010 19:05:51
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jun-2010 00:38:57 by Elemental086
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2020-11-20 15:58:06 +01:00
ohi <img class="sm7" alt="^_^" title="^_^" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br>INTRO <br> <br>Hi, regardless of what my display name may or may not be, I'm Elemental086. To give you readers an opportunity to decide whether I'm worth listening to or not, here's a little bit of info... <br> <br>I started playing RS in January 2007. I'm pretty high leveled. I like to train via the epic pro ways on RS2 so I know what intense clicking is about <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />. Classic doesn't scare me away. I created my RSC account in November 2009 during the first reopening. I love how RSC is a non-updated game and I don't really care that skills are faster in RS2. I still enjoy both games. Here are my RSC stats: <br> <br>Attack: 51 <br>Defense: 50 <br>Strength: 49 <br>Hits: 48 <br>Ranged: 29 <br>Prayer: 40 <br>Magic: 53 <br>Cooking: 58 <br>Woodcut: 50 <br>Fletching: 35 <br>Fishing: 57 <br>Firemaking: 63 <br>Crafting: 50 <br>Smithing: 34 <br>Mining: 50 <br>Herblaw: 30 <br>Agility: 53 <br>Thieving: 54 <br>Quest Points: 96 <br>Skill Total: 854 <br>Combat Level: 61 <br> <br>I thought it would be fun to make a skill guide for classic with ways to train at least somewhat efficiently. Not only would it help me in organizing myself, but I hope it will help other people in starting off in Classic and progressing to as far as they choose. Theoretically, this guide assumes that a person will be maxing on Classic (hmg wtf ass butt macksing on classick no1 will ever do dat nawt even tha zeezoomah macksed). I know this probably won't happen but it's fun to think about and makes training more enjoyable. You can still use the guide for smaller amounts of training. For example, I would say &quot;Mine all your iron first, then all your coal until you have enough for level X.&quot; <br> <br>For the most part, this will be a Do-It-Yourself guide, since there isn't a huge market on RSC to obtain whatever you want like on the Grand Exchange, or even just when RSC was the main game. I'm not saying &quot;Get 99 smith before you even THINK about wearing rune!&quot; though lol. As you get more money, I'd definitely consider buying some skills, I'll try to note it in the guides.
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16-Jun-2010 19:06:07
<br/>Last edited on 17-Jun-2010 15:28:38 by Elemental086
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2020-11-20 15:58:06 +01:00
Note: Some of the information in this guide (mostly the high level information) is based on assumptions, but I do have reasons behind my assumptions. However don't take it all in to be true. I'll try to note my uncertainty about any topic I write about in the guide, and I'll try to transform that uncertainty into certainty as I experience higher level content directly. <br> <br>Also any appreciatable feedback on how to improve any part of the guides will be appreciated <img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />. <br> <br> <br>TABLE OF CONTENTS <br> <br>1.1 - Intro <br>1.2 - Slightly Extended Intro/Table of Contents <br>1.3 - Noob Steps <br>1.4 - More Noob Steps <br>1.5 - Mining and Smithing <br>1.6 - Crafting <br>1.7 - Fletching <br>1.8 - Firemaking <br>1.9 - Woodcut <br>1.0 - Fishing and Cooking <br> <br>2.1 - Thieving <br>2.2 - Agility <br>2.3 - Herblaw <br>2.4 - Prayer <br>2.5 - Magic <br>2.6 - Ranged <br>2.7 - Combat <br>2.8 - Skills to Buy <br>2.9 - Skill Order <br>2.0 - . <br> <br>3.1 - . <br>3.2 - . <br>3.3 - . <br>3.4 - . <br>3.5 - .
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16-Jun-2010 19:06:08
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jun-2010 22:04:54 by Elemental086
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NOOB STEPS <br>Note: This is mainly just a summary of what I did to start off in Classic (as far as I can remember). Most of it will be reiterated in each little skill guide. <br> <br>This section won't go into an individual skill, but should help you start off. If you're already past the completely new stage you don't need to read this. I recommend doing Tutorial Island to get a basic feel for the game. Also I'm not sure if you get your basic noob item kit if you skip it. <br> <br>GEARING UP <br>First, take your bronze pickaxe and tread on over to the mine southeast of Varrock. Mine enough tin and copper until you have enough to smelt to 18 smithing. Smelt the bars in Falador, smith the bars at Varrock west anvils. Make yourself some bronze arrow tips for Fletching and your own armour. Sell any extra armour you can make to a store for some cash. Just use 2H weapons for training at this point since the extra defence isn't needed, you can buy 2H swords in Taverly. <br> <br>A LITTLE BIT OF COMBAT <br>You can train Thieving on men around Lumbridge or Draynor for some extra cash. Eventually you should transfer to the cake stalls in Ardougne, but not in this noob stage. When you're done with that, bring your survival gear with you to the cows northeast of Draynor. Here, bury the bones, cook all the meat on a fire and eat it, and bank all of the hides. Upgrade your 2H weapon as needed, but don't worry about armour. <br> <br>NOOB QUESTS <br>Quests are really great to do as soon as you can, because the rewards/exp really help you push through the low levels faster. Imp Catcher and Witch's Potion are great for Magic exp for example. Kill epic amounts of goblins in between Rimmington and Port Sarim to progress further in combat and get goblin armour for Goblin Diplomacy, etc. I highly recommend Gertrude's Cat by this point also. You can buy kittens for 100gp each and sell them for 25 death runes in West Ardougne.
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16-Jun-2010 19:06:09
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jun-2010 22:03:33 by Elemental086
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MORE NOOB STEPS <br> <br>NOOB SKILLING <br>Once you can get cats, start net fishing in Draynor, and eventually bait fishing (you'll need a sardine to do Gertrude's Cat). Make fires to cook the food. Train woodcutting and firemaking in Lumbridge swamp. Once you're done with that, fletch some logs into arrow shafts. Buy some feathers from Shantay pass or the Port Sarim Fishing store. Add your arrow heads from earlier, make yourself a bow, and head over to Fred the Farmer by the sheep pen in Lumbridge to train Ranged on the chickens. Bury the bones, pick up the feathers to make more arrows, and just leave the raw chickens. <br> <br>LESS NOOBIER SKILLING <br>If you want, head over to Ardougne and steal cakes. Also if you're up to it, stop by the Gnome Stronghold to train the extremely useful Agility skill (if you don't think you can cross White Wolf Mountain, take a boat to Karamja and from there to Ardougne). Complete the Bar Crawl for access to the Barbarian course just northeast of Ardougne. Do some quests while over here as well (Plague City/Biohazard and Fishing Contest would be useful). You can fish more in Catherby if you need higher fishing. Hopefully you've completed Prince Ali Rescue by now. Head into Al Kharid and start tanning and crafting those cow hides you banked earlier. Sell whatever you make to a store (the clothes store in Varrock buys leather bodies for a higher price). Also while you're here, train Thieving on the Al Kharid warriors. They're great for herbs. At 46 Thieving you can enter the Chaos Druid tower northwest of Ardougne and kill them for herbs. Buy vials of water in the Ardougne General Store. The only skill pretty much left unmentioned so far now is Magic. Before going to the Chaos Druids, stock up on eye of newt. Make trips from Draynor or Falador to the Port Sarim magic shop. Buy all the mind and elemental runes and eye of newt. Buy elemental staves from Zaff in Varrock and use Magic to help in fighting the Chaos Druids.
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16-Jun-2010 19:06:09
<br/>Last edited on 17-Jun-2010 02:07:33 by Elemental086
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2020-11-20 15:58:06 +01:00
MINING and SMITHING <br> <br>Mining is very useful in Classic. It essentially supplies you with your Smithing and Crafting needs, so train it FOR those skills. If/when you get uber gps, buy smithing supplies. You get about 2.45 Mining xp to 1 Smithing xp with steel, and thats the smallest ratio for all the metals. <br> <br>Notable Level Requirements <br>Mining Level <br>1 - Copper and Tin <br>15 - Iron <br>20 - Silver <br>30 - Coal <br>60 - Mining Guild <br>85 - Rune <br> <br>Smithing Level <br>1 - Bronze Bar <br>18 - Bronze Platebody <br>30 - Steel Bar <br>48 - Steel Platebody <br> <br>At level 1, start in the southeast Varrock mine with tin and copper. Bank all of the ores. (Personally, I didn't worry about upgrading my Pickaxe until I could access Rune, but it's your choice, you just get more hits on the rocks per click) Once you have enough to reach level 18 smithing, smelt the bars in Falador, and then smith them in Varrock west. <br> <br>Once your smithing is past the bronze levels, complete The Knight's Sword quest. It should get you past 30 Smithing so you can do steel bars. A line of 3 iron rocks await you just east of Ardougne. Mine enough iron until you have enough for your smithing needs. <br> <br>At level 60, you can enter the mining guild (below Falador). Mine as much coal as you need there. Continue smelting in Falador and smithing in Varrock. Ideally, I'd smelt enough steel bars for level 48, then smith steel platebodies for the fastest experience. <br> <br>At higher levels, you may be able to open your own business selling mithril, adamant, and rune armour/weapons and then use that money to buy smithing supplies for more extensive training. I'm not sure how well this would go <img class="sm5" alt="O_o" title="O_o" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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16-Jun-2010 19:06:20
<br/>Last edited on 17-Jun-2010 01:36:47 by Elemental086
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2020-11-20 15:58:06 +01:00
CRAFTING <br>Notable Levels <br>10 - Bow String <br>16 - Holy Symbols <br> <br>To start off crafting, kill cows above Lumbridge for hides, tan them in Al Kharid, and craft them. <br> <br>Although it may not be fun, you'll need bow strings for Fletching eventually. Pick flax in the Gnome Stronghold and make bow strings in southeast Falador. You'd get 80+ Crafting making all the bow strings for 99 Fletching. <br> <br>Mining is also useful for Crafting. Making Holy Symbols is a good method for exp, but I'm not sure on how to train this yet...watch this space <img class="sm5" alt="O_o" title="O_o" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>If you have any gems, you can use gold bars to make amulets and string them with balls of wool. Then you can enchant and sell them. I assume you won't have enough gems to make a long term training session out of it.
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16-Jun-2010 19:06:21
<br/>Last edited on 17-Jun-2010 01:33:35 by Elemental086
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2020-11-20 15:58:06 +01:00
FLETCHING <br> <br>It seems like a good transfer from Crafting, so why not? Although, I recommend getting ALL of your Firemaking training out of the way before Fletching. Since you only burn normal logs, you'll do better with the higher level trees once you start Fletching. <br> <br>At level 1, start off by making arrow shafts, and soon enough bronze arrows. Buy feathers from the fishing store in Port Sarim and smith the arrow heads yourself. You can also range chickens at Fred the Farmer's house for more feathers. Tourist Trap is a good quest to do once you get 10 Fletching, since you can get a Fletching xp reward from that. If you're still short of 20/25 Fletching by this time, just make normal bows/ oak shortbows, but don't bother stringing them. <br> <br>Once you get up to Oak Longbows I recommend stringing them. Just fletch the highest level bow you can. At the moment I'm not sure if only fletching the longbow version before upgrading your log type is better than just fletching the highest bow you can...watch this space <img class="sm5" alt="O_o" title="O_o" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Levels for bows: <br>20 - Oak Short <br>25 - Oak Long <br>35 - Willow Short <br>40 - Willow Long <br>50 - Maple Short <br>55 - Maple Long <br>65 - Yew Short <br>70 - Yew Long <br>80 - Magic Short <br>85 - Magic Long <br> <br>Right now, I'm assuming that the fastest overall fletching exp comes from doing maple longbows (cutting and stringing), but I'm not up there yet...<img class="sm5" alt="O_o" title="O_o" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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16-Jun-2010 19:06:22
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jun-2010 17:29:29 by Elemental086
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FIREMAKING <br> <br>This is a very simple skill. You can only burn normal logs and you get more exp per log the higher your firemaking level (1.75 * level) + 25. With a full inventory, cut logs in Lumbridge Swamp, on the side closer towards Draynor. The logs will appear on the ground and you can use a tinderbox on them right away. Try and form a cycle through the trees for yourself that is long enough so that ashes from previous fires disappear before you get back. In the cycle I use, trees are less than 2 spaces away from each other on average. Firemaking is a great opportunity to raise cats at the same time. Just fill up the rest of your inventory with cheap fish to feed it. When you bank to get more food or a new cat, fletch the logs that have wound up in your inventory into arrow shafts. You can use them for future arrow fletching if you need them. <br> <br>Getting 99 Firemaking would also get you 80+ Woodcutting, which is why I suggest Firemaking before Fletching.
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16-Jun-2010 19:06:23
<br/>Last edited on 17-Jun-2010 01:47:38 by Elemental086
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2020-11-20 15:58:06 +01:00
WOODCUT <br> <br>Woodcut is basically like Mining in the sense that you train it for other skills (Firemaking and Fletching). After you do whatever Firemaking you need to do, just cut whatever trees you need in order to fulfill your Fletching needs. Maple is probably the highest you should go for longterm training, but you may need to make some Yew or Magic bows for whatever reason. <br> <br>Tree Levels and Locations <br>Oak - 15: Gnome Stronghold has 3 Oak Trees right next to the bank and very close together. Seer's Village also has 2 Oak Trees right outside the bank. <br> <br>Willow - 30: Haven't found these yet <img class="sm5" alt="O_o" title="O_o" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> but I assume in Seer's Village. <br> <br>Maple - 45: Behind Seer's bank. <br> <br>Yew - 60: A little bit Southwest of Seer's bank, in the church area. <br> <br>Magic - 75: A little bit farther southwest of Seer's bank.
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16-Jun-2010 19:06:24
<br/>Last edited on 17-Jun-2010 03:46:50 by Elemental086
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2020-11-20 15:58:06 +01:00
FISHING and COOKING <br> <br>Fishing and Cooking fit together like that. And 'that' is pretty damn good <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />. <br> <br>For your initial cooking, cook some of the beef you get from killing cows early on in your combat career. Otherwise, you'll be cooking the fish you catch. Fishing stores in Port Sarim and Catherby should supply all your Fishing needs. <br> <br>For cooking your fish, you can either fish it all raw first, then cook it all at once at Draynor. There are two different trees you can use right outside the bank. In Catherby you can cook the fish on the range right above the bank or bank right away and cook later. The same applies for the Fishing Guild. <br> <br>From 1-5, Net Fish shrimp at Draynor. Cook it outside the bank. You can bank it and save it for your cat. From 5-20 bait fish either at Draynor or Catherby. From 20-50+ (possibly even 70+ to make lobsters that much faster), lure fish with a fly fishing rod and feathers on the river south of Edgeville, and bank there. Your next step will be lobsters at Catherby with a lobster pot until 68, when you can enter the fishing guild and one-click lobsters <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />. Harpooning tuna and swordfish is another viable option, but you may want to wait until you have a good chance of not burning the swordfish when you cook them. On that topic, you can get Cooking Gauntlets from the Family Crest quest. It requires 59 Magig and 40 Smithing/Mining/Crafting. Try and do that before you start any longterm Fishing and Cooking. <br>Only harpoon sharks for your own combat needs or if you need money, otherwise lobsters would be the best overall experience. <br> <br>An additional note: If you have Avantoe herbs lying around and have the herblaw level (50) to make Fishing potions, make them and use them while fishing, since you probably won't be able to sell them, and fishing potions are the only potion you can make with that herb.
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