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<a href="../kbase/guid/rules_of_conduct.html?guid=rules_of_conduct">Rules of FunOrb</a> &gt; Multiple logging-in
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<div id="jagexRule">
<div style="font-weight:bold;" class="effectivedate">Effective date: 12th May 2009</div>
You may create more than one account, but if you do, you may not log in more than one account at any time, and they must not interact with each other in any way. This includes 'drop trading' or any other method of item transfer.
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<b>Related Questions</b><br>
Below are some related questions which may help you to further understand and follow this rule.<br>
<div class="faqsList">
<li><a href="#why">Why do we have this rule? </a>
<li><a href="#party">Can I use third-party software to log into an account for me while I am logging into another (so that I personally am only using one account)?</a>
<li><a href="#two">I have two accounts. Can my friend play one so I can trade between the characters? </a>
<li><a href="#another">Can I give items to another player from one of my accounts, so that they can then give the items to another character that I play? </a>
<li><a href="#brother">Is it all right if I trade items in-game with someone I share a house with? </a>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="why"></a>
<span class="title">1. Why do we have this rule? </span><br><br>
2020-11-24 18:27:36 +01:00
We have this rule to maintain a fair gaming experience. We don<6F>t want our games to become games where everyone feels they need to use multiple accounts at once just to compete! It<49>s much better to team up with your friends.
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<a name="party"></a>
<span class="title">2. Can I use third-party software to log into an account for me while I am logging into another (so that I personally am only using one account)?</span><br><br>
No, you may not use third-party software to gain an unfair advantage - see macroing and use of bots or third-party software.
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<a name="two"></a>
<span class="title">3. I have two accounts. Can my friend play one so I can trade between the characters? </span><br><br>
No, this goes against this rule. You are not allowed to trade between two characters owned by one player. You would also be in breach of the Account Sharing/Trading rule.
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<a name="another"></a>
<span class="title">4. Can I give items to another player from one of my accounts, so that they can then give the items to another character that I play? </span><br><br>
No, this goes against the rule. You may not transfer items between your accounts in any way.
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<a name="brother"></a>
<span class="title">5. Is it all right if I trade items in-game with someone I share a house with? </span><br><br>
Yes, this is not going against the Rules of Conduct, providing you are both playing from two separate accounts created by each of you.
<p><i>To keep FunOrb enjoyable for everyone, please observe and follow our rules. We will not tolerate disruptive players, and if you break our rules your account is likely to be banned or muted. Members who are banned or muted for breaking our rules are not entitled to any sort of refund.</i></p>
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