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Free-to-play Quest Changes
Jagex Mod

24-Jun-2010 17:58:17
Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 17:58:38 by Mod�Johan
The Swept Away and Myths of the White Lands quests have been made permanently free-to-play! These two quests were created, respectively, to go alongside the Halloween 2008 and Christmas 2008 holiday events, and were available to free-players during the two weeks of the event, before becoming members-only quests. Any free-players who missed out on the opportunity to play these quests before can now do so at their leisure.

These two quests have been made permanently free-to-play to replace Sheep Shearer and Witch�s Potion, which are now no longer classified as quests for anyone, as we no longer feel they�re up to the standard of other quests. Although Sheep Shearer and Witch�s Potion no longer appear in the Quest List, adventurers can still undertake them for their experience and item rewards (by talking to Fred the farmer in Lumbridge or Hetty the witch in Rimmington).

Myths of the White Lands and Swept Away will each award either 1 or 2 Quest Points, depending on your progress through Sheep Shearer and Witch�s potion before the update. No one will lose any Quest Points due to this change.

Mod Mark
RuneScape Lead Designer

Feel free to translate to Norwegian if you'd like! :)

Mod Johan
Facebook - RuneFest 2010
(Mod Sommerz is currently on holidays, so I'll be your friendly neighborhood J-Mod for now. :))

25-Jun-2010 19:38:43
Swept Away og Myths of the White Lands oppdrag har blitt gjort permanent free-to-play! Disse to oppdragene ble skapt til � g� sammen med Halloween 2008 og julen 2008 ferie begivenheter, og var tilgjengelig for gratis-spillere i l�pet av de to ukene av oppdateringen, f�r de ble kun for medlemmer. Eventuelle gratis-spillere som gikk glipp av muligheten til � spille disse oppdragene, kan n� gj�re disse oppdragene n�r som helst.

Disse to oppdragene er gjort permanent free-to-play for � erstatte Sheep Shearer og Witch's Potion, som n� ikke lenger er klassifisert som oppdrag for noen, n� som vi ikke lenger f�ler de er opp til standarden p� andre oppdrag. Selv om Sheep Shearer og Witch's Potion ikke lenger vises i Quest List, kan eventyrere fremdeles p�ta dem for erafting (experience) og bel�nning (ved � snakke med Fred the farmer i Lumbridge eller Hetty the witch i Rimmington).

Myths of the White Lands og Swept Away vil begge bli premiert med enten 1 eller 2 Quest Points, avhengig av utviklingen gjennom Sheep Shearer og Witch's potion f�r oppdateringen. Ingen vil miste noen Quest Points p� grunn av denne endringen.

Mod Mark
RuneScape Lead Designer

05-Jul-2010 22:17:59
Jeg har enda ikke gjort Myths Of The White Lands :|

Da er det virkelig p� tide :P

13-Jul-2010 12:20:50
Bra F2p spillerne f�r muligheten til � gj�re questet synes jeg:P De har ikke altfor mange quest heller.
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