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You've followed a link we didn't code yet! Head back to the Main Page.

One day a developer came along and gave us this website then disappeared into the mist.

Another developer came and cleaned it up, making the website functional and navigationable for the 2009 emulation's purposes - but links are missing and broken all over the place!

So where does that leave us (and you?) - Well, if you're just here to play the game, head to our main page and hop on! If you want to help fix our little problem, read on!

We actually have all the pages, they just need their links fixed. If you're a developer and want to help fix this, clone our website repository from GitHub and open title.html - you'll notice something a little special, but more importantly, you'll notice all the links work ;). We need your help making index.html link to all the right places!

Red Bracket
2009scape Content Developer