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Poll Results

Which of the following is your favourite city/area? (Part 2) (12-Jul-2006)

Please select your chosen area/city from the list below. Please note that this is not a repitition of an earlier Poll, the cities/areas listed here differ from the previous poll.

Total Number of Votes: 80615

Question 1 - 
Which of the following is your favourite city/area? (Part 2)
Catherby 30% (23865 votes)
Karamja 11% (8795 votes)
Draynor Village 10% (8423 votes)
Gnome Stronghold 10% (7931 votes)
Taverley Dungeon 10% (7835 votes)
Canifis 7% (5997 votes)
Elflands 7% (5525 votes)
Zanaris 6% (5216 votes)
Yanille 6% (5211 votes)
Burthorpe/Troll area 2% (1817 votes)