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What did you like most about the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest? (24-Oct-2006)

Total Number of Votes: 44554

Question 1 - 
What did you like most about the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest?
I have not played Death to the Dorgeshuun. 32% (14145 votes)
The stealth puzzle in the HAM caves. 16% (6996 votes)
The new bone crossbow and dagger attacks. 13% (5906 votes)
The Ranging and Thieving rewards. 12% (5229 votes)
The storyline and plot twists (e.g. HAM's secret plan) 11% (4848 votes)
Introducing Zanik to the areas of Lumbridge. 7% (3248 votes)
The character of Zanik the Dorgeshuun. 5% (2304 votes)
Learning more about the Dorgeshuun. 4% (1878 votes)