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Poll Results

The Poll Poll (16-Jun-2008)

We want to make sure that the polls are as good as they can possibly be. We would like to know your opinions on the polls, and what you would like to see in the future.

Total Number of Votes: 132506

Question 1 - 
How often do you vote in the polls?
I vote in most polls 29% (38740 votes)
I sometimes vote in the polls 26% (34996 votes)
I vote in every poll 19% (25613 votes)
I rarely vote in the polls 13% (16868 votes)
This is the first time that I have voted in a poll 12% (16289 votes)
Question 2 - 
Which of the following polls do you enjoy? (Please click all that apply)
Polls about in-game content 71% (93417 votes)
'What would you do?' polls 37% (49033 votes)
Polls about you and your interests 36% (47537 votes)
Player-submitted polls 36% (47536 votes)
Questions from RuneScape characters 26% (34942 votes)
Quizzes 26% (33967 votes)
Other 22% (29392 votes)
Polls about website features (Knowledge Base, forums, etc.) 18% (23969 votes)
Customer Support polls (Rules of Conduct, account security, appeals, etc.) 15% (19644 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 3 - 
Which of the following would you like to see a Guaranteed Content poll about? (Please click all that apply)
Updates to existing skills 58% (76441 votes)
New locations 53% (69587 votes)
Holiday events 48% (63179 votes)
Minigames 42% (55994 votes)
Graphical improvements 40% (52759 votes)
Quests 39% (52236 votes)
Guilds 35% (47016 votes)
Pets 29% (38566 votes)
Summoning familiars 25% (32743 votes)
Achievement diaries 23% (30799 votes)
Lores and Histories 11% (14435 votes)
I would not like to see any of the above options 4% (4918 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.