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Looking good! (11-Feb-2008)

Mention ruffles, frock coats or pantaloons to the Poll Orks and they will probably look at you blankly - before throwing something at you. So let's ignore them for a bit: we want to know what you wear and why.

This will help us to understand what kinds of clothes you like receiving, as well as which ones you actually use.

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 106166

Question 1 - 
Which of these statements best describes what you wear in-game, when you are not in combat or raising your skills?
I wear armour that makes me look tough and powerful 24% (25009 votes)
I don't really care what my character is wearing 15% (16195 votes)
I wear an outfit that shows off my achievements 14% (14399 votes)
I wear the most attractive outfit I can get my hands on 11% (12052 votes)
I wear the most expensive outfit I can get my hands on 10% (10567 votes)
I wear something fun 8% (8850 votes)
I wear something functional 8% (8001 votes)
I wear something that shows which clan/god I am affiliated with 5% (5312 votes)
I wear something unusual 5% (5035 votes)
I wear the most recent outfit to be released 1% (746 votes)
Question 2 - 
How important is looking good in RuneScape to you?
Important 30% (32243 votes)
Very important, I have to be wearing something cool at all times! 28% (29989 votes)
Not very important 27% (28574 votes)
Not important at all - who cares what I look like? 14% (15360 votes)
Question 3 - 
How many times have you changed your character's look at the Makeover Mage?
Once or twice 49% (51636 votes)
I have never changed my character's look at the Makeover Mage 24% (25392 votes)
Several times 15% (16381 votes)
More times than I can remember 7% (7916 votes)
I don't know 5% (4841 votes)