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Poll Results

How Do You Play Yours? (20-Apr-2010)

This week's poll is a rather interesting topic suggested by "Valandil1588".

RuneScape is a vast and varied game. For every player, there's a different way of playing! With that in mind, this week's poll examines your playing habits. What constitutes a typical playing session for you? Are you a creature of habit? Do you play in quick bursts, or pull big skilling sessions? Maybe you've just never thought about it before. Tell us - how do you play yours?

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 33127

Question 1 - 
What's the first thing you do when you log into RuneScape?
I don't have a plan - it's totally random! 29% (9444 votes)
I check my Friends List and chat to friends 23% (7686 votes)
I check my Stats and get on with training 16% (5300 votes)
I join my usual Clan Channel and chat to people there 12% (3883 votes)
I go to the Grand Exchange to check my offers and/or sell stuff 10% (3155 votes)
I check my bank and/or sort out my inventory 5% (1723 votes)
Other 4% (1185 votes)
I don't know 1% (337 votes)
I check my Quest Log and get on with questing 1% (329 votes)
I check my Achievement Diary and crack on with the tasks 0% (85 votes)
Question 2 - 
On average, what do you find yourself doing most when you're logged into RuneScape?
Working on Skills 59% (19533 votes)
Who can say? I like to mix things up! 19% (6222 votes)
Chatting with friends 8% (2529 votes)
Completing Quests 4% (1369 votes)
Dangerous PvP on my own/with a few friends 3% (871 votes)
Playing RuneScape Activities (previously known as "Minigames") 3% (849 votes)
Other 2% (643 votes)
I don't know 1% (253 votes)
Safe PvP on my own/with a few friends 1% (186 votes)
Role-Playing 1% (182 votes)
Participating in/hosting Player Events 0% (161 votes)
Clan-based dangerous PvP 0% (120 votes)
Running "Creative Gameplay" initiatives (Hotels, Taxi services, Restaurants, Corporations etc.) 0% (109 votes)
Clan-based safe PvP 0% (100 votes)
Question 3 - 
How long have you been playing RuneScape?
Between four years and five years 21% (6972 votes)
Between five years and six years 20% (6514 votes)
Between three years and four years 18% (5958 votes)
More than six years 16% (5363 votes)
Between two years and three years 13% (4288 votes)
Between a year and two years 6% (2089 votes)
I don't remember 2% (776 votes)
Between six months and a year 2% (545 votes)
Between three months and six months 1% (216 votes)
I don't know 0% (162 votes)
Between a month and three months 0% (147 votes)
Between a week and a month 0% (59 votes)
Under a week! 0% (38 votes)
Question 4 - 
How long do you play in a typical day?
Between two hours and four hours 30% (9953 votes)
Between an hour and two hours 24% (8061 votes)
Between four hours and six hours 15% (4956 votes)
More than six hours 12% (3929 votes)
Between 30 and and an hour 9% (3068 votes)
I don't know 6% (1832 votes)
Between 10 and 30 minutes 3% (945 votes)
Under 10 minutes 1% (383 votes)