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Poll Results

Technically accurate? (25-Jun-2007)

In this week's poll, we would like to know what kind of computer you play on.

With a better idea of how you experience RuneScape, we can understand the sheer variety of computers, technical capabilities and screen sizes that are used in our community.

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 143300

Question 1 - 
What aspect-ratio is your monitor?
I don't know 39% (56199 votes)
4:3 (regular) 37% (53529 votes)
16:9 (Widescreen) 23% (33572 votes)
Question 2 - 
What resolution is your monitor?
I don't know 43% (61183 votes)
1024x768 20% (28851 votes)
800x600 12% (16828 votes)
1280x1024 7% (9455 votes)
1680x1050 5% (7458 votes)
1280x800 3% (4806 votes)
1152x864 3% (3915 votes)
Other 3% (3870 votes)
1280x768 2% (3344 votes)
1440x900 1% (1950 votes)
1400x1050 1% (1640 votes)
Question 3 - 
How old is your computer?
Between 1-2 years old 27% (39393 votes)
Less than 1 year old 26% (36906 votes)
Between 2-3 years old 19% (26846 votes)
More than 4 years old 12% (16720 votes)
Between 3-4 years old 10% (13740 votes)
I don't know 7% (9695 votes)
Question 4 - 
How fast is your computer?
I don't know 40% (57457 votes)
Over 2Ghz 22% (30896 votes)
1.1Ghz - 2Ghz 18% (25847 votes)
501Mhz - 1Ghz 14% (19679 votes)
500Mhz or less 7% (9421 votes)
Question 5 - 
How much memory does your computer have?
I don't know 33% (47110 votes)
Over 2GB 26% (37698 votes)
513MB - 1GB 11% (16353 votes)
1.1GB - 2GB 11% (15628 votes)
257MB - 512MB 10% (14685 votes)
129MB - 256MB 5% (7686 votes)
128MB or less 3% (4140 votes)
Question 6 - 
What type of internet connection do you use?
Broadband 70% (99619 votes)
I don't know 20% (27998 votes)
Dial-up 11% (15683 votes)
Question 7 - 
Which description best suits how you play RuneScape?
I play on a desktop computer at home 79% (113682 votes)
I play on a laptop computer at home 17% (24862 votes)
Other 2% (2652 votes)
I play at another public space 1% (874 votes)
I play at school 1% (729 votes)
I play at work 0% (501 votes)