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Poll Results

Player-submitted polls! (11-Jun-2007)

Welcome to the second Player-submitted Poll week. As before, we have chosen our favourite questions from the past month and put them together in a poll for you to get your fangs into.

This month we have included some of the more popular questions that have been asked since we started up the polls...

Please take your time and vote carefully.

When sending your poll suggestions to us, don't forget to put your character name in the email so that we can give you the credit you deserve! We also reserve the right to change your poll, although we will try to leave them as close to your original as possible.

Total Number of Votes: 101259

Question 1 - 
What is your favourite full barrows set? - Anih2, Lich Nazule
Dharoks 23% (23712 votes)
Guthans 21% (21475 votes)
I do not have a favourite 20% (20700 votes)
Veracs 15% (15596 votes)
Ahrims 9% (8680 votes)
Torags 8% (7671 votes)
Karils 3% (3425 votes)
Question 2 - 
Which of the spellbooks do you use most often? - Freakindon
Modern Magic (standard spellbook) 69% (70002 votes)
Ancient Magicks 17% (16809 votes)
I do not use Magic 11% (10973 votes)
Lunar Magic 3% (3475 votes)
Question 3 - 
Which of these combat skills would you most like updated? - Happy_Tree1
Prayer 22% (22639 votes)
Magic 18% (17725 votes)
Strength 16% (16146 votes)
Attack 12% (12147 votes)
Ranged 11% (10760 votes)
Hitpoints 10% (10141 votes)
Defence 7% (6827 votes)
They are all fine as they are 5% (4874 votes)
Question 4 - 
Which of these shops or stores would you like more of in RuneScape? - Dominator046
Magic shop 18% (18338 votes)
Herbalist shop 11% (11263 votes)
Hunter store 8% (7923 votes)
Archery shop 5% (5337 votes)
General store 5% (4575 votes)
Scimitar shop 4% (4082 votes)
Platebody shop 4% (3989 votes)
Tannery 4% (3966 votes)
Mining shop 4% (3758 votes)
Amulet shop 4% (3729 votes)
Sword shop 3% (3528 votes)
Clothes shop 3% (3354 votes)
Makeover mage 3% (3323 votes)
Gem shop 3% (2764 votes)
Shield shop 3% (2733 votes)
Staff shop 2% (2046 votes)
Axe shop 2% (1839 votes)
Food shop 2% (1820 votes)
Apothecary 2% (1588 votes)
Farming shop 1% (1419 votes)
Crafting shop 1% (1270 votes)
Cookery shop 1% (1214 votes)
Jewellery shop 1% (1189 votes)
Fishing shop 1% (1148 votes)
Helmet shop 1% (969 votes)
Vegetable store 1% (644 votes)
Platelegs shop 1% (635 votes)
Kebab shop 1% (520 votes)
Chainmail shop 0% (466 votes)
Skirt shop 0% (303 votes)
Candle shop 0% (297 votes)
Fur trader 0% (295 votes)
Silk shop 0% (275 votes)
Mace shop 0% (262 votes)
Silver shop 0% (245 votes)
Spice shop 0% (153 votes)