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Player-Submitted Polls #13 (15-Sep-2008)

The Poll Orks have chosen some questions that will really get you thinking for this Player-Submitted Poll. There may be some logic connecting these questions, but we haven't spotted it yet!

Total Number of Votes: 58743

Question 1 - 
If a big army of dragons, demons and dagannoths appears out of nowhere and attacks you, what would you do? -Arf 2004
I'll run to the bank to get my weapon, armour and food, before returning to fight them 31% (18395 votes)
RUN AWAY!!!!! 24% (14196 votes)
I'll fight them straight away, but I'll stop when I have low HP 21% (12203 votes)
Fight to the death! 18% (10525 votes)
Other 6% (3424 votes)
Question 2 - 
What is your relationship to your RuneScape character? - Netsch
I am my character 39% (22733 votes)
My character is just something I control 31% (18103 votes)
My character is who I would like to be 17% (9826 votes)
My character is my friend 8% (4840 votes)
Other 6% (3241 votes)
Question 3 - 
When it comes to weapons and armour, do you care more about stats or style? - battle955
Stats 63% (37191 votes)
Style 31% (18377 votes)
Neither 5% (3175 votes)
Question 4 - 
If one day you logged in to find two new cities in RuneScape, one for fighting and the other for trading, which one would you go to first? - Anon
Fighting city 54% (31620 votes)
Trading city 41% (24214 votes)
Neither 5% (2909 votes)