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PvP Combat Minigames (14-Apr-2008)

This is your opportunity to let us know what PvP combat minigames we should be developing. Over the course of the year, PvP combat minigames will be one of our main focuses, so your votes will really matter!

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 128743

Question 1 - 
The following questions are about combat minigames. Do you prefer safe or dangerous combat minigames?
Dangerous (a risk of dying. I may lose the items I am carrying) 45% (58271 votes)
Safe (no risk of dying. I will not lose the items I am carrying) 45% (58081 votes)
I have no preference 6% (8068 votes)
I do not like combat minigames 3% (4323 votes)
Question 2 - 
Do you prefer single-way or multi-way combat minigames?
A minigame where both single-way and multi-way combat is possible 45% (58332 votes)
Single-way combat minigames (only two people fight against each other at any one time) 28% (35475 votes)
Multi-way combat minigames (many people fight against each other at any one time) 21% (27296 votes)
I have no preference 3% (4202 votes)
I do not like combat minigames 3% (3438 votes)
Question 3 - 
Which of the following types of combat minigame do you prefer?
One player against another player 32% (41382 votes)
A team of players against another team of players 29% (36995 votes)
Several teams of players against each other 18% (23371 votes)
Several solo players against each other 12% (15498 votes)
I have no preference 6% (7879 votes)
I do not like combat minigames 3% (3618 votes)
Question 4 - 
Do you prefer to fight as an individual or fight as a team in combat minigames?
Fight as a team 51% (65413 votes)
Fight as an individual 40% (51859 votes)
I have no preference 6% (8312 votes)
I do not like combat minigames 2% (3159 votes)
Question 5 - 
When fighting in a team combat minigame, do you prefer to be randomly given a side, or do you prefer to choose your team beforehand?
Decide on a team beforehand 68% (87593 votes)
Randomly given a side 22% (27696 votes)
I have no preference 7% (8914 votes)
I do not like combat minigames 4% (4540 votes)
Question 6 - 
How important is a Highscores table for a combat PvP minigame?
Not particularly important 30% (38101 votes)
Not important 29% (36698 votes)
Important 20% (25985 votes)
Quite important 13% (16877 votes)
I have no preference 6% (8260 votes)
I do not like combat minigames 2% (2822 votes)
Question 7 - 
When you're fighting other players in combat minigames, which of the following do you like?
Big empty spaces with no obstacles 41% (52915 votes)
Obstacles that block Ranged attacks 28% (35730 votes)
Obstacles that do not block Ranged attacks and cannot be walked over 21% (27155 votes)
I have no preference 7% (9444 votes)
I do not like combat minigames 3% (3499 votes)