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What would you do #3 (06-Aug-2007)

This week sees the third of the 'What would you do?' polls. These polls require you to take a step back and imagine what you would do in certain situations.

Total Number of Votes: 104164

Question 1 - 
How many PMs do you send, on average, per session?
21+ 48% (50339 votes)
I don't know 22% (22445 votes)
11-20 13% (13121 votes)
1-10 12% (12588 votes)
None at all 5% (5671 votes)
Question 2 - 
You buy a jacket from a shop, whose proceeds go to charity. On the way home you notice there is some money in the pockets. Do you?
Give the money to charity, or return the money to the charity store 54% (56303 votes)
Spend the money 46% (47861 votes)
Question 3 - 
When playing a multiplayer game, whether that is in RuneScape or not, do you tend to...?
Work with others towards a common goal 49% (50829 votes)
Work with others against another team, trying to win before they do 25% (25831 votes)
Work against everyone else, trying to reach a goal before they do 16% (17048 votes)
Play without any real goal, aiming to disrupt others 7% (7026 votes)
I do not play multiplayer games 3% (3430 votes)
Question 4 - 
You are Woodcutting in a quiet area, when a player approaches you. He is very close to death, poisoned, wears basic leather gear and has a Combat level of 95. He claims he has no money on him and you are carrying some antipoison that you were going to throw away to make room for more logs. Do you?
Hand over the anti-poison and think no more of it. Helping them was reward enough 58% (60630 votes)
Wait until they die and grab their stuff. If it�s useless, hang around until they return and then give it them back. 25% (26182 votes)
Hand over the anti-poison and hang around, hoping for a reward. 11% (11879 votes)
None of the above 5% (5473 votes)
Question 5 - 
Which of these statements most applies to you?
I do not raise my stats to be the best at anything 37% (38913 votes)
I raise my stats to be the best amongst my friends 31% (32142 votes)
I raise my stats to be the best in RuneScape 14% (15040 votes)
I raise my stats to be the best in my skill 14% (14092 votes)
I raise my stats to be the best in my clan 4% (3977 votes)