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Social Networking (04-Feb-2009)

Keeping in touch with your favourite people has never been easier, and we would like to know which social networking sites you like to use, and how often you visit them. We would also like to find out more about the homepages you use.

Your responses will help us learn more about you, and how you stay in touch with people, as well as how you find out what's going on in the world.

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 70631

Question 1 - 
Which of the following social networking sites do you use?
I do not use any social networking sites 36% (25372 votes)
MySpace 27% (19278 votes)
Facebook 25% (17895 votes)
Other 10% (7092 votes)
Bebo 6% (4324 votes)
Windows Live Spaces 6% (3906 votes)
Hyves 2% (1465 votes)
Hi5 1% (913 votes)
Netlog 1% (901 votes)
Twitter 1% (701 votes)
Tagged 1% (673 votes)
Blog 1% (572 votes)
Orkut 1% (508 votes)
Classmates 1% (450 votes)
LiveJournal 1% (427 votes)
Xanga 1% (374 votes)
Friends Reunited 0% (296 votes)
Fotolog 0% (209 votes)
BlackPlanet 0% (181 votes)
Badoo 0% (166 votes)
Reunion 0% (161 votes)
Skyrock 0% (161 votes)
V Kontakte 0% (153 votes)
Odnoklassniki 0% (150 votes)
Sonico 0% (146 votes)
Xiaonei 0% (124 votes)
Trombi 0% (122 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 2 - 
How frequently do you visit your favourite social networking site(s)?
I do not use social networking sites 34% (24139 votes)
Daily 24% (17204 votes)
Weekly 15% (10294 votes)
Several times a day 14% (10168 votes)
Rarely 8% (5805 votes)
Monthly 3% (2242 votes)
Never 1% (779 votes)
Question 3 - 
How frequently do you update your social networking profile(s)?
I do not use social networking sites 35% (24368 votes)
Rarely 20% (13933 votes)
Weekly 19% (13185 votes)
Monthly 11% (8022 votes)
Daily 10% (6713 votes)
Never 3% (2212 votes)
Several times a day 3% (2198 votes)
Question 4 - 
Which of the following do you use for the homepage on your computer?
Search engine (e.g. Google, Yahoo, etc.) 27% (18904 votes)
Default homepage for my browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.) 26% (18169 votes) 18% (12992 votes)
Other 11% (7800 votes)
A personalised homepage (e.g. iGoogle,,, etc.) 6% (4207 votes)
News website (e.g. BBC news, CNN, etc.) 5% (3666 votes)
Social networking site (e.g. Facebook, MySpace, etc.) 3% (1871 votes)
I don't know what a homepage is 2% (1471 votes)
A games portal 2% (1066 votes)
RuneScape fansite 1% (485 votes)
Question 5 - 
Do you keep a blog (online journal)?
No 80% (56597 votes)
Yes 11% (8027 votes)
I do not know what a blog is 9% (6007 votes)
Question 6 - 
How frequently do you update your blog(s)?
I do not have a blog 74% (52192 votes)
I do not know what a blog is 8% (5462 votes)
Rarely 5% (3713 votes)
Weekly 4% (3031 votes)
Never 3% (2118 votes)
Monthly 3% (1812 votes)
Daily 2% (1619 votes)
Several times a day 1% (684 votes)
Question 7 - 
Do you subscribe to any RSS news feeds?
No 49% (34534 votes)
I do not know what RSS news feeds are 41% (28809 votes)
Yes 10% (7288 votes)