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What would you do? #5 (13-Oct-2008)

Due to popular demand, we have decided to bring back the 'What would you do?' polls. This time around we would like to know what you would do if something magical happened to you!

Total Number of Votes: 76093

Question 1 - 
While playing RuneScape one day, you are suddenly transported into the game. You find yourself on a deserted tropical island, not unlike Karamja, but instead of computer-generated pixels, everything around you seems very real indeed. The only resources that you have access to are some logs, a knife and a small mirror. Which of the following options would you use the resources for?
Use the knife with the logs to whittle a sharp weapon, and then stealthily approach a local merchant, using the mirror to see around corners, so that you can force the merchant to give you food 39% (29579 votes)
Make a device for signalling passing ships by using the knife on the logs to make a stand for the mirror 36% (27316 votes)
Use the knife with the logs to make a snare, and then use the mirror as a tool for dazzling kebbits before capturing them 25% (19198 votes)
Question 2 - 
You are rescued from the island by some friendly pirates. They give you a choice: be taken to the nearest port immediately, to explore all that the area has to offer, or spend four months travelling through dangerous seas with the pirates before returning with them. What would you choose?
Join the pirates on their adventures and then return with them later 51% (38522 votes)
Be taken to the nearest port straight away and start exploring 49% (37571 votes)
Question 3 - 
Once you're back on dry land, you visit a wizard that can transport you back to reality. Before you leave, he offers you the chance to take one aspect of the Magic skill with you. Which of these would you choose?
Teleports - It's cheap, environmentally friendly, and instant 43% (33095 votes)
High alchemy - Free money ftw! 30% (23105 votes)
Healing - Who needs medical professionals? 21% (15617 votes)
Telegrab - Why search for the remote? 6% (4276 votes)
Question 4 - 
Upon your arrival back in reality, you discover a magic tree seed in your pocket. What would you do with it?
Plant it in your garden and have your very own magic tree 60% (45501 votes)
Donate it so that scientists can find a way to grow magic trees all over the world 29% (21734 votes)
Plant it in a public park so that you can share it with everyone 12% (8858 votes)