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Poll Results

Player-submitted poll #12 (06-May-2008)

Another month brings another player-submitted poll! The Poll Orks have had difficulty finding a link between all these poll questions. Then again, they have difficulty finding their way out of their own homes.

Total Number of Votes: 103679

Question 1 - 
Is RuneScape your internet homepage? - Johnafro1
No 74% (76588 votes)
Yes 22% (22747 votes)
I don't know 4% (4344 votes)
Question 2 - 
What is the main reason that you chose your RuneScape character name? - thomasn_nic
Other 22% (22723 votes)
It is a name that I use in lots of games 19% (19529 votes)
I just randomly chose it 16% (16888 votes)
It is my nickname 10% (9950 votes)
It was a name that wasn't taken 8% (8376 votes)
I thought it was funny 7% (7766 votes)
It is my name 7% (6797 votes)
It is one of my favourite things 6% (6503 votes)
It is the name of one of my favourite characters 4% (4481 votes)
It is the name of my favourite RuneScape player 1% (666 votes)
Question 3 - 
Which NPC in RuneScape do you think makes the most money? - Anon
Brugsen Bursen, owner of the Grand Exchange 27% (27876 votes)
Sawmill operator 18% (19035 votes)
Wise Old Man 18% (18557 votes)
Party Pete 16% (16652 votes)
Pikkupstix 10% (10061 votes)
Other 4% (4524 votes)
Ali Morrisane 2% (2100 votes)
Saniboch, above Brimhaven Dungeon 2% (1677 votes)
Cap'n Izzy no'Beard 1% (870 votes)
Simon Templeton, outside the Agility Pyramid 1% (797 votes)
Hreidmar, leader of the Red Axe 1% (777 votes)
Candle seller, Lumbridge Swamp 1% (753 votes)
Question 4 - 
What is your favourite type of holiday item? - Jinsr44
Fun weapons 28% (28945 votes)
Hats 27% (28509 votes)
Full costumes 24% (24999 votes)
Player-owned house item 7% (7513 votes)
Toys 6% (5893 votes)
Other 4% (3961 votes)
Jewellery 3% (3093 votes)
Food 1% (766 votes)