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First Impressions (20-May-2008)

The Lumbridge Guide is feeling all nostalgic about his early days in RuneScape. This week he wants to know how you felt when you were a brand-new player.

If you have been playing RuneScape for a while, cast your mind back to the first character that you ever created. If you have only just started playing the game, let us know your first impressions.

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 139182

Question 1 - 
How did you feel when you first arrived in Lumbridge? (Please click all that apply)
Excited 53% (73288 votes)
Confused 31% (43067 votes)
Happy 26% (35706 votes)
Nervous 18% (25016 votes)
I don't remember how I felt when I first arrived 18% (24440 votes)
Other 10% (13596 votes)
Scared 6% (8833 votes)
Hungry 5% (6838 votes)
Tired 3% (4840 votes)
Sad 2% (3008 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 2 - 
Did you speak to the Lumbridge tutors?
I started playing RuneScape before the tutors arrived 52% (72827 votes)
Yes, after I had done some exploring 21% (29057 votes)
No, I didn't speak to them at all 17% (23444 votes)
Yes, straight away 7% (10241 votes)
There are tutors in Lumbridge? 3% (3613 votes)
Question 3 - 
What aspect of the game most inspired you to keep on playing RuneScape after those first few hours? (Please click all that apply)
The skills 59% (81547 votes)
The combat 45% (62678 votes)
Player interaction - socialising with existing friends 43% (59238 votes)
The monsters 38% (52609 votes)
The quests 38% (52487 votes)
Player interaction - making new friends 37% (52056 votes)
The monster drops/quest rewards 32% (45185 votes)
Being part of a community 26% (35787 votes)
Other 22% (30731 votes)
The scenery 21% (29035 votes)
The sense of humour 20% (27148 votes)
The storylines 19% (26796 votes)
The minigames 18% (24748 votes)
None of the above 4% (5960 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 4 - 
What were your first impressions of Lumbridge Castle?
A huge building that was just begging to be explored 29% (40387 votes)
A rather unimpressive fortress 20% (27153 votes)
None of the above 17% (23154 votes)
A structure that needs to be visited in order to get to the bank 16% (22081 votes)
A majestic, opulent abode for some lucky monarch 10% (13551 votes)
A fancy house that could do with a lick of paint 6% (8513 votes)
A frightening place full of rats and odd people 3% (4343 votes)