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Social Networking #2 (08-Apr-2009)

Social networking is a fast-growing phenomenon, and we would like to know more about how it affects your life and interests. From Facebook to blogs, we're interested in the things that interest you.

Your responses will help us learn more about you, and the communities that you are involved with, as well as how you find out what's going on in the world of technology and gaming.

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 80099

Question 1 - 
We recently created official Jagex accounts on Twitter, Facebook and LiveJournal. Have you visited any of them?
No, I have not visited any of them 47% (37749 votes)
I do not know what they are 21% (17022 votes)
No, but I plan to visit one or more of them in the future 16% (13131 votes)
Yes, I have visited one or more of them 9% (7123 votes)
Other 3% (2553 votes)
Yes, and I check one or more of them regularly 3% (2521 votes)
Question 2 - 
If you saw a Jagex-related program, such as the RuneScape downloadable client, on a social networking site, would you check one of our official websites before you used it?
Yes 56% (44846 votes)
I don't know 14% (11431 votes)
I would not consider using a Jagex-related program 12% (9441 votes)
No 9% (7501 votes)
Sometimes 9% (6880 votes)
Question 3 - 
Do you use RuneScape or Jagex imagery in your non-Jagex related forums or social networking pages?
No 45% (35988 votes)
I do not use any non-Jagex related forums or social networking pages 17% (13990 votes)
Sometimes 13% (10763 votes)
I don't know 9% (7584 votes)
Yes 8% (6302 votes)
No, but I would do if more imagery were available 7% (5472 votes)
Question 4 - 
Do you post about your RuneScape achievements and/or adventures on a fansite forum, your blog, or your social networking pages?
No 47% (37254 votes)
I do not use any fansite forums, blogs or social networking pages 18% (14233 votes)
Sometimes 14% (11167 votes)
Yes 12% (9269 votes)
No, but I would consider it in the future 8% (6636 votes)
I don't know 2% (1540 votes)
Question 5 - 
Which of the following games/technology-related websites/forums have you visited? Please click all that apply.
I have not visited any of these websites 49% (38965 votes) 29% (23187 votes) 24% (19112 votes) 22% (17431 votes) 15% (12280 votes) 12% (9232 votes) 10% (8055 votes) 6% (4933 votes) 4% (3275 votes) 3% (2707 votes) 3% (2661 votes) 3% (2078 votes) 2% (1797 votes) 2% (1750 votes) 2% (1745 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.