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Poll Results

Player-submitted polls! (16-Apr-2007)

Welcome to the first of the Player-submitted Poll Weeks! The questions you see below have been handpicked from all the suggestions you have sent us, and it wasn't easy to choose from them all. We are as eager as you are to find out the final results to these questions!

So, please take your time and vote carefully.

When sending your poll suggestions to us, don't forget to put your character name in the email so that we can give you the credit you deserve! We also reserve the right to change your poll, although we will try to leave them as close to your original as possible.

Total Number of Votes: 78752

Question 1 - 
If you could fight back to any random event, which one would it be? - Yoko711, jason.nan1
Swarm 19% (15239 votes)
Sandwich Lady 17% (13688 votes)
Evil Bob 16% (12787 votes)
Drunken Dwarf 7% (5824 votes)
Drill demon 7% (5213 votes)
Mysterious Old Man 7% (5164 votes)
Frog Prince 6% (4521 votes)
Mime 5% (3737 votes)
Genie 4% (3253 votes)
Gravedigger 3% (2052 votes)
Highwayman 2% (1333 votes)
Freaky Forester 1% (1136 votes)
Prison Pete 1% (1107 votes)
Molly 1% (1014 votes)
Quiz Master 1% (1008 votes)
Beekeeper 1% (611 votes)
Lost Pirate 1% (522 votes)
Certers 0% (390 votes)
Pious Pete 0% (153 votes)
Question 2 - 
Why do you play Castle Wars? Please pick all of those options that apply to you - David9889
For fun 53% (42018 votes)
Something to do when I'm bored 41% (32246 votes)
To gain Combat experience 32% (24955 votes)
To get the Castle Wars armour and show off! 19% (14616 votes)
My friends all play 14% (10898 votes)
To meet new people 12% (9715 votes)
I have never played Castle Wars 10% (7694 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 3 - 
Do you feel obliged to help your fellow gamer? - Slayer Lylax
I regularly help people 37% (29303 votes)
I sometimes offer help to people 31% (24718 votes)
All of the time! I help everyone I can 23% (17943 votes)
I dedicate very little of my time to helping people 5% (3856 votes)
I don't help many people because doing so takes up too much of my gaming time 4% (2932 votes)
Question 4 - 
If you could be one of the following monsters, which one would it be? - mew2121
A Barrows brother 34% (27151 votes)
A dragon 32% (25419 votes)
A TzHaar 13% (10033 votes)
A demon 8% (6594 votes)
A werewolf 4% (3270 votes)
A vampire 4% (3262 votes)
A pig 4% (3023 votes)