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Poll Results

Playing Away (28-Oct-2009)

Have you ever taken a step back and wondered why you play games? What do they offer you? What enjoyment do you get from them? This poll asks those questions and more, in an effort to find out why you came to RuneScape and other games in the first place.

View results for: All | Member | Free

Total Number of Votes: 163845

Question 1 - 
How long have you been playing RuneScape?
3-4 years 22% (35335 votes)
2-3 years 20% (32837 votes)
More than 5 years 19% (31657 votes)
4-5 years 19% (30553 votes)
1-2 years 11% (18022 votes)
9-12 months 3% (4392 votes)
I don't know 2% (4049 votes)
3-6 months 2% (3591 votes)
Under 3 months 2% (3409 votes)
Question 2 - 
How much time do you spend in RuneScape per week, on average?
18+ hours 21% (33745 votes)
0-3 hours 17% (28237 votes)
3-6 hours 15% (25249 votes)
6-9 hours 13% (21747 votes)
9-12 hours 11% (18171 votes)
12-15 hours 9% (13955 votes)
I don't know 8% (13870 votes)
15-18 hours 5% (8871 votes)
Question 3 - 
How much do you spend on online or video games in an average month?
$0-5 / �0-3 / �0-3 40% (65775 votes)
$5-15 / �3-9 / �3-9 33% (54858 votes)
$15-25 / �9-15 / �9-15 11% (17396 votes)
More than $55 / �33 / �33 6% (9454 votes)
$25-35 / �15-21 / �15-21 5% (8599 votes)
$35-45 / �21-27 / �21-27 2% (4027 votes)
$45-55 / �27-33 / �27-33 2% (3736 votes)
Question 4 - 
Where do you play games? (Please choose all that apply)
Home 95% (155645 votes)
Friend's home 27% (43847 votes)
Family member's home 19% (31068 votes)
School 14% (22439 votes)
Other 10% (15654 votes)
Library 9% (14720 votes)
Internet cafe 5% (8248 votes)
Work 4% (6128 votes)
College 3% (5689 votes)
University 2% (3871 votes)
I don't know 1% (1307 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 5 - 
Why do you play RuneScape or other online games? (Please choose all that apply)
Fun 83% (135738 votes)
Feeling of achievement at being good at a game 46% (75821 votes)
Socialising with friends 43% (70731 votes)
Escaping to somewhere different 42% (69447 votes)
Reducing stress 37% (59873 votes)
Distraction 33% (54718 votes)
Meeting new people 32% (52043 votes)
Brain activity/mental challenge 29% (47885 votes)
Other 23% (37138 votes)
Unwinding/helping with sleep 19% (31397 votes)
I don't know 5% (8689 votes)
Frustrating/Annoying other players 5% (8322 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 6 - 
If you have made online friends in RuneScape, how often do you talk to them?
Several times a day 41% (66661 votes)
Every couple of days 21% (34188 votes)
Once a day 11% (17694 votes)
Less frequently than once a month 9% (15309 votes)
I have not made friends in RuneScape 8% (12699 votes)
Once a week 5% (8340 votes)
Once every two weeks 3% (4604 votes)
Once a month 3% (4350 votes)