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What is your favourite way of earning new items added to Runescape? (13-Apr-2005)

Currently the main way of players to gain any new items added to Runescape is by questing for them, however there are other means for these new additions to be added. We here at Jagex want to know what you would prefer to do, to earn new items that are put into Runescape.

Please note that the polls are one of many ways used by Jagex for new additions to Runescape and not every poll used will mean there will be a new release in the game.

Total Number of Votes: 30646

Question 1 - 
What is your favourite way of earning new items added to Runescape?
Monster Drops 24% (7271 votes)
Making the items by skills 23% (7068 votes)
Treasure Trails 21% (6299 votes)
Quests 16% (4850 votes)
Stores 12% (3652 votes)
Mini games 5% (1506 votes)