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Poll Results

Player-submitted poll #6 (23-Oct-2007)

The Poll Orks have been receiving more submissions of late, and are finding it tough to choose the best of them. After some squabbling and a bite or two, the orks have come to a decision and produced the following.

Total Number of Votes: 66425

Question 1 - 
What is your favourite cape emote? - Various
Prayer 16% (10777 votes)
I do not have an opinion on this subject 12% (7982 votes)
Quest Point 12% (7905 votes)
Agility 11% (7439 votes)
Strength 5% (3556 votes)
Hitpoints 5% (3024 votes)
Runecrafting 4% (2891 votes)
Magic 4% (2622 votes)
Ranged 4% (2402 votes)
Construction 3% (2103 votes)
Woodcutting 3% (2099 votes)
Attack 3% (2095 votes)
Firemaking 3% (1986 votes)
Slayer 3% (1730 votes)
Fishing 2% (1179 votes)
Defence 1% (995 votes)
Thieving 1% (995 votes)
Smithing 1% (881 votes)
Cooking 1% (852 votes)
Hunter 1% (796 votes)
Mining 1% (691 votes)
Fletching 1% (566 votes)
Farming 0% (332 votes)
Herblore 0% (289 votes)
Crafting 0% (238 votes)
Question 2 - 
What do you think that the penguins have been up to since the Cold War quest? - 666over777
Training a fleet of sharks and dolphins 25% (16362 votes)
Other 16% (10432 votes)
Building a yellow submarine 14% (9493 votes)
Creating clockwork replacements for the leaders of RuneScape 12% (8086 votes)
Selling clockwork penguin toys to fund their army 12% (7919 votes)
Dressing up as chickens 8% (5283 votes)
Studying sheep anatomy 7% (4354 votes)
Playing cowbells 4% (2382 votes)
Stockpiling cabbage 3% (2114 votes)
Question 3 - 
What in RuneScape makes you the most happy? - Spongeboby55
Getting a great drop from a monster 31% (20753 votes)
Gaining a skill level 21% (13691 votes)
Chatting to, or making, a great friend 17% (11316 votes)
Finishing a long or hard quest 12% (7974 votes)
Killing someone in the Wilderness 11% (7305 votes)
Other 6% (3885 votes)
Winning a minigame 2% (1501 votes)
Question 4 - 
What kind of quests would you like to see more of in the future? - Mcribsandwich
Fighting-based quests, where you hack and slash your way to the reward 41% (27536 votes)
Skill-based quests, where you need the help of your skills to claim the reward 29% (19115 votes)
Puzzle-based quests, where you must solve problems to claim your reward 27% (18031 votes)
I don't play quests 3% (1743 votes)