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Poll Results

King for a Day (27-Oct-2008)

This week we want to put your imagination to the test. We would like you to think about what you would do if you were given the chance to spend a special day doing something out of the ordinary.

Total Number of Votes: 79131

Question 1 - 
If you could be a Summoning familiar for a day, which of these would you like to be?
Titan 38% (30463 votes)
Rune minotaur 13% (10500 votes)
Unicorn stallion 7% (5574 votes)
Hydra 6% (4967 votes)
Arctic bear 6% (4395 votes)
Spirit wolf 5% (3913 votes)
Karamthulhu overlord 5% (3729 votes)
Pyrelord 5% (3692 votes)
Giant ent 4% (3137 votes)
Giant chinchompa 3% (2168 votes)
Evil turnip 3% (2094 votes)
Talon beast 2% (1902 votes)
Macaw 2% (1892 votes)
Spirit cockatrice 1% (705 votes)
Question 2 - 
If you had the option, which of these would you want to be for a day?
Wizard/Witch 34% (27038 votes)
King/Queen 17% (13785 votes)
Rock star 16% (12810 votes)
Professional sportsperson 11% (9079 votes)
Astronaut 6% (4698 votes)
Pilot 5% (3855 votes)
Giant 5% (3676 votes)
Film star 4% (3058 votes)
Pop star 1% (1132 votes)
Question 3 - 
If you had the chance to be a superhero for the day, which of these special powers would you like to have?
Ability to stop time 22% (17478 votes)
Invincibility 11% (8630 votes)
Teleportation 10% (8092 votes)
Telekinesis (ability to move objects using only the power of your mind) 10% (7848 votes)
Flight 9% (7088 votes)
Invisibility 9% (6945 votes)
Omniscience (power to know everything) 8% (6471 votes)
Super strength 6% (4388 votes)
X-ray vision 5% (3574 votes)
Super speed 4% (2958 votes)
Ability to communicate with animals 4% (2933 votes)
Ability to breathe underwater 2% (1264 votes)
Telepathy 1% (985 votes)
Super senses 1% (477 votes)