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Poll Results

Player-submitted poll #8 (10-Dec-2007)

It's been a bumper month for poll submissions; many thanks to those of you who sent the poll orks their ideas. Keep them coming!

This month, you seem curious about what other players are like. Are you sporty? Are you lucky? Find out with this month's Player Submitted Poll.

Total Number of Votes: 89554

Question 1 - 
What do you use the Forums for? (please click all those that apply) - Meldar667
As a marketplace 54% (48268 votes)
To offer suggestions for the game 24% (21585 votes)
To discuss current content 23% (20628 votes)
To rant about the game 20% (18069 votes)
I do not use the Forums 19% (17140 votes)
To discuss future content 19% (17010 votes)
To get help when stuck in-game 18% (16237 votes)
To help others 18% (16097 votes)
To compliment Jagex 14% (12300 votes)
To make new friends or talk to other friends 10% (9144 votes)
To discuss off-topic subjects 10% (8687 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 2 - 
Do you consider yourself to be a lucky person in RuneScape? - Eum3
I don't consider myself lucky or unlucky. So there! 46% (41350 votes)
Nope, I'm never lucky...*sobs* 35% (31217 votes)
Yup, I'm very lucky! 19% (16987 votes)
Question 3 - 
How do you obtain runes? (please click all those that apply) - Soilder_Ryan
I buy or trade for them 68% (60528 votes)
I runecraft them 49% (43856 votes)
Creature drops 49% (43617 votes)
I do not use runes 6% (5150 votes)
I use the Assist System 5% (4150 votes)

Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%.
Question 4 - 
What's your favourite sport? - Sgt. Evans
Soccer/Football 20% (18055 votes)
American football 16% (14236 votes)
Other 13% (11597 votes)
Basketball 9% (8474 votes)
I don't play/practise any sports 8% (7252 votes)
Baseball 7% (5825 votes)
Swimming 5% (4804 votes)
Hockey 5% (4433 votes)
Rugby 4% (3426 votes)
Tennis 4% (3201 votes)
Running 2% (2192 votes)
Boxing 2% (2181 votes)
Golf 2% (1597 votes)
Cricket 1% (1128 votes)
Cheerleading 1% (926 votes)
Netball 0% (227 votes)